For me....
Bicentennial Memorabilia.....
When I was a kid, 1980's, there was an endless supply of souvenirs from 1976 at yard sales, flea markets... and it was all dirt cheap.
I was fascinated by the Revolutionary War, and in school it was all about history, growing up in New England.....
So I thought it was cool to get coins, stamps, etc that had the 1776-1976 motif.... and if it had a depiction of the three guys, the drummer, the flutist, and the old guy carrying the flag, even better!
So now, after 30 years or so, I got maybe a hundred plates, along with buckles, pins, bells, trays, salt and peppers, advertising pieces, hats, cups, glasses, the list goes on...literally over a thousand different things.
Sadly, all put away in storage, because my wife lives in my house too, and there had to be a compromise.
It is rare for me nowadays to find something that I don't already fact, I do have duplicate items, things I bought, but forgot I already had.
But last Sat am I did find this nifty little bank for a dollar at a yard sale....I was so happy.
..... I know, right?