🥇 BANNER FRENCH MILITARY MEDALLION or BUCKLE COVER ??? ......and very cool bottle !!


Bronze Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Nova Scotia
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All Treasure Hunting

Made it out for the day after not getting out for 6 or 7 days.... Cousin ED came along also.

Hit the woods to find some foundations ..... found 5 all together so was happy on that part.Cousin ED was finding bottles and some nice coins/pendants...nice old Brittania 1739.

Th bottle with the Fisherman holding the big codfish is awesome...we are fishermen so of course we love it !!!

Any ideas on his PENDANT with the portrait ??? and the LION,S HEAD ??

The foundations were very trashy so I switched over to DISCRIM mode and sure enough I managed to separate out a cool find !!! .......Picked up this very interesting piece.....the tulip in the middle is the same as the one on NovaScotia 1800s pennies.

But the writing is what I assume to be French ??

Any help on some IDs on our finds would be appreciated.

Top 9 pictures are Cousin EDs.

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Upvote 31
Hey Aqua, if your area is the inside of a cellar hole try clearing as much if the place by hand removing all obvious junk and rocks. then use a sieve and strong magnets to clear the iron pieces. I suggest using a plastic bread tray (like the ones used by delivery trucks) as a sieve so you can use your propointer after you remove the iron.
Let me know if you need help (looks like I am finaly going to get some time off), I have 2 plastic bread trays.

Hey Aqua, if your area is the inside of a cellar hole try clearing as much if the place by hand removing all obvious junk and rocks. then use a sieve and strong magnets to clear the iron pieces. I suggest using a plastic bread tray (like the ones used by delivery trucks) as a sieve so you can use your propointer after you remove the iron.
Let me know if you need help (looks like I am finaly going to get some time off), I have 2 plastic bread trays.

That sounds awesome ZDD. Found the plate on the top edge of the foundation....ony problem is...the foundation has about 2 feet of water in it ....so looks like that will have to wait til late June prolly ..if the rain stays away. Great idea with the bread trays !!

Keep in touch when you get your time off....we will get out to do some hunting !!

ALL METAL is my mode of choice.......but am trying to get used to DISCRIM mode. So I,m a number watcher on the screen.

What do you mean by...don,t register at all ?

If you can here more than one tone than it's more a zero disc. mode than a true all-metal, so that's not a big deal unless the noise is overwhelming. I would guess what you're doing is hearing lots of low tones/grants and listening for the higher tone, and digging those? If that's the case that is fine. If what I wrote doesn't seem to be what you are doing than there might be a better way.

When targets are masked they mess with the numbers, or block the number completely. No one should ever EVER use a digital screen as common procedure for hunting old sites. Just recently I was watching videos on the XP Deus which is without any doubt the faster recovery detector made today and even it can't always display the correct number for hunting around junk, and of course I never expected it to because no detector can.

If you can here more than one tone than it's more a zero disc. mode than a true all-metal, so that's not a big deal unless the noise is overwhelming. I would guess what you're doing is hearing lots of low tones/grants and listening for the higher tone, and digging those? If that's the case that is fine. If what I wrote doesn't seem to be what you are doing than there might be a better way.

When targets are masked they mess with the numbers, or block the number completely. No one should ever EVER use a digital screen as common procedure for hunting old sites. Just recently I was watching videos on the XP Deus which is without any doubt the faster recovery detector made today and even it can't always display the correct number for hunting around junk, and of course I never expected it to because no detector can.

Well... keep in mind that I,m a huge newb when it comes to DISCRIM mode, the F75 is just so noisy in DISCRIM that it slows me dwn badly and just confuses me . It just constantly beeps and I,m always rechecking the beeps to see if it is a 2 way.

So... what I figured out this spring is to lower the power mode from boost to default .... set DISCRIM at 15(the high end for iron) ..... 3H for tones and be sure it is a 2 way signal.

Even then I,m always watching the screen numbers.....I mostly make my decision to dig by the numbers.

Then I stop and think about this winter hunting on the shore...using the CZ 21... there is no numbers and my choice to dig was souly based on the tones...if it was scratchy then it was iron....other than that it was dig every beep. Perhaps that is why I found lots of buttons. On the F75 the buttons are mid 20s to low 30s which I do dig unless I,m pretty sure it is foil.
Kinda makes me wonder if I,m missing lots of stuff with the F75 because I can differentiate targets by numbers.....or so I think !!

Kinda makes me wonder if I,m missing lots of stuff with the F75 because I can differentiate targets by numbers.....or so I think !!

You might wonder, but I don't, you are missing stuff.

So what happens when you get a decent two way target, but don't like the number.... you don't dig it?

You might wonder, but I don't, you are missing stuff.

So what happens when you get a decent two way target, but don't like the number.... you don't dig it?

If it is a 2 way target and numbers are 1-15 iron range.....I pass it up...I have tried digging these targets numerous times and every time it is exactly that..junk iron.
My cannonballs I have found...3 on land and 3 on the shore......the 3 on land...every one of them came up a jumpy number 19-23 so I dug them because it was a very strong loud signal.
The f75 seems to always be junk when it says junk....although I have seen on deep targets it give a reading of say 13-14 and when I remove a couple inches of dirt it give a higher number and be something decent.

This hobby is still new to me and still confuses me sometimes !!

If it is a 2 way target and numbers are 1-15 iron range.....I pass it up...I have tried digging these targets numerous times and every time it is exactly that..junk iron.
My cannonballs I have found...3 on land and 3 on the shore......the 3 on land...every one of them came up a jumpy number 19-23 so I dug them because it was a very strong loud signal.
The f75 seems to always be junk when it says junk....although I have seen on deep targets it give a reading of say 13-14 and when I remove a couple inches of dirt it give a higher number and be something decent.

This hobby is still new to me and still confuses me sometimes !!

But that tends to go out the window when you have many targets beside each other... but I wouldn't worry about it too much because what you're doing is clearly working whether it's luck, the sites, the detector, or a combination of all three.

A friend who is a bottle head says the clear one is worthless, unless you put it out in the sun for a year and it turns purple :)
Great find(s)!

A friend who is a bottle head says the clear one is worthless, unless you put it out in the sun for a year and it turns purple :)
Great find(s)!

ty prospector..

That would be the lead in the glass....can be very nice sometimes.

But that tends to go out the window when you have many targets beside each other... but I wouldn't worry about it too much because what you're doing is clearly working whether it's luck, the sites, the detector, or a combination of all three.

Agreed... for example.. I dug a signal the other day was unreadible and unhuntible spot by a cellar in all-metal mode.

Turned it over to DISCRIM... picked out a decent signal although it took a few swings to find it.....dug it out.... and there lay a rusty square nail / brass buckle / and a early 1900s silver 5 cent.

Is this the kinda thing you mean when you say dig everything or do you mean dig everytthing including low iron numbers ?

That's a great plate!!

I didn't get through all the posts. If no one one commented on the Lion's Head, it's probably English and could've been part of a two piece buckle. There's a couple of repros at this site: Blockade Confederate Buckles and Confederate Veteran Buckles -  Hanover Brass Foundry Reproduction Military Belt Plates just google lion's head buckle civil war the curved piece of brass may be part of a trigger guard from a musket, can't quite tell.

Made it out for the day after not getting out for 6 or 7 days.... Cousin ED came along also.

Hit the woods to find some foundations ..... found 5 all together so was happy on that part.Cousin ED was finding bottles and some nice coins/pendants...nice old Brittania 1739.

Th bottle with the Fisherman holding the big codfish is awesome...we are fishermen so of course we love it !!!

Any ideas on his PENDANT with the portrait ??? and the LION,S HEAD ??

The foundations were very trashy so I switched over to DISCRIM mode and sure enough I managed to separate out a cool find !!! .......Picked up this very interesting piece.....the tulip in the middle is the same as the one on NovaScotia 1800s pennies.

But the writing is what I assume to be French ??

Any help on some IDs on our finds would be appreciated.

Top 9 pictures are Cousin EDs.

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I didn't get through all the posts. If no one one commented on the Lion's Head, it's probably English and could've been part of a two piece buckle. There's a couple of repros at this site: Blockade Confederate Buckles and Confederate Veteran Buckles - *Hanover Brass Foundry Reproduction Military Belt Plates just google lion's head buckle civil war the curved piece of brass may be part of a trigger guard from a musket, can't quite tell.

ty for the info !!

Yup...that is a trigger guard.

The Lions head is a interesting piece ....looked to have gilt on it as if from something fancy.

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My guess is it's the insert from a door knocker.


  • 5680_bronze_lion_door_knocker_1.webp
    18 KB · Views: 72
I use the F75 in and around iron-infested house sites. I use 3 tone mode, but I dig everything that gives a positive number on the display, even bouncy tones. I set the DISC at 7 Notch 1 and dig even 8's or 10's on the display. Takes some getting used to, but he F75 is an excellent machine in and around iron. Also helps to go slow in iron with that machine, both for the recovery speed of the detector, and for the sake of one's ears and brain being able to pick a decent tone out of lots of low beeps.

Well... keep in mind that I,m a huge newb when it comes to DISCRIM mode, the F75 is just so noisy in DISCRIM that it slows me dwn badly and just confuses me . It just constantly beeps and I,m always rechecking the beeps to see if it is a 2 way.

So... what I figured out this spring is to lower the power mode from boost to default .... set DISCRIM at 15(the high end for iron) ..... 3H for tones and be sure it is a 2 way signal.

Even then I,m always watching the screen numbers.....I mostly make my decision to dig by the numbers.

Then I stop and think about this winter hunting on the shore...using the CZ 21... there is no numbers and my choice to dig was souly based on the tones...if it was scratchy then it was iron....other than that it was dig every beep. Perhaps that is why I found lots of buttons. On the F75 the buttons are mid 20s to low 30s which I do dig unless I,m pretty sure it is foil.
Kinda makes me wonder if I,m missing lots of stuff with the F75 because I can differentiate targets by numbers.....or so I think !!

If it is a 2 way target and numbers are 1-15 iron range.....I pass it up...I have tried digging these targets numerous times and every time it is exactly that..junk iron. My cannonballs I have found...3 on land and 3 on the shore......the 3 on land...every one of them came up a jumpy number 19-23 so I dug them because it was a very strong loud signal. The f75 seems to always be junk when it says junk....although I have seen on deep targets it give a reading of say 13-14 and when I remove a couple inches of dirt it give a higher number and be something decent. This hobby is still new to me and still confuses me sometimes !!
For a confused number watching lobster man I'd say you're doing ok bud. I used to do the same thing when I started. The numbers were my go to. Now I set my disc really low and I listen for a mid or high tone amongst all of the junk. It's not easy to get used to and please don't think I'm trying to tell you what to do (your finds are amazing) but hearing these things is super important and there's so many good targets strewed amongst the trash. I often wonder how many good things I left behind when I started. I use 2+ on the T2 so it's high tone mid and grunt. I think the number scale is different but the sounds are similar. There was a short period when I didn't trust the sound in the iron and looked for a good number in the iron, now it's just the opposite as the numbers get very skewed in iron. It's definitely not easy but we will both figure it all out.
Sometimes you get a dream site like I was on yesterday where the worst thing you find is a bullet or something with virtually no junk. Can't wait to get my a** back there. :-)

I guess it would be you. That is BY FAR the best thing you have ever posted.

I was going to say the same thing. I knew it would happen sometime this year.


I use the F75 in and around iron-infested house sites. I use 3 tone mode, but I dig everything that gives a positive number on the display, even bouncy tones. I set the DISC at 7 Notch 1 and dig even 8's or 10's on the display. Takes some getting used to, but he F75 is an excellent machine in and around iron. Also helps to go slow in iron with that machine, both for the recovery speed of the detector, and for the sake of one's ears and brain being able to pick a decent tone out of lots of low beeps.

I have given the F75 the real chance it deserves in DISCRIM MODE... but I have promised myself that I would figure it out this year.

I have read so many good things about the F75 and most of these good things are about its ability to see threw iron. And that is impossible to do in ALL METAL MODE unless "you can hear and read" the separate targets which is hard on the brain as you said.

But that is how I found the plate...so now I know I must figure it out completely.

For a confused number watching lobster man I'd say you're doing ok bud. I used to do the same thing when I started. The numbers were my go to. Now I set my disc really low and I listen for a mid or high tone amongst all of the junk. It's not easy to get used to and please don't think I'm trying to tell you what to do (your finds are amazing) but hearing these things is super important and there's so many good targets strewed amongst the trash. I often wonder how many good things I left behind when I started. I use 2+ on the T2 so it's high tone mid and grunt. I think the number scale is different but the sounds are similar. There was a short period when I didn't trust the sound in the iron and looked for a good number in the iron, now it's just the opposite as the numbers get very skewed in iron. It's definitely not easy but we will both figure it all out.
Sometimes you get a dream site like I was on yesterday where the worst thing you find is a bullet or something with virtually no junk. Can't wait to get my a** back there. :-)

I,m ALWAYS up for learning !!!

And if I can master the DISCRIM MODE I am pretty sure I can re-vist many of last years sites that I thought was hunted out.

The DISRIM mode slows me down badly...but perhaps that is a good thing. But I don,t like the thoughts of maybe I have left behind many great finds becuase I haven,t learnt the DISCRIM MODE.

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