Four George Washington Inaugural buttons-update

Re: Four George Washington Inaugural buttons

sorry i forgot to check my spelling and write 3000 instead of 300 and yes i have traded in a car i payed 4 grand for it and 3 years later i got 2 grand trade in and yes i know they have to make a profit but some one like that also has a powerseller status on ebay that sells million of dollars of stuff every year and if it is worth 6 you dont buy for 1 and sell for 2xs the price the economy is bad but to rip some one that bad is uncalled for

Re: Four George Washington Inaugural buttons

Rando said:
olepossum said:
some dork had 4 different gw buttons on the h channel show the pawn shop and sold them for 300.00 the owner was a rip off and the seller needed his brain examined
You should probably think before you put stuff in print.
If you knew Rick Harrison you probably wouldn't call him names.
He is actually quite educated, and there is a lot about him people do NOT know.
He has also saved and preserved a LOT of history.

People also fail to realize that they are NOT GOING TO GET RETAIL.
Pawn shops are businesses. Businesses need to make money.
Somehow the pawn shop becomes "The bad guy" just because somebody decides they need money "NOW!!!!"

People can either understand that pawn shops are buying stuff to resell it, or they can try to sell it on their own.
Ever trade in a car? I can guarantee that the dealer DIDN'T pay you what some guy off the street buying it would. Why? They have to MAKE MONEY from it.

The problem comes in when people fail to realize that it is a business, and they are NOT buying it, they are purchasing inventory to resell. That is their business.

No kidding! You can talk to a serious collector for just about anything you have and you know how much you'll usually get out of them... "How much do you want." If you make a price and sell you have nothing to cry about, or if you are offered an amount and accept you still have nothing to cry about. I have bought things and sold them for many times what I paid, so should I feel guilty? If the seller wants to sell me the 4 buttons in this thread for $1,000 I'll have him the money tonight! If you want to be a buyer or seller in the coin or relic business you better either know what you're doing, or take your time and give it great thought!

Re: Four George Washington Inaugural buttons

Sniffer said:
I saw that one too, talk about a bonehead that didn't know what he had.
he could have sold them at auction, for 10x what they gave him

They just replayed that episode the other night. There were three buttons, all different versions...two of the three were in pretty rough shape. The guy appraising knew some info about them (he was wrong about one or two things) and his estimates of dollar amounts were fairly accurate. While I certainly agree the shop owner is in business to make money, he could offer more than he does on most items and still make a huge profit...this is why it looks like he is ripping people off. The guy with the buttons said he found them in a coin collection, which I'm finding out is a quite common place to find these buttons. Anyway, thought I'd throw my 2 cents in! HH

Re: Four George Washington Inaugural buttons

Goalrush said:
Sniffer said:
I saw that one too, talk about a bonehead that didn't know what he had.
he could have sold them at auction, for 10x what they gave him

They just replayed that episode the other night. There were three buttons, all different versions...two of the three were in pretty rough shape. The guy appraising knew some info about them (he was wrong about one or two things) and his estimates of dollar amounts were fairly accurate. While I certainly agree the shop owner is in business to make money, he could offer more than he does on most items and still make a huge profit...this is why it looks like he is ripping people off. The guy with the buttons said he found them in a coin collection, which I'm finding out is a quite common place to find these buttons. Anyway, thought I'd throw my 2 cents in! HH

It makes sense. My grandmother had both a little bag or old coins and buttons so it's not a stretch to think they could be combined. What gets me is you know there's someone out there with a super rare GW worth a small fortune and they have no idea what it is.

Re: Four George Washington Inaugural buttons

Rando said:
olepossum said:
some dork had 4 different gw buttons on the h channel show the pawn shop and sold them for 300.00 the owner was a rip off and the seller needed his brain examined
You should probably think before you put stuff in print.
If you knew Rick Harrison you probably wouldn't call him names.
He is actually quite educated, and there is a lot about him people do NOT know.
He has also saved and preserved a LOT of history.

People also fail to realize that they are NOT GOING TO GET RETAIL.
Pawn shops are businesses. Businesses need to make money.
Somehow the pawn shop becomes "The bad guy" just because somebody decides they need money "NOW!!!!"

People can either understand that pawn shops are buying stuff to resell it, or they can try to sell it on their own.
Ever trade in a car? I can guarantee that the dealer DIDN'T pay you what some guy off the street buying it would. Why? They have to MAKE MONEY from it.

The problem comes in when people fail to realize that it is a business, and they are NOT buying it, they are purchasing inventory to resell. That is their business.
Knowing it first hand it just that. :icon_thumright:
There's another way of looking at it, it's a bank for the the people that can't go to a bank for $$$
There's a front door at every business, it's everyone own choice whether to walk in or walk on bye.

Re: Four George Washington Inaugural buttons

Absolutely amazing. I'd die of shock if I found one of those.

There has been a bunch of discussion on this thread about the value of these buttons. I just posted an update for everyone's interest and discussion. Enjoy!

Big congrats on the appraisal.


Congrats again on the find of a lifetime Rick. I guess I would have to.............SELL!!!!!!! :laughing9: But you know me. The one I have I'm going to keep, but if I find another, in better condition, I will most certainly SELL. Keep in touch........Hogge :notworthy:

Goalrush said:
There has been a bunch of discussion on this thread about the value of these buttons. I just posted an update for everyone's interest and discussion. Enjoy!

Very cool but not sure how they arrive at that number when the non dug from a very historical collection, at a massive auction, only got 3k? Regardless it's great having that piece of paper. Did say say anything else other than just the value?

PS... The Cobb one looks non dug, but also cleaned so that may have knocked the value down a little. But how that compares to dug I do not know. It's all a matter of opinion anyway once you get into stuff like this.

Iron Patch said:
Goalrush said:
There has been a bunch of discussion on this thread about the value of these buttons. I just posted an update for everyone's interest and discussion. Enjoy!

Very cool but not sure how they arrive at that number when the non dug from a very historical collection, at a massive auction, only got 3k? Regardless it's great having that piece of paper. Did say say anything else other than just the value?

PS... The Cobb one looks non dug, but also cleaned so that may have knocked the value down a little. But how that compares to dug I do not know. It's all a matter of opinion anyway once you get into stuff like this.

The descriptions were also listed mentioning patina, marks, dimensions (in mm), weights (in grains), shank or no shank, the stippling in the background and that they were early in the die based upon the crispness of the lettering. Two of the four listed as about uncirculated (AU), the other two listed as extremely fine-about uncirculated (EF-AU). I hope this helps. BTW, I know they also compared these to whatever has been auctioned off recently.

I'm guessing they're quite a bit more impressive in person. With some of your new found equity you should invest in a decent digital camera. If it is a camera you are using the lighting and back ground are really hurting your pics. Bright light and a red back ground would do wonders for the green patina ones.

Nice appraisal, but beware, auction houses, not mentioning names, seem to overestimate the value in their best interests for hopefully higher bids when auctioned. I have seen many disapointed on price realized versus what the auciton house stated before hand. Me being one of them and my friend with the Half Disme.


Don in SJ said:
Nice appraisal, but beware, auction houses, not mentioning names, seem to overestimate the value in their best interests for hopefully higher bids when auctioned. I have seen many disapointed on price realized versus what the auciton house stated before hand. Me being one of them and my friend with the Half Disme.


Hey Don,
Thanks for the heads up, but we have no interest in selling them. The appraisal clearly states "For insurance purposes" regarding the value, which I did not mention in my previous post. The appraiser knew quite well that we had no intention of auctioning them away when he looked at them, so if he still inflated the be it. We are happy we have them and they are far more valuable from a historical standpoint as far as we're concerned. I just posted the appraisal value for comparison for others that may have found them recently. Thanks again Bud!

I remember reading your post when you first found these. They sure are nice! What a thrill you must of had. Out of the four, how many did you find sifting and how many did you find with your detector?
I've often thought about spending more time sifting highly concentrated areas. I've tried before and was successful but I tend to want to swing that coil more.
This discovery by you, will be remembered on T-net for a long time to come! Congratulations!

Muddyhandz said:
I remember reading your post when you first found these. They sure are nice! What a thrill you must of had. Out of the four, how many did you find sifting and how many did you find with your detector?
I've often thought about spending more time sifting highly concentrated areas. I've tried before and was successful but I tend to want to swing that coil more.
This discovery by you, will be remembered on T-net for a long time to come! Congratulations!

I seldom do a big deep dig, but man it's fun! A lot of work, and definitely some patience required, but it's quite a rush scanning a target that you know was no way possible to be detected from the surface. I will definitely do much more of that over the next 10 years.

Muddyhandz said:
I remember reading your post when you first found these. They sure are nice! What a thrill you must of had. Out of the four, how many did you find sifting and how many did you find with your detector?
I've often thought about spending more time sifting highly concentrated areas. I've tried before and was successful but I tend to want to swing that coil more.
This discovery by you, will be remembered on T-net for a long time to come! Congratulations!

The first was found with the MXT and the other three sifting. Thanks for your support Dave! I'm still going to try to top these in 2010, but I know I have an uphill battle. HH in 2010

Goalrush said:
Muddyhandz said:
I remember reading your post when you first found these. They sure are nice! What a thrill you must of had. Out of the four, how many did you find sifting and how many did you find with your detector?
I've often thought about spending more time sifting highly concentrated areas. I've tried before and was successful but I tend to want to swing that coil more.
This discovery by you, will be remembered on T-net for a long time to come! Congratulations!

The first was found with the MXT and the other three sifting. Thanks for your support Dave! I'm still going to try to top these in 2010, but I know I have an uphill battle. HH in 2010

3 found sifting makes a pretty good case for thinking outside the coil. I am going to pay more attention to sifting this year for sure! I know it requires more patience but it is worth it.
As for you topping these 4 beauties in 2010, I would think of it as anything you find from here on in, is a bonus because you are already ahead with those finds!
Best wishes,

Muddyhandz said:
Goalrush said:
Muddyhandz said:
I remember reading your post when you first found these. They sure are nice! What a thrill you must of had. Out of the four, how many did you find sifting and how many did you find with your detector?
I've often thought about spending more time sifting highly concentrated areas. I've tried before and was successful but I tend to want to swing that coil more.
This discovery by you, will be remembered on T-net for a long time to come! Congratulations!

The first was found with the MXT and the other three sifting. Thanks for your support Dave! I'm still going to try to top these in 2010, but I know I have an uphill battle. HH in 2010

3 found sifting makes a pretty good case for thinking outside the coil. I am going to pay more attention to sifting this year for sure! I know it requires more patience but it is worth it.
As for you topping these 4 beauties in 2010, I would think of it as anything you find from here on in, is a bonus because you are already ahead with those finds!
Best wishes,

You are right that it is very time consuming, but very rewarding in the long run. It took about 200 man-hours to excavate/sift a 12X24 cellar hole. The good news is I have at least two more cellar holes to do this spring/summer, the bad news is I'm getting antsy now. We have a foot of snow on the ground and I've had it w/ winter. The research during this winter has been great, but my patience is running out! Anybody else feel the same?

Rick (Goalrush)

$17,500 :o That's crazy money!

Congrats :hello2:

I think I would be made to sell :-\

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