Found this in my tailing piles from an ancient river bed


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Nov 6, 2017
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I was about 2-3 foot in the bed travels when my wife found it 20210220_233119.webp20210220_233119.webp20210220_233119.webp20210220_233119.webp20210220_233119.webp

You get what you give on this forum. Give information and you will get information. Show respect and you will get respect.

Remember, you came here asking for our help. Please follow the rules:

You posted 1 picture of a rock (5 times) with barely any context. Then you start petty name calling when someone doesn't agree with your opinion that you never even stated.

We all do this for free. Replies about items posted in the forum are the opinion of the poster based on knowledge and experience. And I promise you, the depth and breadth of knowledge and experience on this forum is vast on a wide range of topics.

If you'd like to have a reasonable, rational, adult conversation about your artifact, by all means, please tell us what you have, where you found it, the size of it, and why you think it is what is it is or what it isn't.


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Okay sorry for not handing it more professionally. For each post I've had I foolishly spoke when even tho I've done extensive research and asking the random person what they see without any pressure, insite, or reason to lie. First impression/reaction tells a lot about what things are or are not. Show someone brass and gold, silver and white alloys, their reaction says it all even with the untrained eye. But I appreciate any criticism and skepticism because that makes me work harder at proving I'm not just some idiot saying this is this and that is that but am just full of **** off my rocker and going nowhere with my life and not progressing in knowledge. It is nice to see someone actually taking me seriously and know that there are sometimes reasons to believe without tangible evidence that have been true to what "the crackpot" said.

Now to move on sorry about the one pic 4 times my phone is a pain in the butt. I'll upload a couple other pics from different sides. As I said I was about 2- 2 1/2 foot down in ancient river travels on the klamath river. I know that I've done plenty of rock hounding and gravel moving to know what natural lines look like vs. something carved. No it wasn't on oak island but I did live on an oak island in dunsmuir where all the trees on this .8 acre circle of land were all oaks that were grafted blue and black oaks. Was a homestead from early 1800s and was a native sacred spot with possible Spanish or Jesuit influences. But do to possible threat of life and complete isolation from all surrounding people. We left and sold the property. So no it's not from some TV show theory....
But since I found this well actually my wife. I have found 2 caves in the near by rock faces. Have yet to go in...and several marker trees, elbows, hoyo trees and fruit trees where there's no reason for them no remains of homestead or other evidence of a building... tepee clearings tho. This woulda been on the modoc trails and definitely old inhabited land.also for how deep it was I'd believe that it woulda had to be at least gold rush times or earlier do to the lack of flooding in the area that woulda moved that much land that high up on the bench but who am I to say.

Ok..... so what did the scap yard say your alloy consisted of?

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The intersection of the crosses right arm with the vertical line to it's right is what I'm looking at.

Repeated scribing cuts a line deeper than a scratch in hard mediums. Subject to the usual rule of the cutting tool needing to be harder than the material being cut.
Unless the stone is very soft , (and not exposed to the elements before working , it gets messy.
Messy in , how to get precise corners like where mentioned. Without overlap or gouging?
That alone raises the question of being worked (for me anyways). If worked , what tool was used?

It does look like something I could do with a Lesche on an old coin without trying. Except for that clean corner of lines meeting.

I'd have saved it too if nothing else interesting presented. Just to have something to show for my digging.
But then , I've dragged home some rocks ....

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Definitely not natural, is prehistoric in origin. I found an similar find, mine was more in the axe shape, mine also stream tossed and stream erosion, yours exhibits evidence of sharpening on one side, is stream tossed and stream erosion. I used to lecture on Geology in National Parks for the NP service. Edward P. Abbey was my room mate back then. Yours is marked by someone I think. Is not natural markings from nature, is man marked. I would say covered up, from Noah's Flood time period. Back then, it was a world wide flood according to scriptures. Ahhhh. You know about the land of Sumer... Sumer Civilization. Do a search for Sumerian King List... Noah was pre-Flood Sumerian. It was earlier than native indians. It appears to me to be Pre-History find... If you wish, you can email me at Pondco at aol dot com and I will share a photo of mine. I could post mine, but I do not do it because of opinions. It is my opinion and I do not argue with other opinions. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and I hate no one.

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Everyone has a right to their own opinions and I hate no one.

Opinions though are subjective, not objective. Either this is man worked or it is not, independent of any opinions. An in person examination by a professional under magnification would yield objectively whether the grooves were made by man or by natural causes.

I will say, you should have no fear of posting up your find, as if it is objectively a genuine man worked artifact, i have NEVER once seen one posted on here that wasn't agreed to be so by the experienced hunters on this site.

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Definitely not natural, is prehistoric in origin. I found an similar find, mine was more in the axe shape, mine also stream tossed and stream erosion, yours exhibits evidence of sharpening on one side, is stream tossed and stream erosion. I used to lecture on Geology in National Parks for the NP service. Edward P. Abbey was my room mate back then. Yours is marked by someone I think. Is not natural markings from nature, is man marked. I would say covered up, from Noah's Flood time period. Back then, it was a world wide flood according to scriptures. Ahhhh. You know about the land of Sumer... Sumer Civilization. Do a search for Sumerian King List... Noah was pre-Flood Sumerian. It was earlier than native indians. It appears to me to be Pre-History find... If you wish, you can email me at Pondco at aol dot com and I will share a photo of mine. I could post mine, but I do not do it because of opinions. It is my opinion and I do not argue with other opinions. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and I hate no one.

Oh, I just can't resist. I take it "Noah" is an assumed name, then, as he's not on "The List". According to the only source of the story of Noah his father's name was Lamech. No Sumerian King is known to have descended from a man of that name. Now, you are partially correct in that the story of Noah is paraphrased from an older story of Giilgamesh - the character that survived a Great Flood (not Earth covering) being called Utnapishtim. He was not a king.

It was earlier than native indians.

We have evidence of "Native Americans" being here 20,000 years ago. About 16,000 years before the Old Testament was written down (presumably by Moses).

Noah's Flood Time Period

Now just when would that be? I'd like to know because it would be evident in the archeology and history of other cultures around the world that seemed to have missed noting the "disaster" and went on afterwards much as they had previously. The Bible lists it as 1,656 years after the creation of the world. So that would put it billions of years in our past.

Egypt's got a pretty good handle on lineage and dynasties from 3,100 BC right through Greek and Roman absorption and on into the fifth century AD - and there certainly wasn't a world-clearing flood event after that.

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Nice find. Looks like it may have been in an old river bed that had a glacier on top and as the glacier moved it carried the river rock and made marks on it. Don't know your location but rocks with marks like that are common in areas covered in the last ice age in north America. I would like to see a close up of the scratches.

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Def Knights Templar...

the key to the Oak Island treasure...


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