Found this gold dust in 3 minutes


Sr. Member
Jan 24, 2013
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Russelville Arkansas
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All Treasure Hunting


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You must have missed... olephilic adhesion equipment... Do you see it in the post now?
You know the post with the pic that you replied to? It's olephilic adhesion equipment, not a lol diamond dredge.

Yes, I know it's olephilic adhesion equipment...unlike your boyfriend, I heard you the
first time. Apparently there an issue here with your comprehension of the question I asked.

I asked:

Originally Posted by DizzyDigger View Post
Can you explain what that piece of equipment is (manufacturer, model, function, etc),
or is keeping it a secret just a part of the head games you're playing with us today?

Clearly, the correct answer is the second portion of my question; the portion following my words "or is".

Your game playing has become so predictable you're beginning to bore me. Have a good life.

Where do you put the burlap?

So an oil skimmer Id imagine would do just as its named, skim oil from the water. How does this tie in with burlap, fish oil and grease tables?

Where do you put the burlap?

So an oil skimmer Id imagine would do just as its named, skim oil from the water. How does this tie in with burlap, fish oil and grease tables?

We don't use burlap anymore. We use something that releases the gold and can be reused in the water column and can be laid/spiked into the bottom.

We'll.... I'm still waiting to see some of this gold....

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Hope you brought a might take awhile.

I've got plenty of provisions....... :laughing7:

Your right .... I'll probably need them.

I must ask.... Why, do you guys not ALL have a grease table, oil skimmer, burlap, fish oil thinamajig?
Seems you guys are losing all the pounds... of gold that she is getting....
It's a secret huh?

How 'bout recirculating the fish oil, through a highbanker that has mats that convert gold to a magnetic form... That ONLY gold sticks too, or is attracted too..... Kinda like a lint roller for gold!!!!!


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You guys must be really desperate to see superfine gold. Thats too bad.

Unfortunately recreational equipment doesn't capture enough to make it worth your time running spoon fulls over a grease table. We do drum full of cons and capture pounds of superfine gold.

You could give it a try with a lot of different things even a soup pot! Put some crisco on a rag and smear it in the pot. Do the sides and bottom. Put cold water in the pot, put in some cons, swirl it around and dump out the pot. Keep adding cold water and cons each time that you dump. When you are ready to recover the tiny gold particles that are each so small that you can't see the individual particles pour hot or boiling water in the pot with a few drops of dish soap, swirl it around a bit then pour it thru a paper coffee filter to capture the 5+ micron gold.

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Since you have spent months attempting to educate people on how to do difficult is it to snap a couple photos during your clean-up to better teach?

If it's that lucrative, I would think your process/equipment would be protected by a patent by now?

I was arguing against the majority before because I wanted to learn. Now, I have to argue "with" them.

I'm not taking sides as to what works and what doesn't, or whether something is even possible. But a little help from your end would truly go a long way. However, something tells me that I will soon be unsubscribing from this thread......again!

If you do not get it yet you will never get it!

We run multiple 55 gallon drums at a time. Why would I show you recreationals our equipment? With the minuet amounts that you recreationals have you can use a soup pot as explained in my last post. No pictures required!

We are getting from 1,000-1,600 grams of -200 mesh gold from each 55 gallon drum and you think that we should just hand you the simple process that we use? You the same who have done nothing but criticize? Yea ok! Maybe in another life!

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If you do not get it yet you will never get it!

We run multiple 55 gallon drums at a time. Why would I show you recreationals our equipment? With the minuet amounts that you recreationals have you can use a soup pot as explained in my last post. No pictures required!

We are getting from 1,000-1,600 grams of -200 mesh gold from each 55 gallon drum and you think that we should just hand you the simple process that we use? You the same who have done nothing but criticize? Yea ok! Maybe in another life!

EXCUSE ME??!!??!!??!! Just who is that aimed at??

It's a bike path that is all cracked up. I'm not sure what good a cordless vac would do because the dust is so small.
If it's a bike path with pretty scenery around it, grab some of those skate boarding cones to put out on either side of where you're working! I don't want to even think about how I know this!

We'll.... I'm still waiting to see some of this gold....

See what you started.....again.:laughing7:

About your post...I too would like to see some of the gold they are recovering and maybe a micrograph of what is being recovered to show some perspective.

On a side note, I know oleophilic adhesion works or least it worked for me on some minus 100 mesh beach gold and that impressed me since I had missed it after a couple of panning sessions of the same cons.

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I haven't tried it yet but I do still have some beach cons that I want to run through a greased up trough.
If this works it is gonna make clean up a breeze...... Now all I have to do is get enough to make the clean up worth it...... :laughing7:

Now I know there is something to oleophillic adhesion ... I have done as much searching as I can pretty much so it is just a matter of getting down to the doing.

I will post some pics when I get things together.

Here is 23 grain, 1 grain shy of a pennyweight.... of beach gold.... it took about 4 full gorilla carts to get this from several different outings.

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1,000-1,600 grams per 55 gallon drum. 600 gram discrepancy... I think I would re-calibrate your scales.

No.... That's not a discrepancy... It is a variable, just like every 5 gallon bucket you have hauled from the beach doesn't contain the same volume of gold as the one before it or after it.... Just sayin....

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