
Jr. Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
heres a more detailed verson some of you ask for more details...ill start of saying that i found this on a old farm and we find a ton of stuff here, stuff from War of 1812 to WW2, and coins that date to 1774. I mean every kind of eagle button and every size. and some real nice war of 1812 buttons. my first coin i found here was a 1844 half dime. but anyways where i found the coin was right in front of an old barn on the ramp leading up to the loading doors. when i was about to scan the area i said screw it ill give it another shot beacuse all i find in this little spot was trash..so im scanning and then this loud tone came screaming out oof the 91 whites eagle spectrum. and i look at the screen and its read 72 solid. at ths point i knew it was a coin because about 10 feet away i found a 1808 half cent that read the same but here im think its another half cent..so i cut my plug and pulled out about 4 inches of dirt and still didnt see the target. i scanned the plug and it wasnt in there, so i put the coil over the hole and pinned point it and i said only about 5 inches deep. i got doen to start pulling dirt out with my hands, i took about 2 hand fulls out and at the top right cornor of the hole i seen a coin and as soon as i seen that i saw the circle chain..right off the bat i knew what i had. that grin on my face was about a mile long. now im looking at places to get it graded..and thank you everyone who voted it to be a banner this is my first!!!


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Upvote 21
Awesome find, that ones on my wish list.:icon_thumleft:

That is absolutely awesome. I hope you did the happy dance. Great job & I second the vote for Banner find.

:headbang: Beautiful Banner vote if i ever saw one Congrats !! Jim coin2.webp

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Wowsers! That's not even on my list because I want a list that I have a good shot of completing! Congrats, banner worthy indeed.

And to all you forum newbies grabbing banners... just make sure you stay with us and post your junk finds too! :laughing7:

BANNER!!!! for sure! Really nice coin. Congrats!


Definitely an awesome find! That gives me encouragement as i am right down the road in york county....its good to know there is some good stuff in our pa soil....minus 1 now of course..lol!

Excellent find! Beautiful Green patina. My banner vote is in.

Nice find tom ! what type of site ?

WTG! On my wish list! BANNER FOR SURE! Vote casted!

Nominated for banner. Congratulations you lucky son of a gun on scoring that early piece of American Coinage and History.

How about a sharing a little more background? Love to hear more of the story behind this find. Congrats, it looks good on the banner.


Congratulations! That's 1 heck of a find you have there

ChainCent Update

sorry for making another thread on this im still new to this site and dont know how to edit my last thread..but some people asked to put more detail into it. Ill start of saying i found the coin on a old farm and it a nice size farm, i found it right by the big old barn on the ramp that leads up the the loading doors and about 10 feet from that coin i found an 1808 half cent..this farm is somhing else we find stuff from the WAR OF 1812 to WW2..i mean every kind of civil war eagle button and a few 1812 buttons and a ton of coins my first coin i found there was a 1844 half dime and then a 1785 1/2 reale. the olny reason we think there is so much stuff here is because there is a paper mill right next to it so back then they would take all the uniforms and use them for making paper. anyways i was was just scaning along an i said screw it ill scan that ramp going up to the barn because ive scaned it before but found nothing but junk so me finding this coin was pure luck...i got a real loud tone and it was solid reading at 72 and not moving solid 72 and right then i knew it was a coin because that 1808 half cent read just the same..so i make my plug and pull out 4 inches of dirt and still didnt see it and i got down and started pulling dirt out with my hands..right in the top left cornor i seen somthing round and as soon as i seen that i seen a circle of chains and right off the bat i knew what it was, that grin on my face was about a mile long..i pulled it out and fliped the coin over and i seen the flowing hair and my grin went from a mile long to 3 miles long..the dirt was dry and there were some big rocks ontop of the coin so thats what i think saved it becasue i find hibernias not to far from it and they are just sooooo worn you can hardly make out what they are..but ill be going back the try agian the odd thing about this place is we find more than one of an item here so theres a good chance theres another floating around there..and thank you every one for making this my first banner!!! now im looking at sending it off the ge graded


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Awesome in every way. Thanks for the details!

Awesome find! Congrats! :hello2:

holy chain man that is a kick butt find

Please let us know how it grades!

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