🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Found Far down the rabbit hole, Magic treasure knife


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Mar 21, 2016
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All Treasure Hunting
Treasure? For finding treasure?
Wand/ athame?
Aha Bes / Beset . Lingam, magic sigils. Gorgon...yali..etc...
Purchased last year on eBay.
After a series of incredible finds including bonafide athames and magic swords.
I found myself researching magical treasure hunting for fun. I had a book about the topic that I highly recommend. It was something like , Magical treasure hunting in Europe and North America.
I found myself looking at more stuff on eBay when I found this peice. It was unique so I bought it. In research I have come up with some ideas and it lead to researching down many rabbit holes. Anyone got some knowlege orcan point me in the right direction? Unfortunately no xrf analyzers nearby. And not many researches on these things
It is kinda sharp I imagine it can be sharpened it is quite solid. Doesn't look like a typical letter opener to me...
Not with the sigils....

The symbol on the one side of that looks somewhat closely related to the astrological symbol of Mercury looks suspiciously close to Dr. John Dee's Hieroglyphic Monad. Granted some subtle changes here and there to the symbol on the handle, but there are similarities. Also Dr. Dee and his scryer Edward Kelley did do a bit of dabbling into magickal treasure hunting when they weren't talking to angels.

Also, I just received that book you mentioned, Magical Treaaure Hunting in Europe and North America about a week before you posted this and I am quite impressed by the author's thoroughness of the history. I'm still working through the first chapter on the associated laws to treasure hunting. It's deep..
This one I believe is German came from eBay seller in states


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Also the seam looks hand filed and there is different pattern and sizes of file marks.
While there always is the potential of backyard manufacture is it not also possible it is done long time ago...like centuries ago...
I think calling it athame is appropriate. Better then just calling it a rod
Noble metal athames I hear are good for when iron could be offensive...
It seems that you area of expertise circumvents the actual reality that this item that is held by you in the highest regard/order is not anywhere the age that you depict it as. In the future it might be as time has allowed it to just that, though till that time arrives it's not.

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I'm not depicting the age,
it speaks for itself.
I'm looking to see if my thoughts about the mysteries present are hot or cold
in opinion among those that may study these things

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I seen many magic scripts on weapons.
Much talsimanic implements and symbolic shapes. The stuff is everywhere on the good old antiques.

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I seen many magic scripts on weapons.
Much talsimanic implements and symbolic shapes. The stuff is everywhere on the good old antiques.
The interpretation of symbols can be skewed to suit the person that wants it to be something that wasn't the original intention of the maker.
Yes there was many talismanic/symbolic shapes made through history.

Though to start putting one's own interpretations on something to change to suit their passion isn't correct actually.
If quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, pretty sure we can say it's a duck.
Anything else just muddy's the waters of the true historical content or significance of any item.

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This is just what I researched on this peice and found most likely, I'm trying to figure it out. Not trying to make it into something. Or to suit my passion...

I buy other people's ugly ducks and they turn into golden egg laying geese
It happens
So looking aside from if people think it's worthy to appreciate. There is genuine mystery to solve.
How do u interpret the given shapes,representations, sigils and their intent when applied.

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This is just what I researched on this peice and found most likely, I'm trying to figure it out. Not trying to make it into something. Or to suit my passion...

I buy other people's ugly ducks and they turn into golden egg laying geese
It happens
So looking aside from if people think it's worthy to appreciate. There is genuine mystery to solve.
How do u interpret the given shapes,representations, sigils and their intent when applied.
I'm too much a realist to be in believing in some magical existence to suit the narrative.

So a SIgil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome.

So they way I see it is that you want a duck to walk like a horse and bark like a dog to suit your interpretation of the said duck.

This goes for the material world as well. a letter opener is a letter opener no matter how you slice it,
Sure that opener can be something else if one chooses it to be, a weapon even.
So that changes what the letter opener is then because of the use, and the means to which it was used.
But in the defence of the holder it was still just a letter opener and not a weapon.

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I don't follow exactly what it is that bothers you so much about it.
Is not that I want the duck to be special. It's what I suspect and can see as far as my eyes can tell .
I may be wrong let's say 99% I may be wrong or 99.99% ... and research may lead me to other things.. for that.01% I'm researching. And sharing..

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Magical existence may or not be real since your a realist. Me to mostly..

But the practices and objects and histories certainly are.

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Actually it doesn't bother me one bit.
Though claiming something is something that is not, isn't a true representation either.

You do have a .01% ability so that's a start.
Best of luck with your magical research and the treasures that are forth coming.

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my mother had one of those, used it for 50 years or so... nothing special, old as in 1960's-ish. Which come to think of it..... is old!

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Well I never claimed it to be definitely as I speculate. I simply am sharing my research. I did change the title to warn people that this is far down the rabbit hole ,maybe not a place some people will go...
I don't overlook seemingly special unique items and say they must be mundane. And lose that .01% chance .
Wich is still probably better odds than winning the lottery.

Thanks for the wishes of good luck pepperj

unclemac was hers exactly like mine, because that would be something. Althought there would still be the sigil mystery. And even if made more recent it can be a copy of an older object with the same symbolism leading to mysterys..

Anyone here read the book magical treasure hunting in Europe and north America. They talk about all kind of magical treasure hunting and its laws in circa 15-16c Europe.. tools needed to be acquired or made. Etc... to find treasure and protect from it's guardians... I found this interesting. Also talks about deals made with magic dwarfs.. etc..

Also anyone read about Gerald gardeners book on athames. Clever witches hide there magic tools disguised as mundane objects. If it is more modern it could still have been made specially....

I did just recently acquire another what I call treasure. Dare I call it a magic bowl.
My suspicion only , not a claim.
It will need translation. And research on symbolism. And any history / myth connection.

I stumbled into a Mamluk revival likely kajar bowl at a good price. I saw djinn hiding in the background art. Alas that purchase got refunded seller said he accidently already shipped it to someone else. So It bothered me and i spent most of that day and the next looking at any other example comparable in a large price range... And finally found something...

It's got lots of mystery Wich is what I look for.
Atleast in this coming peice the translation can maybe give info. And the symbols identified...

How do I share the research and suspicions I have on the item without muddying the waters...
It's hard..
this peice was mystery too me but of good workmanship.. I suspect tengrism, after first looking at qajar and Mamluk revival stuff. Il post the bowl when it arrives in a couple weeks. In the meantime here's a mystery I am trying to solve....and if you read this far I challenge you please help

what is he holding?


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Yes one of them does kind of look like a beet. Thanks. Now to see if there's any connection or info to be found.

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These seem relevant. And I stumble into more... One thing I like something called a dakini. And something else a fruit called norbu the first orange... The bowl has a few objects depicted of similar type...


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nor exactly like yours but, brass, crude, Asian motif, letter opener of similar size and shape.

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So look up the history of letter openers themselves. Not really a thing until the printing press came out. 18th century at the absolute oldest if we disregard everything else about it except that it is a letter opener. Looking at it I would say 20th century is much more likely.

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On the research of my upcoming bowl I am led again to this figure holding still a mystery object to me. I think this diety has a connection to the "black" shamans of tengrism


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