ModernMiner Gold Member Jan 9, 2007 14,050 4,422 North Carolina 🥇 Banner finds 5 🏆 Honorable Mentions: 6 Detector(s) used Minelab Manticore , Tesoro Silver uMax Primary Interest: All Treasure Hunting Jun 17, 2007 #21 Congrats. Great post with a happy ending. Thanks for sharing. -MM- Amazon Forum Fav 👍 Upgraded Night Vision Monocular Digital Infrared Monocular Telescope for 100% Darkness with 8X Zoom - Grab it through Amazon!
Congrats. Great post with a happy ending. Thanks for sharing. -MM- Amazon Forum Fav 👍 Upgraded Night Vision Monocular Digital Infrared Monocular Telescope for 100% Darkness with 8X Zoom - Grab it through Amazon!
wildrider Bronze Member Feb 25, 2007 1,895 8 Kentucky Detector(s) used Nautilus DMC IIb/White's 6000 Di Pro Jun 17, 2007 #22 So the dude is like 29 and he dresses like a third grader....sad sad sad. Good job about getting his ring back to him. Burt
So the dude is like 29 and he dresses like a third grader....sad sad sad. Good job about getting his ring back to him. Burt
Trash Digger Hero Member Dec 15, 2006 658 21 Eastern North Carolina Detector(s) used White's DFX Jun 17, 2007 #23 Congratulations, and kudos for a deed well done. Just out of curiosity, did the guy ever mention the reason for his delay in re-claiming the ring? Mike
Congratulations, and kudos for a deed well done. Just out of curiosity, did the guy ever mention the reason for his delay in re-claiming the ring? Mike
Baldingboy Bronze Member May 17, 2007 2,240 34 Southeast Missouri Detector(s) used Minelab SE Professional with 6" Coil Jun 17, 2007 #24 Good Job on returning it. I found one (no detector) one time and had a heck of a time getting the person to give a sh*t about giving it back. Makes you wonder sometimes.
Good Job on returning it. I found one (no detector) one time and had a heck of a time getting the person to give a sh*t about giving it back. Makes you wonder sometimes.