It's funny how my wife can 'detect' if I've made any money recently..
I swear, I can pick up an extra hundred bucks, and she can smell it on me!!
It's true!!! A fool and his money ARE soon parted..
True story. A friend in L.E. tried to suprise his wife w/a trip to Hawaii, hid the money in toe of old pr. boots-spring cleaning wife decided to toss old clothes and boots in trash---YES-Gone was $1400. to landfill. He spent 3 days searching to no avail.
found wife in parking office. after 20 yr married she suggested i get md and get out of house . as i obey all commands,i hit kellyco for a garret,now spend most days wandering streets and parks. but i stay out of doctors office parking lots .
Low, it's 3 mi. S. of town and covers about 110 acres and is about 2 stories high-be my guest! Haven't heard of it being found, but there has been silver coins found by 2 members of our club. They like to break apart sofas, recliners, and other furniture of that type. Problem is they work for the trash dept. and get 1st jump on stuff and they won't tell me just how much they do find--they just HH
My wife bought my detector for me for Christmas. Said I needed something to 1. get me out of the house and 2. get some exercise. I think it had more to do with #1 though. She is anxious to see what I find every time I go out which is just about any decent weater day, but has no interest in going with me. If I found a one night stand I'd just hurt myself so I'm not really interested. I see a lot of apparently single women in the parks with their kids, ditto single men who go to the parks on visiting day with the kids. Anyone looking for a man just has to hit the parks on Saturday or Sunday and you will find several. I use to be one several years ago but that's a long story.