found a small Brewerton point


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2014
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Fisher f75/1270/1266x/Radio Shack Treasure tracker/
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026.JPG027.JPGPut on my poncho on this afternoon and took a walk over to a soybean field they cut not to long ago.Terrible condition for artifact hunting because of the left over soy plants covering the ground like straw.Some of the edges going around the field were a little exposed in places so I made the best of it and came out with this little guy.By far the smallest point I have found.It has some damage around the tip,I am thinking prehistoric damage but not sure.Hope everyone has a good turkey day!

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Nice little point.. I'm not really a quartz guy but I probably would have called that one a Halifax if I found it... But like I said I'm not much on quartz

Nice little point, and good eyes in those bad conditions.

I hate soy fields! Isnt it the worst for us to look at? It takes about a year for that stuff to dissolve back into the ground. Nice point by the way.

Nice find. Although it does resemble some of the examples of a Brewerton side notch shown in Diagnostic artifacts in Maryland, in the discussion about distribution it seems they didnt make it much further south than MD. I have a piece as well that looks like it belongs in the Brewerton family, hard to say, there are many side notch variations in VA. Gator might have it with the Halifax call, still a nice find in my book.

Thanks.I am gonna have to look into Halifax.I don't know if you guys are familiar with the site "Lithicsnet',but that is where I have been getting allot of my information.It is very confusing sometimes.One site will say one thing sometimes and another site will say another,with types and sometimes period.I have another question?I know that B.C. is the same as B.C.E,but is B.P.P the same as B.C as well?

I hate soy fields! Isnt it the worst for us to look at? It takes about a year for that stuff to dissolve back into the ground. Nice point by the way.
Thanks,Yeah I was pretty dissipointed when I got there.I was hunting a smaller soybean field not to long ago that wasn't all that bad,not so thick,but this one was just terrible,I don't know if it was cut higher or the crop was just thicker?I won't be back no time soon.

Thanks.I am gonna have to look into Halifax.I don't know if you guys are familiar with the site "Lithicsnet',but that is where I have been getting allot of my information.It is very confusing sometimes.One site will say one thing sometimes and another site will say another,with types and sometimes period.I have another question?I know that B.C. is the same as B.C.E,but is B.P.P the same as B.C as well?

It can be very confusing. One of my favorite sites for identification shows the same point for three different types. Not sure about B.P.P., but B.P. means before present, as in years old.

Thanks,Yeah I was pretty dissipointed when I got there.I was hunting a smaller soybean field not to long ago that wasn't all that bad,not so thick,but this one was just terrible,I don't know if it was cut higher or the crop was just thicker?I won't be back no time soon.

Probably a recent harvest. Im still battling some from last years cut. That stuff takes forever to clear unless they plow it.

Good find (looks familiar!!) Happy Thanksgiving!

DigIron2, here is a good typology guide that is Va. specific....
Thanks for the link, Its a good one.I take it that most points mostly get their names depending on the region or area they are found in?Like Gator and Viking mentioned that point being a Halifax,Looking on that website link you sent to me being Virgina artifacts ,I see it as a Halifax but don't see anything called a Brewerton,

Nice find. Although it does resemble some of the examples of a Brewerton side notch shown in Diagnostic artifacts in Maryland, in the discussion about distribution it seems they didnt make it much further south than MD. I have a piece as well that looks like it belongs in the Brewerton family, hard to say, there are many side notch variations in VA. Gator might have it with the Halifax call, still a nice find in my book.
So it is a different point altogether?As far as looking at pictures I can't see a difference.They both seem to have all the same characteristics.

Probably a recent harvest. Im still battling some from last years cut. That stuff takes forever to clear unless they plow it.
It wasn't cut too long ago,maybe a month or little longer.I am hoping they will turn it up next year,just like the rest of the fields around here!The crazy thing is that all the fields I hunt is all they planted this year was soybean,no corn.

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So it is a different point altogether?As far as looking at pictures I can't see a difference.They both seem to have all the same characteristics.

In some cases I think the same type can have more than one name, in this case though I think we have two different types. Here are a few more examples from a different site. Check out the outline of common size and shape. Sometimes the examples shown are stretch for the given type, maybe they should only show examples that have the same characteristics as the outline and description, save on some confusion on our part. Hopefully this info can help you to separate the two.

Brewerton Side Notch Projectile Point

Halifax Projectile Point

In some cases I think the same type can have more than one name, in this case though I think we have two different types. Here are a few more examples from a different site. Check out the outline of common size and shape. Sometimes the examples shown are stretch for the given type, maybe they should only show examples that have the same characteristics as the outline and description, save on some confusion on our part. Hopefully this info can help you to separate the two.

Brewerton Side Notch Projectile Point

Halifax Projectile Point
Thanks, that does help,I see two differences already.The Brewerton has more expanded stem and it looks like the shoulders are more pronounced.

Good observation. I just noticed that site does include my part of VA in the distribution area of a Brewerton. Here's the point I thought was a Brewerton corner notch, I was told it couldn't be because they were not found in VA.. I guess maybe they are.


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I am sure they haven't discovered everything and learned all the facts.I mean m.D is right next door.Nice piece

Thanks for the link, Its a good one.I take it that most points mostly get their names depending on the region or area they are found in?Like Gator and Viking mentioned that point being a Halifax,Looking on that website link you sent to me being Virgina artifacts ,I see it as a Halifax but don't see anything called a Brewerton,

They are often named for the site in which they are first found in a datable context. Orient Fishtail points were first excavated in context in Orient, Long Island. And similar looking points are going by different names in different regions. It's one of the facts that makes typing points tough. It's possible the people who developed that online Va typology don't regard Brewerton as a style found in Va., or else very rarely. Collectors can dispute that, I'm not fluent with Va. points.
i wouldn't think Va. was that far south of the known range.

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