🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Found a purse with a wad of money

Good for you for doing the right thing. I can only imagine that in her haste to get out of town for the weekend she left her wallet on top of her car and drove away. Maybe she'll get to her location and realize she's missing something. Hopefully before she runs out of gas and stops to fill up... but can't.

You could try searching her name and address and see if a number comes up?

being a decent human being is its own reward ( much like jobe may the lords favor shine upon you for doing the right thing when tested ) --but a thank you wouldn't hurt and cost nothing

once I tried returning a class ring to a young girl... tried 3 times to return it ..she would never set a turnover meeting --finally I found her grandma (that the gal lived with) and returned it to her ,,,seems "grandma" paid for the ring and the replacement one as well --and when granny asked where it was found at --and was told the beach --she said --humm --she said she lost it at school --seems the gal had been playing hookie and was hanging out swimming at the beach with a "boy" granny did not approve of around the time of "loss"... looks like by not setting a turnover with me --that her cat got out the bag,,, karma time explaining her lie to granny ...LOL

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call the employer ASAP & ask if they know where she is & last time seen at work.
call local PD & ask they do a "check the welfare" at residence, they will have ways of eliminating possible foul play
her safety is primary concern

Your doing the right thing, good on you.

I returned a similar ladies bag, with less cash but it did have her weed in it as well. My X & I rang her sister on her mobile phone which was in the bag. Got loads of abuse & when they came to pick it up, I didn't even get a thank-you. Some people are just idiots, it made me think I should have just handed in to the Police Station. However, it won't stop me doing the same again.

Outstanding TooManyHobbies! I'm gonna sit right here until we hear what she says to ya.

For safety sake, I would call the State police. This woman is probably going nuts. I would be. Perhaps she has called the police, but where they going to look?? Only we know.

Well done, sir!

Good on you. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't do the right thing.

Take it to the police station or we may see this headline tomorrow:

"Connecticut woman missing, local metal detectorist detained for questioning!"

Update: "The man being held in the disappearance of a Connecticut woman had dirt under his fingernails and a shovel in the trunk of his vehicle!"

Returned a few wallets and purses over the years to the owners. Some were grateful and other looked upon me like I was the reason for their loss. The funnest one was a purse that had everything still in it except for cash. I called up the real estate broker, and told her that I had found the purse while detecting in a ravine at a large park. She told me that it was smash and grab from her car a few years prior. We agreed to meet at a local coffee shop, I could tell that she was somewhat uneasy about the return. I was courteous and declined a small reward she had offered, on that she was gone like a shot. I chucked to myself that there must of been a dozen condom packs in the bottom of the purse.:)

Good karma headed your way.

Good job whether you get recognition or not. Doing the right thing is never wrong.

Good on you for getting back to her!! Unfortunately, most would just keep the cash and cards and ditch the rest. Cause her lots of problems. I've found a few wallets. Always return em [emoji106]🏻

You did the right thing. Most would have taken the cash. And caused alot of problems with her credit cards.

Good work, I was hoping to read that she contacted you, wonder what is taking so long. Shame she is probably taking so long canceling all the cards?

nice, she got lucky it was found by an honest person
still i think i would contact LE as a Birth Cert. is an odd
item to carry around, usually only needed for drive lic.
passport, public assistance/housing, or on the run from
a bad hubby/bf
hope you hear from her soon

I have never known a woman to not know where their purse is after and hour and this being a Holiday weekend I would turn it over to the Police. She may be in trouble.

Honorable mention in order here!

I used to ride my bicycle to work every day. One day I was riding home and I passed a wallet on the roadside. I picked it up- no cash, only license and credit cards.
I called the owner and sent his wallet back to him- I found out his house was robbed. I told him I worked for an alarm company and sent him a business card with the wallet. Then I find out the next week, I am being investigated as a suspect! I guess that was too much of a coincidence for the police. Sometimes doesn't pay to go the extra step!

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