Found a proxy 438 coins this morning !!!!!


Jul 2, 2017
Cape coral FL.
Detector(s) used
Whites Spectra V 3i
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I was out this morning and not doing very good . I was in down town Cape Coral Florida. Now Cape Coral has only been around since 1959 so I don't find many silver or wheat back pennies. Well anyway I found about 15 coins around a vacant lot ,then I came up to some concrete pads. I am sure they were part of a past foundation. Everything here is nothing but sand and it easy digging . I have a whites Spectra V3i and I waved it over the concrete seams as I walked by and it went off . No surprise there lots of metal in concrete. But in this case it only went off over the joint in the concrete. So I checked it with my pin pointer. It went off along the joint in the concrete for about 2 feet. So i dug in with a screwdriver and started posing out coins. They just kept coming and coming out. I filled my pockets and the went to my truck to dump them and go back . I went as deep as my screw driver would go and there are still coins in there. I could see them . But I couldn't reach them . Going to go back Sunday with some other kind of tool . The Crack opened up wider as it went down. Not sure why the coins are in such bad shape? No silver, no wheat back pennies that I could tell. It was the most coins I have ever found in a day. I have had a couple over 100 coin days . I am including some pictures.


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Upvote 35
That is the oddest thing I think I have ever heard No other cracks had any coins? Just this one? Sounds very deliberate to me. Some kid hell bent on filling a crack! or something.
Cheers I would have been right next to you chiseling them out. !!

About 3 years ago, I went through the Drive-Thru at a McDonald's in Morristown, Tennessee and there was a wide crack between the curb and the concrete driveway of the Drive-Thru Lane and the crack must have had $50 of visible change in it. Who knows how much was underneath. I wanted to go back and dig the coins out of the crack but not long after my visit, they tore out the concrete and put in a new curb and Drive-Thru Lane. I often wonder who got all of that change, the Manager or some employees of that McDonald's or the construction crew who did the relacement.


About 3 years ago, I went through the Drive-Thru at a McDonald's in Morristown, Tennessee and there was a wide crack between the curb and the concrete driveway of the Drive-Thru Lane and the crack must have had $50 of visible change in it. Who knows how much was underneath. I wanted to go back and dig the coins out of the crack but not long after my visit, they tore out the concrete and put in a new curb and Drive-Thru Lane. I often wonder who got all of that change, the Manager or some employees of that McDonald's or the construction crew who did the relacement.

You gotta grab while the gettin is good. I wonder how much change rolls from the drive up windows into the streets. They gotta drop coins left and right? Right? That was a catchin crack

Very cool.....never would have thunk it....Congrats !!

About 3 years ago, I went through the Drive-Thru at a McDonald's in Morristown, Tennessee and there was a wide crack between the curb and the concrete driveway of the Drive-Thru Lane and the crack must have had $50 of visible change in it. Who knows how much was underneath. I wanted to go back and dig the coins out of the crack but not long after my visit, they tore out the concrete and put in a new curb and Drive-Thru Lane. I often wonder who got all of that change, the Manager or some employees of that McDonald's or the construction crew who did the relacement.


My 'OCD' would not have let them coins stay there long.

Honestly, I never got past this first Crack. But I am going back Sunday morning. I want to see how many more come out of there. I could see there were more . But how to reach them without breaking the concrete.

This post reminds me of when years ago , this time of year , I was board riding around a business park that back in the 1970-1980's early 90's there were many Civil War relics found . I saw a small wooded area & thought "What the Heck".

Walked into the woods , instantly started getting Zinc/Civil War bullet Signals & other Coin signals.

Then I noticed all the Make-shift shelters & a few Tents and realized it was a home-less encampment .
There was a 20 X 20 foot area covered with coins , I could not swing my machine and eventually crawled around on my knees w/ my pin-pointer for over an hour picking up single & little piles of coins Nickles , Dimes & Quarters too.

The Mosquitoes were swarming me, I kept telling myself 'OK 10 more coins' & about 100 coins later I had to quit.
There was still coins to be found; I saw no occupants of the Camp, ' I did not Knock at the tents tho' & ever since then I been weary about giving the Homeless Change.

I was thinking you were going to say you dug around 400 plugs... was tired just thinking about it. This is much better, congratulations! :icon_thumright:

Lots of quarters, so definitely worth a retrieval effort. Nice find!

This post reminds me of when years ago , this time of year , I was board riding around a business park that back in the 1970-1980's early 90's there were many Civil War relics found . I saw a small wooded area & thought "What the Heck".

Walked into the woods , instantly started getting Zinc/Civil War bullet Signals & other Coin signals.

Then I noticed all the Make-shift shelters & a few Tents and realized it was a home-less encampment .
There was a 20 X 20 foot area covered with coins , I could not swing my machine and eventually crawled around on my knees w/ my pin-pointer for over an hour picking up single & little piles of coins Nickles , Dimes & Quarters too.

The Mosquitoes were swarming me, I kept telling myself 'OK 10 more coins' & about 100 coins later I had to quit.
There was still coins to be found; I saw no occupants of the Camp, ' I did not Knock at the tents tho' & ever since then I been weary about giving the Homeless Change.

I wonder what a knock on a tent sounds like?:icon_scratch::dontknow::laughing7:


You gotta grab while the gettin is good. I wonder how much change rolls from the drive up windows into the streets. They gotta drop coins left and right? Right? That was a catchin crack

I would have loved to retrieve as many coins as possible. However, it was lunch time, the parking lot was full and the drive-thru lane was backed up to the highway. Besides, if I had parked and was able to get any coins between each car or truck driving through, I would imagine that the manager would have called the cops on me. At times when going through the Drive-Thru of fast food restaurants, I have opened the door, leaned out and retrieved a few coins but now that I mostly drive my' Ford F-150 4x4, there is no way of leaning out and picking up anything.


I wonder what a knock on a tent sounds like?:icon_scratch::dontknow::laughing7:


It's "Hello , I come in peace, is anybody home, i'm not here to bother you"

Something like that. LOL

Man I get so many new ideas from TreasureNet!!!

And here's another one :)

Ha Ha! That's simply amazing. Whether they're stinkin' zincolns or not that would be a hoot for any treasure hunter. You know how we think, "the next one's gonna' be SILVER!" Dredge that crack for all it's worth mate. I do search cracks and crevices for coins. Recovery can be a puzzle at times. Thanks for sharing the interesting thread.:headbang:

Congratulations on your unique find! I walk my dog at two in the morning when I get off work. First stop is dairy queen drive through, then the all night convenience store and on down past the bars in the business district. About a mile. Last year was over $100.00 this year so far over thirty.

I thought it was going to sound something like a Black Bear clawing the tent!:laughing7:


A good way to get Shot or stabbed.

As you know many homeless have Mental problems ( worse than me).

Not far away from this site , I was gonna hunt a Ridge but decided to hunt the Hill on the other side.
I could hear yelling through my headphones , turns out there was a Man 'Were I was going to hunt' Yelling Religious passages , & Binding Demons Over & over . I was glad I chose not to hunt there , but said a Prayer for him + if them Demons came out I did not want them coming near me.

Sorry for the side track 'OP'.

Hope you can save the rest of them coins on Sunday.

Wow! That is an amazing amount of coins in one area, congratulations! :icon_thumright:

So now I know how the term "Crack Wh*re" got started! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Great find!

Rotten pennies or not, I would have stayed and dug them all out too. :thumb_up:

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