found a low grade vein


Wow! Is that free mill from your lode deposit? Lots of of pretty yellow!

I guess I should have worded that differently. Was that all from grinding your ore in your new crusher/mill, or did you use a leaching process to recover the gold? How much does that weigh?? Very good take by the way. I am not so sure that is low grade ore tho!

It's from milling, roasting, then frothflotation. It's all in sulphides. And we are move a lot of rock.

It's from milling, roasting, then frothflotation. It's all in sulphides. And we are move a lot of rock.

hbp this is a very interesting process I'd like to better understand. Do you know of a link I can use that explains it as its too long to get into here and all I'm finding is more of a commercial nature?
Thanks, C-dad

copper sulfides and Pyrite abound here too m8! gl ... with them a recent vein had a ton of (yes a TON) valleriite pretty messy and a bloody pain on an Aqua Regia setup... but it (the vein) yielded 14.2 oz in the end (ya i ended up dragging a trailer out there to load what i never wanted to process! haha)

NEVER Wander as a Prospector if your mine is yielding!... It causes ADD and 1400$ more at the BLM office!

Little bit waiting on a generator and jackhammer. I have a ton and a half to crush in my garage

right on, are you still getting good test.

Here and there. We are testing nine veins. We are on our second one now. I'll post pics soon.

that bosch 60 lb elect jack is a fairly good tool if you havnt got one yet rent one from Home depot and try it out.
i used one to dig 30 feet in solid rock had very little trouble with it, it was used tool rebuilt but worked great and affordable.

I'm with HB Build your own Google patents helped with the build on mine! love it .. already wore out the 12ton chain hooks have to go get some more today! IMG_20130402_133048_144.webpIMG_20130402_133818_762.webpIMG_20130402_133935_631.webpIMG_20130402_134020_274.webp

Hello hbprospector! Thanks for the pics....hope you could comment on mine. Found some of the rocks in the area... i thought they might be anywhere near gold veins. Keep those pics coming, loved it!photo (9).webpphoto (10).webp

Those are very cool looking. But I can only see one at a time on my phone. I'll get on the computer soon and look at them.

Gold baby.......crushing another couple tons tuesday


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