Absolutely right GreyCloud...but it still doesn't hurt to be reminded periodically to keep an eye out for them.:hello:
You know what has been said about snakes in the tall grass!!

According to an ancient Chinese proverb............. "He who was bitten by a snake avoids tall grass."

Now now GN and GG...:icon_scratch:
Yaw know dang well that the Gold hides in the tall grass.:tongue3:

I guess that means that when I get sick and have no insurance I can post some crazy thing, get arrested and spend years incarcerated, fed and medically treated by the Feds. Sounds like a better retirement plan than I have now.

My bud Mad Dog did just that in trinity county as he absolutely refused to participate in the proper permit hoax. He told the judge in open court in answer to the judges threat to jail him. Hell man it's free air conditioned,hot meals and a nice cot,thats better than I got it at home!!! He did go to jail and begged the judge to NOT send him home 4-5 days later and to punish him the judge sent him home--what a hoot-tons a au 2 u 2 -John

Governments of any kind, fed, state, city, county should not be giving pensions on tax payer dimes. Private companies may or may not provide a retirement plan. If you want a retirement plan, either start your own business and/or save your money. My taxes should not go for someone else's retirement. And we wonder why the state is $16 billion in debt.

Governments of any kind, fed, state, city, county should not be giving pensions on tax payer dimes. Private companies may or may not provide a retirement plan. If you want a retirement plan, either start your own business and/or save your money. My taxes should not go for someone else's retirement. And we wonder why the state is $16 billion in debt.

So, how's that gonna work? Folks just die off at 65? Very few make enough to 'save' for retirement since eating, rent, kids, etc. take up most of the paycheck. Tough world, AP.

I'd venture a guess that the state is $16 Billion in debt because they spent the money on the wrong things - in return for campaign funds.

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The more liberal we become the less freedom we will have, enough said.

the whole problem is that the population centers....S.F., L.A. have the biggest voice and litterly drown out the rest of the state. And beings they live and breath in the swill of smog....they think the entire state is smog it's really easy to sway the smog suckin sheeple with the "Green" agenda. So in other words...As long as L.A. and S.F. stays full ofloons with lots of money.....ain't a damn thing we can do other than just stand here and watch this state implode under the weight of the liberal/enviro onslaught

yes there is something you/I/and everybody can do! but it involves effort on all of our parts! thats the stumbelling block most Americans have!getting involved is what we need todo, and if we dont,well..................look at what its cost us so far!

ArmChair, I am with you.:thumbsup: Why should I be forced to pay for someone elses retirement. Just give me what has been taken from me in the name of socialism and I want nothing from my fellow man but to be left alone. Nuff Said.

HA! i attended a meeting this weeekend and someone informed me (to NO suprise) that in my state (Missouri)all my comments on the internet and another friend of mines comments were/are being documented in Missouri by our state level gubermint people!. well i guess its nice to be finnaly recognized!!!hahaha i wonder if i could get a bound hardback version of the comments with some 8x10 color glossys for my book collection??? haha i guess the truth hurts them,and ive hit a nerve and got their attention!

Sorry to hear that Russ as kalif style bs hits misery too.....John :tongue3:

its all about "resource control" -- pin up the "sheeple" in the cities --where they can not go "off the grid" and grow food and be "independant" (free of the system) -- by forcing people to "live" in the city -- you make them dependant on the "system" --the "system " that big power-- behind the scenes "mega money / political string pullers" -- controls and runs ---

agenda 21 is all about penning folks up into pupulation heavy urban "cluster" areas for ease of "control" by the govt -- get out of line * and your "supplies" will be cut off ( no more living in the city without a "ration card" -food stamp type program) so then you will be sent to "survive" in the "outland farms" as slave labor to work on the "farms"to supply the "big cities" with food and supplies --its a one way path once you leave the city --you will never be allowed to return * you will be fed at the farms and outland raw product harvesting areas the minimum amount of food to keep you alive and working , with only the most basic of supplies (clothing and such) and medical care. --yopu will not be allowed to live independantly on your own once kicked out of the city of course --its city life or work on "the farms" -- opting out is not "allowed"-- going out on your own and "stealing" resources to live off of is of course forbidden -- it will be like it was in feudal times --you "peasents" can not hunt "the kings deer" in the kings forest.

submit and be the "king's serf" (slave) or starve to death --"poachers" and "theif's" of the kings resources will be killed

of course this site as well as the entire internet is being watched not only by the govt , but by archies, indain tribal folks who do not want anyone near "their' land and resources * as well as folks looking for other sites to pillage once they figger out exactly where there at . -- one can post but one must be smart about what one posts and must always remember - "THEY ARE OUT THERE AND THEY ARE WATCHING.

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by Hoser John on Tue May 01, 2012 1:52 pm
Subject: "FORUMS INFILTRATED PROOF YET AGAIN" First topic | Next topic

Hoser John Tue May-01-12 01:50 PM
Member since May 06th 1995
4248 posts


holy crap they sent an army!
Tue May 01, 2012 12:38 am

Remember how I said the forums have eyes and ears! It only took a couple weeks from my first post in years and the tribe contacted the FS! They said that this man is dredging! The Piss firs came to me with copies of this forum and my posts! I told them that fishermen and dredgers were the 2 biggest liers! Biggest fish/nugget etc! frkn crazy! On the compliance, everything a okay and legal! To the TRIBE, we are not dredging! WE are mining our claim by pick and shovel ! We will mine our claim within the guidelines of federal law. If you have a complaint on (me)dredging go to the state not the feds! The feds have no role in dredging or tunneling! God, do I have to help you mining haters on law again! WTF! You know back a few years a karuk was dredging 1/4 mile from us and cussing his tribe cause he was working and not milking! Just so you know

THE WALLS HAVE EARS AND DO NOT NEVER NO WAY N LL TRUST ANYONE NEW---or pay the price with your freedom,pocketbook and equipment---err on the side a caution as lean,mean,small,quiet rule the day and nobody here dredges anyway John
Assistant Administrator
Posts: 2368Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:16 pmLocation: Redding,California

We, [This whole site} are being watched by the IRS to help find 11 trillion for China, don't put the 30 lb. nugget on Craigslist yet, try E bay first and ask for Paypals.

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or just be smart! keep it to yourself ,if you can or pay the price!and ofcourse always do the right thing,and pay your share and that of the other "not worth a cr*p lazy sobs that are still waiting for os free handouts",of course we want to help them jerks out!we work hard for what we earn and sure, we want to give it away to help those that want everyone else help pay for their drugs/booze! thats the American way isnt it??

I guess that means I should not talk about the huge gold vein my uncle found while cleaning Mt. Rushmore and he was working on the left nostril of T. Jefferson.

and I always thought it was a booger !


by Hoser John on Tue May 01, 2012 1:52 pm
Subject: "FORUMS INFILTRATED PROOF YET AGAIN" First topic | Next topic

Hoser John Tue May-01-12 01:50 PM
Member since May 06th 1995
4248 posts


holy crap they sent an army!
Tue May 01, 2012 12:38 am

Remember how I said the forums have eyes and ears! It only took a couple weeks from my first post in years and the tribe contacted the FS! They said that this man is dredging! The Piss firs came to me with copies of this forum and my posts! I told them that fishermen and dredgers were the 2 biggest liers! Biggest fish/nugget etc! frkn crazy! On the compliance, everything a okay and legal! To the TRIBE, we are not dredging! WE are mining our claim by pick and shovel ! We will mine our claim within the guidelines of federal law. If you have a complaint on (me)dredging go to the state not the feds! The feds have no role in dredging or tunneling! God, do I have to help you mining haters on law again! WTF! You know back a few years a karuk was dredging 1/4 mile from us and cussing his tribe cause he was working and not milking! Just so you know

THE WALLS HAVE EARS AND DO NOT NEVER NO WAY N LL TRUST ANYONE NEW---or pay the price with your freedom,pocketbook and equipment---err on the side a caution as lean,mean,small,quiet rule the day and nobody here dredges anyway John
Assistant Administrator
Posts: 2368Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:16 pmLocation: Redding,California


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