fortune teller Mahaley Lancaster

The thing about fortune tellers. 1. They have a keen sense of telling you either what you already know or what you want to hear and 2. We only hear about the times they guessed correctly, we never hear about the immeasurable number of predictions they made in their lifetime that never came true...

The thing about fortune tellers. 2. We only hear about the times they guessed correctly, we never hear about the immeasurable number of predictions they made in their lifetime that never came true...

I've often said the same thing about "women's intuition". They never let you forget about the times they warned you that something bad would happen, and then it did. But if the blizzard of warnings women give us about why we shouldn't do something were based in reality we would have been extinct long ago. And woe be to the man who later says, "I told you nothing bad would happen."

Incorrect. I am both a descendant of Mayhaley and lived in both the house she told fortunes in and the one she lived in. The one she told fortunes in is disgusting and unable to be used now because after we left a year ago, no one took care of it. Mayhayley's house is now owned by the Georges or the Hulls. I forgot which one my mother sold it to. If you're curious... it's on Hull Road in Ephesus Georgia.....

Did she ever say anything about where her powers came from? Did she always have these psychic abilities or did they come to her later on in life? Also I was curious if any of her descendants inherited her abilities.

I'm reading post and laughing at the shallow minds some people have. I don't know if they were born with them or developed their brains in a bar.
A man named Edgar Cayce was ridiculed, scoffed at even arrested for being a physic, soothsayer, "fortune teller". Edgar died in 1945. If he had been born in the year, 100 ad, there would have been a book in the Bible named after him. Some scoff at the word Bible, but! it is a history book as well as thought provoker. You can read yourself about Cayce, who never wrote a book, all written about him was from others. There is still a place in VA. Beach that carries on his teachings and words. A.R.E.
The gist of this post is; be careful who you make fun of, least it bites you in the ass.

The original post is 12 years old. The person that posted it has only 4 posts the last of which was in Jan. 2015.

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Judging by the original post is 3 years old and not many postings to boot, I would guess he either died or found the gold and ran!
I'm OP's nephew. He is alive and healthy, and he did not find the gold. The brother he is referring to, in the original post, is my dad, and he has told me this story and is still convinced it's in the location that they went to. I've always wanted to go look for myself, but he told me it would take a lot of prep work because of the location. Just wanted to give an update after 16 years.​

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