Your right Kurt. I took my flats boat in there. The entrance is on about 18 inches deep so I had to get out of the boat and push it across the bar for about 10 or 15 feet but the the bottom drops out and there is nice deep water all the way back in the canal. As with the tip, this area is also high ground and heavily overgrown. I couldn't make a land fall back in the because it is fronted by a marsh bank that, when you step on it, you sink to your neck. It needs to be boarded for a walkway. I was thinking a few pallets would do the trick. It is definitely an interesting site but I don't won't to disturb it until MichealB says let's go. I wouldn't have known about it he not pointed it out. I keep asking so maybe this times a charm. What do u say Michael, ready for a dig?