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"called out for another round as the waiter brought a tray and ceiling flew away."
infinite loop.webp

Fenn speak is Cryptic speech as should be obvious to all by now. And this cryptic speech is used by Fenn anytime he wants to confuse, misdirect or mislead a "quarry".
Cryptic speech is the absolute opposite of clear, obvious, plain,straightforward speech.
That leads to the conclusion that one should not take anything Fenn says at face value.

1) If Fenn leads you to believe that he hid a physical cache in the outdoors, then he most likely did no such thing. It is just that simple and just that complex.

2) When Fenn says that some searchers have been within 500 feet of the treasure, it is well to keep in mind that any distance from the treasure 500 feet or LESS fits that description. If the treasure is in Fenns mind as an illusion and you are within 500 feet of Fenn, you are within 500 feet of the treasure.

3) Santa Fe, NM is 7,000 feet in elevation. Fenn walking in his own yard is at 7,000 feet in elevation, well above the required 5,000 feet specified in his "clue"

4) I could go on and on, and on, but the truth is plain to see. Fenn Fan's eyes are open but they but they may as well be closed.
Lttle joke for you Ronzi. You know when you have been going around in circles chasing Fenn's gold too long when you answer your doorbell and is you on the other side of the door.

Hay, you left one out! The warm water halts when he turns off the faucet.
Cryptic Speech, Misspoke, they all mean the same thing. lol Frank...


Hay, you left one out! The warm water halts when he turns off the faucet.
Cryptic Speech, Misspoke, they all mean the same thing. lol Frank...


Now that is a comment to give one pause Frankn

The Truth Is Plain To See, Knowledge Is Power


"So hear me all and listen good" and your effort will pay dividends.
Knowledge is Power. Fenn's objective is to sell you his dream and limit your knowledge.
Beware the naysayers is advised, all you need is the poem, but his book might increase you odds of finding the "box". But of course Fenn is the author of the book he suggests you might want to read. TOTC, reality, according to WHO? Fenn of course because it is Fenn's dream that he is selling and Fenn fans are buying into. Fenn wins and the dreamers loose in this chase game devised by Fenn. It could be described as the searcher helping Fenn chase his dream, rather than the searchers dreams. The truth is plain to see.

"So hear me all and listen good" and your effort will pay dividends.
Knowledge is Power. Fenn's objective is to sell you his dream and limit your knowledge.
Beware the naysayers is advised, all you need is the poem, but his book might increase you odds of finding the "box". But of course Fenn is the author of the book he suggests you might want to read. TOTC, reality, according to WHO? Fenn of course because it is Fenn's dream that he is selling and Fenn fans are buying into. Fenn wins and the dreamers loose in this chase game devised by Fenn. It could be described as the searcher helping Fenn chase his dream, rather than the searchers dreams. The truth is plain to see.

The Mask  700.webp
But it is masked!

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"So hear me all and listen good" and your effort will pay dividends.
Knowledge is Power. Fenn's objective is to sell you his dream and limit your knowledge.
Beware the naysayers is advised, all you need is the poem, but his book might increase you odds of finding the "box". But of course Fenn is the author of the book he suggests you might want to read. TOTC, reality, according to WHO? Fenn of course because it is Fenn's dream that he is selling and Fenn fans are buying into. Fenn wins and the dreamers loose in this chase game devised by Fenn. It could be described as the searcher helping Fenn chase his dream, rather than the searchers dreams. The truth is plain to see.

You cant lose if you enjoy the experience.

You cant lose if you enjoy the experience.

True enough young man. Different strokes for different folks. Some actually seem to get a thrill out of being hosed by a man playing mind games with folks who are not a devious and cunning as himself. While others may adopt that attitude for ego protection. Who can speak for anyone other than themselves in that regard?

Frankn;3710556But it is masked![/QUOTE said:

Well now Frankn, that all depends. Each person is different. To most it is masked, to some it is thinly veiled, and to some, it is all but transparent. The road to wisdom is a long and winding road. A lifetime of learning. Opinions are the starting line. Some folks never get off the starting line in their journey thru life, while some are "off and running" right out of the mother's womb. Go figure Frankn. I love to figure. How about you Frankn?

I have been on that road for 76 years and I think I have forgotten more than most learn. Hay just my opinion from looking around.

111-2 de Vinci.webp



No problem Frankn:
But just so there will be no misunderstanding by the "in the wood" searchers, I am talking about Wisdom as a state of mind, not the town of Wisdom, Montana.

Jokers Wild


So then,as I wander thru my playing cards in this chase thrill game, I recall the words of
Paul Simon: After changes after changes, a man is more or less the same, just older than he was and younger than he'll be. That's not unusual.

According to the Joker Fenn, "secrets are just stories yet to be told." There is a story there just waiting to be told. But on the other hand, is this chase thrill game just another ship that will never come in? That too would not unusual,


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Mystical calculations


Calculating the weight of an illusion. What is the total weight of an illusion of Fenn's treasure chest plus the contents? Answer: Whatever you choose for it to be.
Kind of like how far is not far but too far to walk? Answer: It all depends on what you decide it to be. The clue there refers to a book rather than a distance measurement.

The treasure chest and contents are in all probibility simply real items used as prop for photographs to help convince potential thrill chase game players that there is actually a physical treasure hidden in the wood. It's all in the mind of the beholder in this mind game Fenn is playing.

It's all a mystical mind game rather than the expected in the wood physical search. A bit like calculating the weight of Santa's sleigh when fully loaded with toys for all the good girls and boys. Go figure.

This is an old picture of a chest that was under glass. I have reduced it to black and white and increased the contrast to bring up details . Notice the scratches on the image or glass? Notice the 'smear' in the upper left quadrant where the picture stuck to the glass? Frank...
Z chest.webp
Fenn's falacy.

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