Forrest Fenn s treasure

signal line, Good enough. i wish you luck.
Frank, I agree that is why Brown is so important. It is a key to the area and therefore gives location to the other clues. The guesses are endless without such a key. A waste of time I would think. Ranger Gary Brown asst. to Yellowstone is my best guess. At least his old home puts me in a place where all the other clues fit. Yes, there may be other answers more correct than this, I am waiting for one so I can start a new search.

I happen to like Gary Brown best, as well.


yes the us treasury prints, so not sure of your point,do you want another dept to print our money?
sorry forgot, what does this have to do with FF Tbox full of gold
U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing - Home

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I see you hit every Fenn story on here stating you know the blaze location and all you want is half!!!???? or a few coins...

Geez Wally!!!! If you know the treasure is there why wouldn't you spend the time there to get it and have it all???? Oh yes that dirty four letter I would leave a million dollar treasure behind so I didn't miss work as well. Good grief!!!


He's in full control of all aspects. Always has been.

Once again, YOU WOULD KNOW THAT because ....???? you are linked with his mind, or have direct, very personal link to him, or because you both are part of something greater ???? You seem to have very intimate knowledge of Fenn's person and his affairs! I hope others here on this board see it too.
Can you specify aspects?

If people say fenn is old school he is not using decmial lat/long..
36 29 31N 105 29 31W
35 31 32N 105 29 33W

Try this and rearange them , then make a big x on your map where they intersect..mexem up and plot them..if possible to go local airport for aircraft sectional for stata works I tried it.. then go to where x marks the spot and you just might get lucky:

Terry (Old guy)

Once again, YOU WOULD KNOW THAT because ....???? you are linked with his mind, or have direct, very personal link to him, or because you both are part of something greater ???? You seem to have very intimate knowledge of Fenn's person and his affairs! I hope others here on this board see it too.
Can you specify aspects?

You don't make millions in the art world by being lucky, usually.

Speaking of needing a life...
I stated it to help, as it may make a big difference. I was polite about it, not critical.
Unfortunately, you didn't take the same path.

I didn't take offense. No big deal.

Yep, Firehole Falls, Did you go to OJo clientie or what his bathing spot was?

Ojo caliente is a mineral hot springs spa resort place. It's in NM, just North of Espanola (about an hr from Santa Fe). I took my lady there for a day while we were out there. Nice to sit and relax, but too commercial to be a good hiding spot. But it is where warm waters halt. There are lots of hot springs out there though :/

You don't make millions in the art world by being lucky, usually.

Obviously you are his CPA or tax attorney if you know how much he makes.

BTW, yes - you do make $$ by being lucky or in the right place at the right time.

IMO, he is broke from living a lavish life style and fighting the feds. He sold his gallery long ago and has to make cash by selling books.


So is the Today show done with giving clues?

From there it's no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There'll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.

"Heavy loads and water high"

i know what water halts i know where the home of brown is i know why we got to get cold i know the location of meek i know location of drawing nigh i know where he goes in alone i know what up the creek with no paddle means and its location.....not in new mexico not in coloradco my location is atleast 300 miles west of toledo and more then 8.5 north of santa fe my name is steve 443 602 4893 i need a frontman to help go get the box i know what forrest fenns blaze looks like and i know the area the box is in i know were heavy loads and high water is located serious i have translated thew poem and can explain it very well and it all matches up to locations on a map 100 percent sure i know where the box is

Pappy, my problem with ranger Brown's home is that it's too easy. IMHO, there is no way that Fenn would make it that easy to find a solid place. For all any of us know, the whole line is meaningless for finding the treasure....thrown in to distract. I also doubt the treasure is in a tree, but that's just my opinion.

clue was here but now its gone lol

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i know home of brown and i can translate the whole peom I need a frontman to go get the box steve 443 602 4893


Your translation of the poem is way off k…i know what warm water halts i know the home of brown i know where place of meek is i know where drawing nigh is i know where the creek is where we wont use a paddle i know where heavy loads and water high means and its location i know why we got to get cold to get the box i know what forrest fenn blaze looks like and i knlow where in the wood is… serious i need a frontman to join with me 50 50 all except the item forrest wants returned to him that i think we should just give to him not make him pay…..i am completely serious my answers match up with clues and markings on a map 100 percent my name is steve call me 443 602 4893 this is time stamped and so is my cell in case u ttry to screw me out of my half im not lying i know ehere it is….

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Your translation of the poem is way off k…i know what warm water halts i know the home of brown i know where place of meek is i know where drawing nigh is i know where the creek is where we wont use a paddle i know where heavy loads and water high means and its location i know why we got to get cold to get the box i know what forrest fenn blaze looks like and i knlow where in the wood is… serious i need a frontman to join with me 50 50 all except the item forrest wants returned to him that i think we should just give to him not make him pay…..i am completely serious my answers match up with clues and markings on a map 100 percent my name is steve call me 443 602 4893 this is time stamped and so is my cell in case u ttry to screw me out of my half im not lying i know ehere it is….

my location is also more then 300 miles west of toledo and more then 8.5 miles north of santa fe

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