Forrest Fenn s treasure

In its'self, that screen shot of white rock saying to Forrest that he is enclosing a photo of the treasure is meaningless to others as the messages could have been composed without sending Forrest anything or else sending a photo of a giraffe. We, the others on the forum only have white rock's word that he sent a picture of the treasure to Forrest. As Nvradar has said, prove it.

In its'self, that screen shot of white rock saying to Forrest that he is enclosing a photo of the treasure is meaningless to others as the messages could have been composed without sending Forrest anything or else sending a photo of a giraffe. We, the others on the forum only have white rock's word that he sent a picture of the treasure to Forrest. As Nvradar has said, prove it.

In its'self, that screen shot of white rock saying to Forrest that he is enclosing a photo of the treasure is meaningless to others as the messages could have been composed without sending Forrest anything or else sending a photo of a giraffe. We, the others on the forum only have white rock's word that he sent a picture of the treasure to Forrest. As Nvradar has said, prove it.

I hear and understand what you are saying, but it is more complicated. The idea was, that Forrest would confirm that he did get the picture, and tell the blogs as he promised that he would, if someone would sent him the picture of the treasure. I am holding him to his words.
Either he will publicly deny, that he received and seen the picture of the treasure after he hid it, or he will admit it. If he admits it, then it speaks for itself. I asked him to donate it. If he publicly denies it, I'll post the picture of the treasure here.
Somebody needs to ask him straight up, in public. Post his answer and link of his statement here. I have the picture that was sent to him - in it's hiding spot.

I hear and understand what you are saying, but it is more complicated. The idea was, that Forrest would confirm that he did get the picture, and tell the blogs as he promised that he would, if someone would sent him the picture of the treasure. I am holding him to his words.
Either he will publicly deny, that he received and seen the picture of the treasure after he hid it, or he will admit it. If he admits it, then it speaks for itself. I asked him to donate it. If he publicly denies it, I'll post the picture of the treasure here.
Somebody needs to ask him straight up, in public. Post his answer and link of his statement here. I have the picture that was sent to him - in it's hiding spot.

I personally am tired of you claiming something you refuse to prove. This hunt is so popular that no news channel would turn it down...

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Flopper let's watch the language pkease.

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Flopper let's watch the language pkease.

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Sorry just get tired of person talking with no proof. I'm sure everyone else on the net feels the same....

Sorry just get tired of person talking with no proof. I'm sure everyone else on the net feels the same....

Thank you sir...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I look at it like this... when it's found nobody will know or everyone will know. Everyone knows why and why not.

Sorry just get tired of person talking with no proof. I'm sure everyone else on the net feels the same....
Not necessarily !

But here are some of my concerns, that none of you want to touch with a 10 foot pole. I posted them on so e other forum, but nobody wants to consider it.

To most here:
I wish you would stop putting him on a pedestal, and start hearing what Fenn is actually saying. It is really interesting how selectively you guys choose what statement from him you want to accept and which you simply dismiss because it does not fit your theories.
For example : he clearly said that if he were to live his life over, he would do everything different, yet most of you here think that he is some kind of a model for perfect lifestyle and put on a pedestal to worship. Take that lesson from him, and choose not to grab every banana, as many are lemons, as he said. He certainly seems to wish that he has lived his life differently

Regarding the finding of the treasure he states, that it is not a giveaway or a lottery, and nobody will just stumble over it. He said that he wants someone worthy to find it - i am just parafrasing here. Remember, in a lottery anyone can be a winner, all they need is some silly luck. That does not seem to be the case here, and I think that option should be on the table. After all, 500 years from now nobody would know about any clues or poem anyway, ( so non would be special or worthy ) so why totaly eliminate that scenario. So is it only for a select few, maybe even a select one = someone specific, someone worthy, that this chase was intended for? And all of the other seekers are just millers, keeping time and things moving along, and spending their money unnecessarily - well supporting local economies, never really having a chance? Which begs another question: is the treasure in its hiding spot at all times or only at a select " special " time. Now those are the questions you should be asking and have a right to have answered! I was lucky to catch it at a special time, when it was visible. But it would seem that that might not be the case for most of the time.

He also mentions something that he hopes that the hunt goes as intended - that also speaks of preconceived end, perhaps designed by an architect? See the movie 9th gate = 9 gates= 9 clues to eternal life . I do not wish to promote that movie, but for the reference, look for an architect in it = I believe that is the same architect that designed this chase. Fenn does not make any claim that he is the architect he mentioned, people simply assumed that.

Btw - remember his stamens that the poem wrote itself, the letters just appeared on the screen? ! = that is a very important stament, yet none of you seem to be taking it into consideration. He also said that the poem was designed by an architect and that it took 15 years to write it, and made many changes to it. Does not that seem like conflicting statements?
And yes it is very similar with a TT by Stadther - same type statements.

So before you waste your money on a fruitless effort, consider those things. He said he has thought of everything, and that it is not a giveaway.
I would like to hear your opinions and comments on those issues.

And still NOT A THING SAID. I think I actually have it now!! I'll explain quite clearly.... When the day goes by the side of the river and we get to eat our sandwiches at that time it will be divulged. So why would you ask for this when you can have that? You need to ask someone that and you will see what is being explained here. So... with those things said why would anyone not wonder why it is of a parallel dynamic universe. It isn't!! The main reason why I must write to help mankind avoid this diabolic dimension is so when the incorporated people searching for this jinx they will see with 20/20 vision.

Personally, I saw and liked the movie 'The 9th Gate' mentioned by JayAckham above. I read the book first called the 'The Club Dumas' by Arturo Perez-Reverte (highly recommend it). I can speak with authority that there is NO possible connection between the treasure Fenn hid and the book or movie.... J's "creativity" knows no bounds and I feel like he would be better served (as would we here) if he would simply write a novel or book of his own.... 'Nuff said there.

The United States of the Antarctic is coming out of the deep freeze and spring is in the air. I can practically hear people tieing up their hiking boots, swapping out their flashlight batteries, and nylon backpacks being slung over their shoulders. The "blaze" is out there in the misty morning waiting Zen-like. Will this be the year...???


Personally, I saw and liked the movie 'The 9th Gate' mentioned by JayAckham above. I read the book first called the 'The Club Dumas' by Arturo Perez-Reverte (highly recommend it). I can speak with authority that there is NO possible connection between the treasure Fenn hid and the book or movie.... J's "creativity" knows no bounds and I feel like he would be better served (as would we here) if he would simply write a novel or book of his own.... 'Nuff said there.


I did not say that there is a connection, I said i believe that it is a same architect, that Fenn has refereed to in his comment - same as in the link below. Ninth Gate | Citizen Pariah

And what is it that makes you speak with authority that there is NO connection ? Who are you ?

I gave this site a rest for a while to see if there were any takers to my info from earlier posts. My profile pick is the blaze and the creek is a dry creek bed leading towards the river.
Can any body guess which dry creek I am talking about? It goes under the road leading to the river.

So was the chest there? Save me a long trip......

Off to see if there is a wizard again ! New spot.

Just remember, he was 80ish, just beat cancer, and had to make 2 trips with approximately 20-30 pounds of cargo to carry.

Its 42 pounds total, 22 troy pounds of gold, plus the other stuff and the heavy bronze box.

I doubt it being behind a waterfall unless there is an overhang/cave deep enough to keep the moisture under control. If you are planning for it lasting possibly hundreds of years, it will be impractical to attempt waterproofing to that degree. Even plastic/silicone/rubber will degrade over time.

Dry desert would be the most practical. Maybe hidden in the LDM or old Jesuit mine. Kind of a two-fer.

His bio. is in a sealed glass container, probably sealed with sealing wax. It requires a magnafying glass to read.

Its 42 pounds total, 22 troy pounds of gold, plus the other stuff and the heavy bronze box.
yep two trips with 20-30 pounds.

There is dozen or so sites on the WEB discussing the Fenn Treasure. TN policy prevents me from a linking you to them. Not that I would want to subject you nice guys to the crazies that post in them. Google at your own risk.

Just a basic warning. Some of those posters think Forrest Fenn walked with Jesus, or walked in his shoes. Be careful doubting him. Some of those sites mod's allow a good trashing and won't interfere.

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