it was looking good until today,and i found this, this is the 1st time ive read someone else knows where it is
IE: how are you going to get the bones there,and i dont want his bones, i dont know him what am i suppose
to do with his bones, there is always a monkey wrench thrown in,geezze im giving me to science, and if i
should find this treasure,im giving him to science too
A Real-Life Indiana Jones Wants You to Find His Loot
Aug 20, 2012 1:00 AM EDT
Forrest Fenn Wants You to Find His Treasure
Aug 20, 2012 1:00 AM EDT
Behind the adobe walls of his Santa Fe compound, inside the red, pantry-size steel vault that protects some of his most valuable pieces, Fenn says he opened an antique lockbox and began to fill it with more than a million dollars’ worth of treasure. He tossed in ancient figurines, a 17th-century Spanish ring, and turquoise beads excavated from a cliff dwelling near Mesa Verde. He added American eagle gold coins, gold nuggets, a vial of gold dust, two gold discs, and “a lot of jewelry,” including rubies, sapphires, and diamonds. Among these wonders he included a copy of his own autobiography, rolled and stuffed into an ancient olive jar. Then he went “into the mountains north of Santa Fe,” Fenn says, and hid the lockbox, to be found by anyone who can decipher the clues embedded in a 24-line poem that ends: “So hear me all and listen good,/Your effort will be worth the cold./If you are brave and in the wood/I give you title to the gold.”
But Fenn isn’t done. When the time comes he hopes to shove one more element in with the bounty: his own dead body. “When people find the treasure, they’ll find my bones,” he explains, with the sound of his native Texas in every syllable. “But my bio will be inside so at least they’ll know who I was.” A man who most certainly is not going to die in a hospital bed.