Forrest Fenn s treasure

Is anyone else getting the google maps 'treasure' overlay on their maps? Just started showing up today for me... Is google doing large data set correlations of our maps and already knows where it is based on concentration of our collective markers? ;)

Anyone have a theory about the yellow letters in the book? Or y'all think its just by design?

Havent received my copy of the book yet, but if you list the letters that appear in yellow, I wii be happy to give you my thoughts on them.

...the home of Brown...

Just my thoughts. I believe Brown is capitalized because it refers to a prpoer noun (person, place or thing). However, I strongly believe based on anagrams and other research that the word brown is actually only descriptive in that line and not the actual name.

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Anyone have a theory about the yellow letters in the book? Or y'all think its just by design?

Which yellow letters are you referring to? I have a first edition book and don't see any yellow letters besides the title?

Just read an article on YAHOO about Forrest. Real cool story. The treasure could be anywhere though. One suggestion is it's under water.

Probably the best place for it if it lasted 1,000 years. There's nothing in it that will rust.

I would like to make innocent and pure minded people/seekers aware, and warn them of the sinister nature of the Fenn's treassure hunt. This hunt is not a charitable giveaway, that he would like you to believe in.
BEWARE: Fenn is seeking an eternal life, and has imparted a large part of his soul into the box, as well as into the bells he has made and burried, in hope of attaining the eternal life - cheating death. He is deadly serious and believes/knows, that God will forgive him. His continuity would be on your or your childs account - by taking over the body, destroying your soul.

God will forgive him, because that is a true nature of our loving God - loving and forgiving. However he does not fully know the full law of God, and will likely be condemned.

Whoever finds the treassure, will be possesed by the spirit inside it, by taking over the body of the unsuspecting finder, preferably your child..He [they] would like to attract unaware adults, accompanied by their children. That is why he emphasises to bring your child with you.

Here it is from the horse's mouth:
“ When a person finds that treasure chest, whether it’s tomorrow or 10,000 years from now and opens the lid, they are going to go into shock. It is such a sight.”
” A large part of me was left at that box, I felt it go in when I closed the lid the last time ”
" Valuable enough to entice searchers and desirable enough visibly to strike awe." Here is a definition of AWE by Webster - an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime

I am sure many of you are aware of what this “chase” is about, but for those who do not – lookup "Chase of Diana in mythology". This is exactly what this is about. However even those of you that have heard of "the chase", only few of you truly understand the real consequences.
Your soul shall be suppressed, possibly destroyed and body taken over by evil spirit(s), and you will find yourself being stuck in the chase, this time being chased - on the run, as a rabbit being chased by the dog.

Fenn: “Life adventures are like thunderstorms. It gets dark, the wind blows, everyone runs for cover. A few people get wet … then it's gone, until the next one. And the survivors are those with the biggest umbrella.”

Fenn has grown tired of chase - which also represents an ongoing life cycle of the eternal soul, and would like to jump out of the loop/hoop into eternal life. However eternity comes in 2 forms = Heaven or Hell, he is/has been to the latter.

OK so here is a partial, more sinister interpretation of the poem = one of its several meanings as indeed intended by Fenn:
This is just a small part of what is really going on.

Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
Put in below the home of Brown.
” your comfort will cease and you will be on a rocky road going down = towards the hell”
From there it’s no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There’ll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.
” There, it is not a place of honest, gentle and submissive people,
from there on destruction is nearing,
you will be stuck up the creek without a paddle = in trouble
With heavy burden and feeling of helplessness, drowning”

If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.
“If you were smart and spotted the blaze – hell
look away and leave the quest
know that you are watched – observed [gaze]
Take a chest [ spirit ] and go in peace – dead [ spiritually ]”

So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know,
I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak.
” he has to do it – has no choice = law of the chase
he knows that now, but it is too late
he is now weak and tired of the chase”

So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold.
If you are brave and in the wood
I give you title to the gold.
” warning – your soul will be out cold,
body taken over by evil, and dead as a wood
accepting the contract with the devil”

Double Omega = double death - Alpha - new begining = markings in his book

hunt will be over soon !

whoa, I have seriously had a HUGE breakthrough in this search... I figured out a code that nobody's mentioned, and everything is coming together quickly. If anybody is an excellent code breaker or word game person, please PM me immediately. I'm looking for a partner to help take what I've discovered and finish the project together ASAP.

whoa, I have seriously had a HUGE breakthrough in this search... I figured out a code that nobody's mentioned, and everything is coming together quickly. If anybody is an excellent code breaker or word game person, please PM me immediately. I'm looking for a partner to help take what I've discovered and finish the project together ASAP.

there is no code, solution is simple

there is a code. and I figured it out. but it led to another code. and one I want to solve ASAP before somebody else does.

whoa, I have seriously had a HUGE breakthrough in this search... I figured out a code that nobody's mentioned, and everything is coming together quickly. If anybody is an excellent code breaker or word game person, please PM me immediately. I'm looking for a partner to help take what I've discovered and finish the project together ASAP.

Seems everyone has "found a code" yet no one is in the news...

This thread has almost 500 hits but don't see a bronze box anywhere. Just got my book today, if nothing else supporting a good cause and a great read....

Mr. Fenn Thank You for Your Service.....

Seems everyone has "found a code" yet no one is in the news...

because I found a code that led to another very clear code... but I haven't found the treasure yet, because now there's a second puzzle that needs solving. clearly you aren't the right partner if you don't believe that it all might be a big code.

because I found a code that led to another very clear code... but I haven't found the treasure yet, because now there's a second puzzle that needs solving. clearly you aren't the right partner if you don't believe that it all might be a big code.

There's no code. It's being over thought.

Even Mr. Fenn said it's so easy even a child could get to it. You all better find it before I have my Grandkids help me finish the book. Even being unemployed thanks to our wonderful government. I'm still coming to get some..

I would like to make innocent and pure minded people/seekers aware, and warn them of the sinister nature of the Fenn's treassure hunt. This hunt is not a charitable giveaway, that he would like you to believe in.
BEWARE: Fenn is seeking an eternal life, and has imparted a large part of his soul into the box, as well as into the bells he has made and burried, in hope of attaining the eternal life - cheating death. He is deadly serious and believes/knows, that God will forgive him. His continuity would be on your or your childs account - by taking over the body, destroying your soul.

God will forgive him, because that is a true nature of our loving God - loving and forgiving. However he does not fully know the full law of God, and will likely be condemned.

Whoever finds the treassure, will be possesed by the spirit inside it, by taking over the body of the unsuspecting finder, preferably your child..He [they] would like to attract unaware adults, accompanied by their children. That is why he emphasises to bring your child with you.

Here it is from the horse's mouth:
“ When a person finds that treasure chest, whether it’s tomorrow or 10,000 years from now and opens the lid, they are going to go into shock. It is such a sight.”
” A large part of me was left at that box, I felt it go in when I closed the lid the last time ”
" Valuable enough to entice searchers and desirable enough visibly to strike awe." Here is a definition of AWE by Webster - an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime

I am sure many of you are aware of what this “chase” is about, but for those who do not – lookup "Chase of Diana in mythology". This is exactly what this is about. However even those of you that have heard of "the chase", only few of you truly understand the real consequences.
Your soul shall be suppressed, possibly destroyed and body taken over by evil spirit(s), and you will find yourself being stuck in the chase, this time being chased - on the run, as a rabbit being chased by the dog.

Fenn: “Life adventures are like thunderstorms. It gets dark, the wind blows, everyone runs for cover. A few people get wet … then it's gone, until the next one. And the survivors are those with the biggest umbrella.”

Fenn has grown tired of chase - which also represents an ongoing life cycle of the eternal soul, and would like to jump out of the loop/hoop into eternal life. However eternity comes in 2 forms = Heaven or Hell, he is/has been to the latter.

OK so here is a partial, more sinister interpretation of the poem = one of its several meanings as indeed intended by Fenn:
This is just a small part of what is really going on.

Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
Put in below the home of Brown.
” your comfort will cease and you will be on a rocky road going down = towards the hell”
From there it’s no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There’ll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.
” There, it is not a place of honest, gentle and submissive people,
from there on destruction is nearing,
you will be stuck up the creek without a paddle = in trouble
With heavy burden and feeling of helplessness, drowning”

If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.
“If you were smart and spotted the blaze – hell
look away and leave the quest
know that you are watched – observed [gaze]
Take a chest [ spirit ] and go in peace – dead [ spiritually ]”

So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know,
I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak.
” he has to do it – has no choice = law of the chase
he knows that now, but it is too late
he is now weak and tired of the chase”

So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold.
If you are brave and in the wood
I give you title to the gold.
” warning – your soul will be out cold,
body taken over by evil, and dead as a wood
accepting the contract with the devil”

Double Omega = double death - Alpha - new begining = markings in his book

You know this makes complete sense. The only reason that I or any other dowser could not find it is because it is evil.. If something is to harm you by acquiring it you will never dowse it. Thank you for helping me remember the first rule that I was taught.

You know this makes complete sense. The only reason that I or any other dowser could not find it is because it is evil.. If something is to harm you by acquiring it you will never dowse it. Thank you for helping me remember the first rule that I was taught.

:sign10: :laughing9: :occasion14:

“It’s not in Nevada."

"It’s hidden over 300 miles west of Toledo."

“Take a sandwich.”

"Take a flashlight.”

“If you had its coordinates, you would be able to find the treasure.”

I saw these online, anyone know if there is any truth to these? He is said to have said these things.

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