i dont know what this is, but interesting spin & read
there is a lot to take in, on this site
"The chest has already been found in late August 2019"
(Deleted for rule violation)
Cliff Notes version:
Treasure hidden by Fenn. Treasure claimed to have been found by anonymous man Aug. 2019. Fenn disputes as late as April, 2020 that the Treasure had been found. Anonymous man reburies treasure he claims he found in 2019. Anonymous friend of the anonymous man who found it in 2019, posts his anonymous friends statement about it being put up for sale to the highest bidder, starting bid a cool 2 million (notably absent was any appraisal of the treasure or pictures of the treasure laid out for the bidder to see, you were supposed to rely on old Fenn pictures). Treasure is claimed to have been sold to an anonymous highest bidder in March, 2020. Fenn claims treasure is found by another anonymous shy man from the east coast in June 2020. (Not the anonymous bidder/buyer, not the anonymous finder from Aug 2019, a 3rd anonymous finder).
Who say's legends don't grow?! Especially when everyone and everybody is anonymous and there is no way to check any of the claims made by anyone. No appraisals done on the treasure, no pictures of the treasure that was put up for auction. You're just suppose to go off the original staged pictures Fenn put up of the treasure long after he "buried" it. Yeah right...