Forrest Fenn s treasure

OK what we know: (a) Mr Fenn is an elderly gentleman who put the box in after being told his days were numbered.
(b) He has stated that it is north of Santa Fe.
(c) That it is at over 5,000 feet in elevation.
(d) That he drove there in his car and parked. Then walked to the site carrying the box.
(e) That the box weights more than 40lbs.
(F) And today he is reported as having said that we should bear in mind how far a sick old guy can
carry a 40lb box Remember he was very sick when he planted it. he is in remission

He than goes on to give clues in a poem to the location... He has given me a lot of fun searching maps and one day I am going to go and see if any of my discoveries will pan out.

putting the treasure in or near the city seems pointless, his whole purpose of doing this was to get people in the outdoors. . .looking at galleries of art that depict nature seems worthless when u can explore the mountainous regions -Conveniently- north of santa fe which he did state the treasure was. . .north of santa fe. . .i suppose you could go to said galleries for clues. . .but then why the purpose of the poem which is a clue. . .so the poem, a clue. sends you to galleries to find another clue. . .but then u dont find it and refer back to the poem and the cycle begins anew!
also I dont believe on any grounds that somone could proove that his X remake was a clue as opposed to a nervous misspoken sentence. I'd like to remind us that this isnt the de'vince code, this isnt sherlock holmes, this is the scribbles and scrabbles of an old man who made up some poem that act as clues, so I believe he speaks plainly, altho you could point out a few X like shapes somwhere it in itself wont point you directly to the treasure. . .just dont look to deep in any one direction, you gain focus but lose the bigger picture

I believe your right, if it is actually out there then it is really out in the hills somewhere. If its north of Santa Fe then it will not be near a town or it would defeat the purpose of wanting people to get out. I still am leary that it is in Yellowstone. To far to travel if you are sick and feable....

I spent the day yesterday searching north of Santa Fe, I didn't find "his" treasure but I did find this, it made for an interesting afternoon

He is an Vietnam vet pilot. Shot down twice in battle. Dudes got nuts of steel. Plus determination. My grandfather is fighting lung cancer now and he is 85. I just got back from a hike with him. I'm 33 and pooped. He's having a whiskey. Ignorance is bliss. Less hunters in my way, more chances to bring home pay dirt. Itching for opening day on the roads in Yellowstone. Already got some spots coursed out, overnight hikes here we come. Whooohooo. Ganna find me a good hole with no one around and catch me a brown trout, and do some off trail ventures. Eat a babe ruth or three. Plus gives me a chance to write my own book for after I find the treasure and rehide it after taking a retirement percentage. Don't worry y'all it will be in the same spot. I won't move it. I will just take pictures of my hands in it then close it. And add my two cents to the clues. Good luck and look out for each other on the trail. Good karma goes a long way in wilderness.

New to the site and found sooo many interesting points..I have lots of thoughts but thought I would start by attempting to rule things out first. I believe I read that it is the Rocky Mountains, over 5,000 feet and that it is exposed to the elements. I ruled out fed/state property and private property, that leaves BLM land?...I also believe that the site has a historical value, did I read somewhere that he made two trips to hide the treasure?....waiting for the book, but he did say the poem has enough clues.

somebody had mentioned earlier that the blaze could be a reference to a marking on a tree, or some paintings on a wall in a cave that resembles a flame like blaze
also according to some news agency hes supposed to give out a new clue every month (which I dont think is really all that helpful but meh)

500 feet...

I heard that Mr. Fenn has stated in the past that he knows for a fact that several people have come within 500 feet of the treasure. I originally assumed that those people must have been treasure seekers. But maybe that's not necessarily who he meant. Maybe it's just in a very high traffic area for hikers, campers, or other type of tourist...

I heard that Mr. Fenn has stated in the past that he knows for a fact that several people have come within 500 feet of the treasure. I originally assumed that those people must have been treasure seekers. But maybe that's not necessarily who he meant. Maybe it's just in a very high traffic area for hikers, campers, or other type of tourist...

that was in a news blurb,forget which,FF said he knew because they told him,and he gave the impression
that it was more than one group/person, that had been that close
just think prob several thousand people are rethinking about what they talked to FF about,its a matter of
time b4 someone or some group recheck where they have been i wish FF had keep that info to his self

your all assuming hes telling the truth, why would he give critical information to the whereabouts of the treasure when people could refer to the poem, holy crap everything he says is contradicting to his poem. . .which is to be the sole purpose of finding the treasure. . .
so we have the poem which is his desired only form of clue-giving
despite his telling people how close they were
despite his dumb clue of it being 5k above sea level
despite him saying HIMSELF that he wouldnt give clues to people over the phone or in person. . .
do you see where im getting at? all that stuff just says how pointless his poem is, and if he is true then it coincides with him being an old man and saying one thing and doing another, in the back of my mind Im thinking FF is saying,

"hue hue hue look at all these dumb lazy people, I say but a few words and they are suddenly inspired, so happy they are, I'll certainly lead them on tho who am I to deny them excitement? or some joy albeit false information that sparks it. . .if anybody remembers that I did say the poem was all they needed so I could send them a few balloons and they'll be just as happy hue hue hue"

now im probably more cynical then FF is in reality but dont assume all he says is completely credible either. . .all anybody needs is the poem. also thats twice now I've noted inconsistent behavior among FF and ourselves (looking harder and deeper than what is Necessary)

Im thinking FF is saying,

"hue hue hue look at all these dumb lazy people, I say but a few words and they are suddenly inspired, so happy they are, I'll certainly lead them on tho who am I to deny them excitement? or some joy albeit false information that sparks it. . .if anybody remembers that I did say the poem was all they needed so I could send them a few balloons and they'll be just as happy hue hue hue"

You forget to add:

"hue hue hue the IRS wont leave me alone and I am dead broke from living the high life and I need to sell more books so I will keep interest up by giving a new worthless clue each month until the last run of books is sold, hue hue hue"

"and why would I give some of my gold and jewelry to those dumb lazy people when I can just always say that the box was just never found, hue hue hue". "They can never prove I didnt hide it for them, hue hue hue".


You know that there are lots of people that walk by his house within 500 feet. I bet Janet Shamlian was within 500 feet of it when she did the interview in his home. As for skeptics that thinks he want to leave a legacy.. BS... after he is dead he is not really gonna give a *$*#....... This is a money grab. 500,000 books at 35 dollars per book and he will probably get 15 dollars per book... Well I could sure handle a nice 7.5 million couldn't you? Thats at the minimum. Who know how many are really selling I am guessing. We will know when it hits the NY Times Bestseller list in the next couple weeks....

You forget to add:

"hue hue hue the IRS wont leave me alone and I am dead broke from living the high life and I need to sell more books so I will keep interest up by giving a new worthless clue each month until the last run of books is sold, hue hue hue"

"and why would I give some of my gold and jewelry to those dumb lazy people when I can just always say that the box was just never found, hue hue hue". "They can never prove I didnt hide it for them, hue hue hue".


Hue hue hue he doesn't make a dime from book sales. Do some research buddy.


Has anyone else noticed the similarity between the picture on the lid of the bronze treasure box and the Roosevelt Arch entry to Yellowstone?

The profits from the book sales goes to the book store, not to Mr Fenn. And, he pays for the publishing them out of HIS pocket!

Did Mr Fenn tell you that he did not make anything off the books? Who actually owns the bookstore? You better make sure about a lot of that stuff before you say anything instead of assuming that because Forrest Fenn says he is or did do something its gospel. He can lie just as easy as the next person. In fact being in the military rules are stretched and the three S's are use quite a lot. He is a lonely old man...

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