Forrest Fenn s treasure

This yarn is two years old. Is the coot still alive? Bet he was seen doin it if he did. Those hills are crawlin with hobos.
And very big snakes who are looking for hobos crawling around.

I deciphered the poem in 24 hours! Located the chest 100%. No guessing. Going to get my gold!

Have you ever interviewed for a job as a comedian? Watch out for snakes wher you you retrieve it.

Stop and ponder this a bit about the Forrest Fenn's treasure hunt....

There are a few dreams in this life that we all have in common as humans. Finding a chest full of gold and jewels is one of them. In the case of Forrest Fenn's treasure we are quickly led to believe that we have the chance to fulfill this childhood dream. We read his autobiography and are convinced this all American Hero would never lie to us. From there we immediately start studying the poem, a poem so vague you could make it work in your own backyard. Once we think we are on to solving this riddle we start chasing that golden carrot. Most of us fizzle out pretty quickly, some get pretty engrossed. In my case, that involved one full year, 5,000 miles traveled, too much money and all to no avail.

At some point you except you will look no more, you gave it your best shot. It's not sour grapes, I am not claiming that if I didn't find it at my location then it must not exist. However, having failed and given up, you are able to end the "tunnel vision, golden carrot chasing", step back and take a look at the entire journey with a different eye. Along the way if you have gotten as involved as I have, you know a whole lot more about Forrest Fenn, having digested all his words, interviews, his interactions with the public, his traits etc... In my case, the first thing I noticed was that this man, a photo hound if there ever was one, showed us photos in his books to back-up every claim he ever made...Boyhood fishing, Horseback trips, Air force days, Art and artifacts, etc, etc... Everything he claimed to be and had done he was able to show a photo of, EXCEPT his greatest venture yet...Not a single photo exists with him together with his treasure!! It's called...Provenance. (A record of ownership of a work of art or antique, used as a guide to authenticity or quality.) Mr. Fenn knows all about this. One of FF's most prized possessions is that of a peace pipe once possessed by the Indian chief Sitting Bull. FF discusses in depth, in an article, the authenticity of the pipe, which is solely based on a photo of Sitting Bull holding the same pipe. We can only be left to wonder why FF did not offer us the same courtesy with his treasure?

Forrest Fenn when asked about his treasure photos, said: "that chest was placed on a small stool in my photographer's studio. I thought it was an apt prop from which to launch the thrill of the chase. We messed around for a long time with lighting and rearranging the gold coins and nuggets. He must have taken 50 photos but when I got home he sent me only three. He said he picked out the best ones and deleted the others. f" Let's analyze this statement...Just so happens that my father was a professional photographer. If these are the best 3 photos out of 50, he needs a new "guy". They are of poor quality at best for a professional shoot. No photographer would have let this session go by without insisting Forrest Fenn be in the shots. (certainly not a hard sell in FF's case?) Basic photography 101..."Include a human subject whenever possible". Also, no photographer would pick out the photos for you and he would absolutely NOT delete anything. The fact that FF made a point of saying "these are the only 3 he received and the photographer deleted the rest", is suspicious in that it seems he is covering for the lack of photos and shutting down future questions on this topic. No way this man, FF, made millions selling art and artifacts using photos like this to sell his wares. Are we to believe that this man, the great salesman that he is, had this treasure in his possession knowing he was going to promote the treasure hunt worldwide neglected to take publicity photos of him with his treasure? His Legacy no less? So what are these photos exactly? They are photos of a chest and gold, this is true. But they are just photos. If FF could have rented a treasure for a day, without the risk of being exposed by someone later, he likely would have. It's my opinion that Forrest Fenn using his vast art and artifact connections, came into possession of these photos which he knows cannot or will not be traced or connected to another source. This is why he has these and only these photos and was quick to claim the other 47 photos were conveniently deleted. It also might explain the odd background of nothingness and blackness, which I feel was cropped out to eliminate any background objects that might reveal its true origin.

He admits early on, his reason behind all of this was to build himself a Legacy in hopes that his name will live on forever. Is it not a conflict of interest if one is building a long term legacy, to hide a treasure that could be found tomorrow? And if it was found, how long would his legacy last? Not long. Would it not make more sense to have a treasure hunt with no actual treasure to be found thereby ensuring your on-going legacy with a never ending hunt?

There are many more red flags. Keep in mind Forrest Fenn never planned on living this long and by yammering on all these years he has made so many amendments as to how the treasure has been hidden, it's almost impossible for it not to have already been found. Fenn says it's not in a dangerous place. An 80 year old man can get to it. A 3 year old could get to it with only a little help. You can see the blaze marking the treasure within 12 feet of it. It's a place you would take your family. Imagine how hard it would be to hide something, as he says, could remain hidden for "a thousand years" with these conditions attached.

The man in various interviews in past years has made some rather suspicious statements. In one interview he says he MAY have put an unsigned check for a large sum of money in the chest, but couldn't later remember if he did. Who wouldn't remember this? This comment was made to try and answer the question, "How will we know if someone finds the treasure...what will make the finder come forward"? This little tidbit has gotten him in some trouble over the years. (remember he didn't think he would live this long) Many people are asking if it's worth hunting for a treasure, when he can offer no proof it is still out there to be found? Roughly 3 years in he admitted he hadn't been back to the treasure site, wouldn't be able get back and had no way of knowing for sure if someone had found it. He seems to have since realized this is an issue with searchers, so now he says confidently, "I know the treasure to exist, but don't ask me how I know". For those of us who still believe this all American Hero would never lie to us, this is all you need to hear. For others who are starting to have doubts, this statement is yet another waving red flag.

Think about it, Forrest Fenn decided on his own at some point that his life's story was worthy of a book. No one asked him to write his autobiography. Usually such books are written out of demand and interest from the general public. By all accounts Mr Fenn led a very interesting full life, but by no means so outstanding as to warrant a book. He likely understood this and provided the lure of gold and riches to inspire people to read his life story and he suggests it often. By all rights the treasure hunt did not need to be interwoven with his life story. This is a choice he made. He was also smart enough not to take profit from the book sales as this would no doubt raise questions about his motives. Remember, he is financially positioned at his age not to need the money. He is not looking for fortune, it's fame he craves.

The inspiration for me to sit down and write all this was the recent disappearance of Randy Bilyeu. He was searching for the treasure along the Rio Grande here in New Mexico. When his disappearance was first reported, Forrest Fenn was quick to lead a search by air. Admirable as this appeared at first, my feelings descended when Mr. Fenn appeared shortly after, dressed in his best duds and crisp cowboy hat, helicopter idling in the background, looking all the part of a Super Hero on a nationwide tabloid TV news program. In addition to discussing Randy's disappearance, Forrest Fenn's name was mentioned along with his treasure hunt and book....Cheesy indeed. And it appeared to me that his interest in the search ended when the camera lights flickered out.

Risk is a part of everyday life. How many young people die in accidents and situations every year while they are chasing their dream of becoming a hollywood star or country singer. I wouldn't want to stop anyone from chasing their dream and no doubt Randy himself was thrilled to have a chance to chase his. The real tragedy here would be if Randy and all of us hunters for that matter are chasing a hoax. This is meant for those of you who may already have some doubts. Before you start chasing that golden carrot too far, take a few moments and think about this. It may save you a lot of time, money, and who knows...perhaps your life!

Well put. I've had doubts from the beginning, too many questions not enough answers.
Did not buy the book.
Perhaps the "treasure" is laying in bits and pieces in museums and /or private collections.

He lost me with the comment he was just trying to get the youth of America up off the couch and out exploring in the fresh air....pokemon did a better job.

Just because you were incapable of deciphering the poem and couldn't locate the treasure dosen't mean it didn't exist. It was hidden right where the poem said it was.

Yeah, Randy has been found. Sad story, but that chapter can be closed for the family now.

People are wanting hard core absolute proof-

Believe it or not, everyone has a choice. Look at religion. Zero proof, but a world full of believers.

Why can't there be a treasure?

Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. It's about what you choose to believe and what makes you happy.

There is a spot, I think I've solved it. All my answers fit nicely. One day I'll get out there and look. If I find it, I'll send you a picture of my new boat and helicopter.

If I don't find it, I'll send you a few pictures of a really cool vacation.

Just because you were incapable of deciphering the poem and couldn't locate the treasure dosen't mean it didn't exist. It was hidden right where the poem said it was.

I never tried deciphering his poem and i'm not traveling across country to locate it.
As for where it is hidden only the hidder and person who recovers it would know that for sure.
Does it exist? Absolutly...of that we have undesputable!

Yeah, Randy has been found. Sad story, but that chapter can be closed for the family now.

People are wanting hard core absolute proof-

Believe it or not, everyone has a choice. Look at religion. Zero proof, but a world full of believers.

Why can't there be a treasure?

Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. It's about what you choose to believe and what makes you happy.

There is a spot, I think I've solved it. All my answers fit nicely. One day I'll get out there and look. If I find it, I'll send you a picture of my new boat and helicopter.

If I don't find it, I'll send you a few pictures of a really cool vacation.

One day I'll HeavyMetalThunder will get out there and look. If I He’ll find it, I'll He’ll send you us a picture of my his new boat and helicopter. There, that reads better!

And a big howdy from Rifle, Colorado. G.I.B!...Don't mind me none at all...I've been sitting tight here Colorado for the last month trying to get situated here permanently!

One day I'll HeavyMetalThunder will get out there and look. If I He’ll find it, I'll He’ll send you us a picture of my his new boat and helicopter. There, that reads better!

And a big howdy from Rifle, Colorado. G.I.B!...Don't mind me none at all...I've been sitting tight here Colorado for the last month trying to get situated here permanently!

well, I guess copying and pasting from Microsoft word can be a little buggy to post with! Anyways, You just sit real tight in that reclining easy chair of yours and in a

week or so I'll save you the expense of a vacation!:laughing7:

Does anyone remember FF saying the blaze was at a certain distance above the treasure?

Heavy metal-

I've spent time outside my easy chair- Grand Junction flying the location.

Matter of fact, I had to cross over Rifle.

You picked a pretty place to settle.


Did you look here?


Heavy metal-

I've spent time outside my easy chair- Grand Junction flying the location.

Matter of fact, I had to cross over Rifle.

You picked a pretty place to settle.

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Did you look here?

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Well I have/had nothing against Texas or the people and I only have good things to say about the people...But 6 yrs. was enough for me...

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I tried getting a radial of a sun dial to locate the blaze...too cloudy!

Feller I met on a park bench didn't have much to say!

Brown statue of bear and boy was cute!

Found a rainbow but no pot at the end!

The gypsies were rude!

Been up to rifle falls once...but not really looking for that old guy's treasure around here...8-)

Stop and ponder this a bit about the Forrest Fenn's treasure hunt....

There are a few dreams in this life that we all have in common as humans. Finding a chest full of gold and jewels is one of them. In the case of Forrest Fenn's treasure we are quickly led to believe that we have the chance to fulfill this childhood dream. We read his autobiography and are convinced this all American Hero would never lie to us. From there we immediately start studying the poem, a poem so vague you could make it work in your own backyard. Once we think we are on to solving this riddle we start chasing that golden carrot. Most of us fizzle out pretty quickly, some get pretty engrossed. In my case, that involved one full year, 5,000 miles traveled, too much money and all to no avail.

At some point you except you will look no more, you gave it your best shot. It's not sour grapes, I am not claiming that if I didn't find it at my location then it must not exist. However, having failed and given up, you are able to end the "tunnel vision, golden carrot chasing", step back and take a look at the entire journey with a different eye. Along the way if you have gotten as involved as I have, you know a whole lot more about Forrest Fenn, having digested all his words, interviews, his interactions with the public, his traits etc... In my case, the first thing I noticed was that this man, a photo hound if there ever was one, showed us photos in his books to back-up every claim he ever made...Boyhood fishing, Horseback trips, Air force days, Art and artifacts, etc, etc... Everything he claimed to be and had done he was able to show a photo of, EXCEPT his greatest venture yet...Not a single photo exists with him together with his treasure!! It's called...Provenance. (A record of ownership of a work of art or antique, used as a guide to authenticity or quality.) Mr. Fenn knows all about this. One of FF's most prized possessions is that of a peace pipe once possessed by the Indian chief Sitting Bull. FF discusses in depth, in an article, the authenticity of the pipe, which is solely based on a photo of Sitting Bull holding the same pipe. We can only be left to wonder why FF did not offer us the same courtesy with his treasure?

Forrest Fenn when asked about his treasure photos, said: "that chest was placed on a small stool in my photographer's studio. I thought it was an apt prop from which to launch the thrill of the chase. We messed around for a long time with lighting and rearranging the gold coins and nuggets. He must have taken 50 photos but when I got home he sent me only three. He said he picked out the best ones and deleted the others. f" Let's analyze this statement...Just so happens that my father was a professional photographer. If these are the best 3 photos out of 50, he needs a new "guy". They are of poor quality at best for a professional shoot. No photographer would have let this session go by without insisting Forrest Fenn be in the shots. (certainly not a hard sell in FF's case?) Basic photography 101..."Include a human subject whenever possible". Also, no photographer would pick out the photos for you and he would absolutely NOT delete anything. The fact that FF made a point of saying "these are the only 3 he received and the photographer deleted the rest", is suspicious in that it seems he is covering for the lack of photos and shutting down future questions on this topic. No way this man, FF, made millions selling art and artifacts using photos like this to sell his wares. Are we to believe that this man, the great salesman that he is, had this treasure in his possession knowing he was going to promote the treasure hunt worldwide neglected to take publicity photos of him with his treasure? His Legacy no less? So what are these photos exactly? They are photos of a chest and gold, this is true. But they are just photos. If FF could have rented a treasure for a day, without the risk of being exposed by someone later, he likely would have. It's my opinion that Forrest Fenn using his vast art and artifact connections, came into possession of these photos which he knows cannot or will not be traced or connected to another source. This is why he has these and only these photos and was quick to claim the other 47 photos were conveniently deleted. It also might explain the odd background of nothingness and blackness, which I feel was cropped out to eliminate any background objects that might reveal its true origin.

He admits early on, his reason behind all of this was to build himself a Legacy in hopes that his name will live on forever. Is it not a conflict of interest if one is building a long term legacy, to hide a treasure that could be found tomorrow? And if it was found, how long would his legacy last? Not long. Would it not make more sense to have a treasure hunt with no actual treasure to be found thereby ensuring your on-going legacy with a never ending hunt?

There are many more red flags. Keep in mind Forrest Fenn never planned on living this long and by yammering on all these years he has made so many amendments as to how the treasure has been hidden, it's almost impossible for it not to have already been found. Fenn says it's not in a dangerous place. An 80 year old man can get to it. A 3 year old could get to it with only a little help. You can see the blaze marking the treasure within 12 feet of it. It's a place you would take your family. Imagine how hard it would be to hide something, as he says, could remain hidden for "a thousand years" with these conditions attached.

The man in various interviews in past years has made some rather suspicious statements. In one interview he says he MAY have put an unsigned check for a large sum of money in the chest, but couldn't later remember if he did. Who wouldn't remember this? This comment was made to try and answer the question, "How will we know if someone finds the treasure...what will make the finder come forward"? This little tidbit has gotten him in some trouble over the years. (remember he didn't think he would live this long) Many people are asking if it's worth hunting for a treasure, when he can offer no proof it is still out there to be found? Roughly 3 years in he admitted he hadn't been back to the treasure site, wouldn't be able get back and had no way of knowing for sure if someone had found it. He seems to have since realized this is an issue with searchers, so now he says confidently, "I know the treasure to exist, but don't ask me how I know". For those of us who still believe this all American Hero would never lie to us, this is all you need to hear. For others who are starting to have doubts, this statement is yet another waving red flag.

Think about it, Forrest Fenn decided on his own at some point that his life's story was worthy of a book. No one asked him to write his autobiography. Usually such books are written out of demand and interest from the general public. By all accounts Mr Fenn led a very interesting full life, but by no means so outstanding as to warrant a book. He likely understood this and provided the lure of gold and riches to inspire people to read his life story and he suggests it often. By all rights the treasure hunt did not need to be interwoven with his life story. This is a choice he made. He was also smart enough not to take profit from the book sales as this would no doubt raise questions about his motives. Remember, he is financially positioned at his age not to need the money. He is not looking for fortune, it's fame he craves.

The inspiration for me to sit down and write all this was the recent disappearance of Randy Bilyeu. He was searching for the treasure along the Rio Grande here in New Mexico. When his disappearance was first reported, Forrest Fenn was quick to lead a search by air. Admirable as this appeared at first, my feelings descended when Mr. Fenn appeared shortly after, dressed in his best duds and crisp cowboy hat, helicopter idling in the background, looking all the part of a Super Hero on a nationwide tabloid TV news program. In addition to discussing Randy's disappearance, Forrest Fenn's name was mentioned along with his treasure hunt and book....Cheesy indeed. And it appeared to me that his interest in the search ended when the camera lights flickered out.

Risk is a part of everyday life. How many young people die in accidents and situations every year while they are chasing their dream of becoming a hollywood star or country singer. I wouldn't want to stop anyone from chasing their dream and no doubt Randy himself was thrilled to have a chance to chase his. The real tragedy here would be if Randy and all of us hunters for that matter are chasing a hoax. This is meant for those of you who may already have some doubts. Before you start chasing that golden carrot too far, take a few moments and think about this. It may save you a lot of time, money, and who knows...perhaps your life!

I see a very large tub of SOUR GRAPES. You believed at first...why? Now you have lots to say as to why it's not there...why? You didn't find it where you were certain it was. Incorrect cypher of the's that simple.

There's lots of that in here. "It's not where I thought it should be! It doesn't exist!" It's ridiculous.

There's lots of that in here. "It's not where I thought it should be! It doesn't exist!" It's ridiculous.

Here is a quick list, in FF's own words, as to what the treasure chest contains: "265 gold coins, mostly American double eagle and eagles. Hundreds of gold nuggets, two the size of hen eggs, hundreds of rubies, 8 emeralds, 2 Ceylon sapphires, many diamonds, 2 ancient Chinese jade carvings, a 2,000 year old Sinu and Tairona necklace, Pre-Columbian gold bracelets and fetishes, and more."
So why is Mr Fenn showing us only HALF of his treasure? This is in addition to the fact I pointed out earlier about FF not posing with his treasure. Who in their right mind would not photograph the entire complete treasure?? How much more dazzling would hundreds of red rubies, sapphires and sparkling diamonds, etc... have added to the treasures enticement? LOADS! Imagine sparing no expense to restore your favorite classic car to mint condition. And in the end, all you have is a photo of the job half complete. Have you ever known a car guy not to be pictured with his restored dream car in a hundred different poses?
Imagine if FF never provided us with any photos of his supposed treasure, he only described it and told us he hid it. How many people would believe or take interest? He knew he had to provide us with something. But real treasures are hard to come by. Those that do exist are known to their owners. What choice would he have if he needed to provide us with a photo? He could have amassed his own treasure, which I am suggesting had he done so, would have taken hundreds of photos of ALL of his treasure and posed with it, like the true "ham" he is! The only other options would be to rent a treasure for a photo session, as I had mentioned before, which is hard to do without being exposed one way or another. His last option would be obtaining a photo of a treasure and chest which he was confident would or could not be traced to another source.
What other explanation could there be for having so few and shoddy photographs of an INCOMPLETE treasure and not a single one connecting it to him?

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