Forrest Fenn s treasure

GIB go right ahead, you have the floor. lol

BUT...why is it capitalized?

Why is what capitalized?

And by the way... I'm checking the Denver area, so far, no luck.

I thought Bill might be hiding it, but the freaking rangers won't let me dig...


It's out here.... somewhere


I'll keep looking.

Go west young man! ok NW.

He was able to drive pretty darn close to the hiding spot.

I'd like to say more...


I'll play....but first, I'll let you all know that Its 4-5 days between me having interweb access, because I've been living of grid....I'm practicing being a hermit, so when I
get Fenn's treasure, I can move to Idaho and pester treasure hunters on the web all day...My hermit skills have been improving each day, although I've had a few stumbling blocks/obstacles such as no neighborhood kids to practice my crotchetiness on...I've strengthened my grouchiness skills and developed a taste for cheap coffee.

But~ tarry scant with marvel gaze~Let Me tell You...last time out I was tarrying, scanting, gazing and even geezing down in that canyon I was searching. Couldn't see much with all the vegetation... I'm sure I probably walked right by the treasure... because I double checked my location by scaling the canyon wall and checked my reference points by imaging a line between the two land marks...and sure enough I was where I should be, because I could see the backside of Mount Rushmore way off to the west and Devils tower was way off to my right!:laughing7:

I've strengthened my grouchiness skills and developed a taste for cheap coffee.

Sounds like you are trying out for a moderator position, not hunting treasure...

I know where it is... errr... was.

Deciphered all the clues and found the spot. The trick of this was in staying where a man of his age and ability could easily go hauling a load of gold. It was a nice hunt- thanks for the fun FF.

Sounds like you are trying out for a moderator position, not hunting treasure...

I know where it is... errr... was.

Deciphered all the clues and found the spot. The trick of this was in staying where a man of his age and ability could easily go hauling a load of gold. It was a nice hunt- thanks for the fun FF.

Darn it G.I.B!...You just dashed my dreams of becoming a hermit, so that after I find the treasure, I can move to Idaho. I hope you realize that I put extra effort into my hermit skills this last week and have nailed down hermit vocalization! Yup, I'm now fluent in hermit speak. All I did for 7 days was practice doing random chuckles and intermittent snorts and grunts every time I started having a conversation with myself. It only took a couple days and then I started to understood what I was saying to myself!

....Incase anybody needs a translator for NVRADAR...I'm available.:laughing7:

"Deciphered all the clues and found the spot"... You too G.I.B.! How did you like the first clue? A little to easy, but I give Fenn credit for originality by capitalizing all the letters to hide the semi-colon.

"The trick of this was in staying where a man of his age and ability could easily go hauling a load of gold." ...Yup... tricky with no trails and all, so 2 loads for him, although
the spot was only moderately far from his car. Did you get a good view of tarry scant with marvel gaze when you went and got it!:laughing7:

"I'm only a mortal - not a ex-fighter pilot" HMT

peace out you all, I'll be off grid (no interweb) for the next 3-4 days working on stuff for my Arizona trip in Febuary!

How did you like the first clue? A little to easy, but I give Fenn credit for originality by capitalizing all the letters to hide the semi-colon.

Did you get a good view of tarry scant with marvel gaze when you went and got it!:laughing7:

1. Yes, WWWH actually turned out to be pretty easy.

2. Yes, just enjoy the view- it was gorgeous.

I wonder who got it... or maybe I didn't look in that one wet spot thorough enough...

Crap, now I gotta go back.

It's behind the left wingtip~

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 10.52.25 PM.webp

Across this valley

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 10.54.02 PM.webp

At the bottom of this hill.

Screen Shot 2015-10-26 at 10.56.35 PM.webp

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I live a few hours away from the rockies, but would love to do this. I have researced for several years, did a few hunts, but nothing. I beleive its still there.

It's still there...until I go get it next week!:headbang:

Gonna have the steed all/mostly fixed up/roadworthy by wed.

Found my favorite (and lucky) rock hammer yesterday under some ratchet straps in a tote...thought that hammer was done left in Colorado...must be a omen finding it!

Not that I need any luck to find Fenn's treasure...Have his trove pegged down to a 10' diameter area...0 degrees and 3 feet of snow-no problem!

I can't believe there are still gullible people still looking for this poem, oh, I mean chest. That poem has been torn apart and rearranged in every way and still makes no sense. Hay there are other modern day treasures out there spread around the USA and even further. I am looking for the Cross On rock modern day treasure. check out the posts in this cache section under Modern day treasures. Here's what it looks like.
T Chest.webp

Those gems are real. Here's proof.
Emerald on cross 2.webp

FF.webp If you know where this 'grave stone' is located . . . you're in the neighborhood. Good luck, we're all counting on you.

Halt, also means lame.
In this case, WWWH is a lame clue.


Stop it you're killing me!

I wonder how many people have stumbled across other caches while looking for this one?


Well, it wasn't here...

I found one of those GEO caches on my last trip. Near a waterfall. OOP's, Hope I didn't say too much.

I live a few hours away from the rockies, but would love to do this. I have researced for several years, did a few hunts, but nothing. I beleive its still there.

Do you think "rockies" could also mean- hidden in rockyish/mountainish area anywhere in the United States, rather than specifically the actual rocky mountains? fenn plays on his words... I think he meant somewhere in a rocky region is where I hid my treasure and not specifically the rocky mountains. understand? ... just thinking out loud.

I can't believe there are still gullible people still looking for this poem, oh, I mean chest. That poem has been torn apart and rearranged in every way and still makes no sense. Hay there are other modern day treasures out there spread around the USA and even further. I am looking for the Cross On rock modern day treasure. check out the posts in this cache section under Modern day treasures. Here's what it looks like. View attachment 1233999

Those gems are real. Here's proof.
View attachment 1234000

ALL the PROOF? I need...? hahahahah Now this is grade A bull plop! Can you say COPYCAT????????

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