Forrest Fenn s treasure

Why a long search? You should be able to move with confidence and go right up to the location. Not near a trail or any building.

Pins and needles!!!!!

IMO,,The fact that he suggests the use of map and/or Google earth alongside the poem is quite telling of the fact that we have to treat the problem not only as an english poetry homework but as a geography and/or map reading Home Work as well…in my solve I used a map of an area as I tried to interpret the clues,,,,however there should be some external insight that a searcher should bring to the table in interpreting the clues like wwh,home of brown and most importantly ,yes most importantly the blaze..we can be sure of the need for such an external insight because the poem says “if you have been wise,and found the blaze”…hence besides poetry HW,besides geography/mapreading HW,,he may be expecting us to do another HW in bringing an external insight or wisdom,,maybe philosophy HW?or history HW?

All in my humble IMO


Well we won't know what it will take until the day or night someone is holding the chest. You have to figure a man who has the brains to become a fighter pilot and make his art gallery from nothing to what it is has some real smarts and uncommon common sense. That damn blaze!!!!

Headed back to elk camp to relax and do a little stream prospecting...

No treasure yet...foliage to thick, hard to see topography, but its starting to fall...will hit it again in a week or so!

Begin where warm waters halt- check
Take it in the canyon down- check
Put in below the home of Brown- check
No place for the meek- check
No paddle creek with heavy loads and water high- check
wise and found the blaze- check

Draw line from WWWH to The Blaze...LOOK DOWN AT MAP to where line intersects no paddle creek...NW 1/4 of section 13...1/2 square mile search area.
Will head back out in a week or so...should be way less foliage...will have binocs and spotting scope.

Well we won't know what it will take until the day or night someone is holding the chest. You have to figure a man who has the brains to become a fighter pilot and make his art gallery from nothing to what it is has some real smarts and uncommon common sense. That damn blaze!!!!

Or a sociopathic, dishonest thief. I think there a lot of people out there a lot smarter then FF. Your theory doesn't pass the reverse logic test.

If you've been wise and found the blaze,Look quickly down, your quest to cease,

havent decided if im looking down into, a stump,crevice, over a overhang with a ledge
then i think, how could this so spacial of a spot, have the right size crevice, guess you
could use a bigger than Tbox size crevice

Call it as you wish many people do you know that have or could do what Mr. Fenn has done? Answer: 0

He served our country, hero? self made millionaire with NO COLLEGE. aaahhhh! me thinks me has the answer. hehe

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Call it as you wish many people do you know that have or could do what Mr. Fenn has done? Answer: 0

He served our country, hero? self made millionaire with NO COLLEGE. aaahhhh! me thinks me has the answer. hehe

That is one thing you do have to give the guy credit for. No matter what? he worked at what he wanted and succeeded! Of course he lived a different time too!

CW It could be sitting right out in the open on a big ol rock...? Got to be something that lasts for 1000+ years.....?

The poem is a cryptic backwards. Chest lays North of Santa Fe near a Majestic view. The man didn't drive further than an hour away from SF. The chest is full of artifacts that FF could not sell legally. Some of these artifacts are priceless vs just weight in gold. Meaning the chest could be worth up to $40 Million give or take.

The poem is a cryptic backwards. Chest lays North of Santa Fe near a Majestic view. The man didn't drive further than an hour away from SF. The chest is full of artifacts that FF could not sell legally. Some of these artifacts are priceless vs just weight in gold. Meaning the chest could be worth up to $40 Million give or take.

So your hero, honest, giving FF has a bunch of artifacts that he cannot legally sell? Hmmm....doesn't that contradict itself. An honest man would donate them to where they belonged if they are illegal to sell. How did he come upon these objects he cannot legally sell? By legal and honest means? Makes no sense...

So your hero, honest, giving FF has a bunch of artifacts that he cannot legally sell? Hmmm....doesn't that contradict itself. An honest man would donate them to where they belonged if they are illegal to sell. How did he come upon these objects he cannot legally sell? By legal and honest means? Makes no sense...

Crispin who ever proved these items can't be legally sold? You nay sayers jump all kinds of FACTS for your OPINIONS which you are rightfully entitled to but c'mon guys at least have the good sense to back your arguments with facts. All I'm saying. Show me FACTS and I will certainly listen.

Whatever issues Mr. Fenn has had or is having or will have with the law are his issues. Mr. Fenn NEVER was arrested for ANYTHING he has found. You don't suppose someone lost out to his business sense in some kind of deal and is a sore loser do ya?It goes both ways,two sides to EVERY story out there and you are entitled to believe as you like.So to say time and time again he has done illegal things to acquire his things is just your opinions.

Being investigated is just the gov. way of attempting to take away what they feel you have taken from THEM or one of their pet groups. Heaven forbid ANYONE profits off their dime!!!!

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Whatever issues Mr. Fenn has had or is having or will have with the law are his issues. Mr. Fenn NEVER was arrested for ANYTHING he has found. You don't suppose someone lost out to his business sense in some kind of deal and is a sore loser do ya?It goes both ways,two sides to EVERY story out there and you are entitled to believe as you like.So to say time and time again he has done illegal things to acquire his things is just your opinions.

I could care less if he was charged with a crime! Were all human! And all could be attacked and charged by competition or someone that doesn't agree with what your doing. I know some great honest people, that made mistakes in their past or that broke a law through paper work unintentionally,got desperate at one point for whatever reason, etc.... that are felons! So, that part of it wouldn't mean too much to me. There is too many what if's or details that we don't know. I have a spotless record! Does not mean I was always an upstanding honest person at every moment in my past either(not proud of it, just saying)!!!!

Crispin who ever proved these items can't be legally sold? You nay sayers jump all kinds of FACTS for your OPINIONS which you are rightfully entitled to but c'mon guys at least have the good sense to back your arguments with facts. All I'm saying. Show me FACTS and I will certainly listen.

I was just responding to the previous post. I have no idea what he has, doesn't have, is legal, or illegal. I was just pointing out the contradiction in KXmember's statement.

Whatever issues Mr. Fenn has had or is having or will have with the law are his issues. Mr. Fenn NEVER was arrested for ANYTHING he has found. You don't suppose someone lost out to his business sense in some kind of deal and is a sore loser do ya?It goes both ways,two sides to EVERY story out there and you are entitled to believe as you like.So to say time and time again he has done illegal things to acquire his things is just your opinions.

Being investigated is just the gov. way of attempting to take away what they feel you have taken from THEM or one of their pet groups. Heaven forbid ANYONE profits off their dime!!!!

I hope the treasure is out there. I really do. I would wish nothing more then to be proven wrong. It would bring me great pleasure to know that some hard working, metal detecting buddy went out there and found it. Honestly, I really do.

Also, I don't see anything wrong with believing it exists. In fact, I believe some people can communicate with the dead through their dreams. Edgar Casey described certain nexus points in the world where this could occur. I grew up in Virginia Beach. Guess where Edgar Casey practiced and where his museum is? You got it, so I'm being truthful, I really do believe that is possible. I also believe in the concept of lucid dreaming. Which is the ability to become aware that one is dreaming while they are dreaming. In fact, I am a lucid dreamer. Lots of people call me crazy for this. I can't prove them wrong, how do they get inside my dreams? However, many, many others can replicate it.

I am rambling here. However, there is a point. What do these beliefs cost me? Nothing. Who profits off of them? No one.

My problem with FF is the amount he has made off of this. And no, I don't have his tax forms. He states the poem can be solved with only a map. Yet, he states there are clues throughout all his books. In other words, BUY MY books, BUY MY maps. This is not a matter of belief. I agree with you. All treasure seekers must have a modicum of belief, and I am chasing my own treasure. Just don't give the man a single cent and I am happy.

You feel what I am laying down here?

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I do hear what you're saying. You know what banks,lawyers,judges, etc do to millions of folks everyday right...milions of people. Buyer beware,suckers born every minute all that jazz, My point is it isn't breaking people's life and taking their possessions to hunt for a chest of gold. What a great thing to to go do with family & friends and it makes most closer. Our country is made great by capitalism. Mr. Fenn IS a fantastic businessman and there is not one thing wrong with making money and lots of it. So if it isn't out there to find he has forced not a single soul to give up any part of their life THEY choose to. Can't say that for the others mentioned above as we all know they do rip peoples lives apart daily.

Mr. Fenn has stated that subtle hints not intended for the search are in TTOTC . TFTW he has said the map is in the book so yes there is a clue. If folks can't listen and understand what he said and thats the ONLY clue he said was in there then that's on them. Clues and subtle hints are very different things.

Now I will ramble: I too have had dreams that I was aware 100% I was dreaming. 2 times in my life. Quite the experience.!!
Mr. Casey was absolutely for real 100%. ok I will stop there.

One more thing, Mr. Fenn said "all you need to find the treasure is my poem" and that my friend is all over the web so no purchase necessary.

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I do hear what you're saying. You know what banks,lawyers,judges, etc do to millions of folks everyday right...milions of people. Buyer beware,suckers born every minute all that jazz, My point is it isn't breaking people's life and taking their possessions to hunt for a chest of gold. What a great thing to to go do with family & friends and it makes most closer. Our country is made great by capitalism. Mr. Fenn IS a fantastic businessman and there is not one thing wrong with making money and lots of it. So if it isn't out there to find he has forced not a single soul to give up any part of their life THEY choose to. Can't say that for the others mentioned above as we all know they do rip peoples lives apart daily.

Mr. Fenn has stated that subtle hints not intended for the search are in TTOTC . TFTW he has said the map is in the book so yes there is a clue. If folks can't listen and understand what he said and thats the ONLY clue he said was in there then that's on them. Clues and subtle hints are very different things.

Now I will ramble: I too have had dreams that I was aware 100% I was dreaming. 2 times in my life. Quite the experience.!!
Mr. Casey was absolutely for real 100%. ok I will stop there.

One more thing, Mr. Fenn said "all you need to find the treasure is my poem" and that my friend is all over the web so no purchase necessary.

You and Crispin have my head running in circles! Stuff I could ramble about for ever!:laughing7: I like Edgar Casey also, but I have some different thoughts,questions, or whatever you want to call it on that. I was into reading about all about it in the past. It's a cool subject!

I guess I look at the FF treasure like this, It's a mystery! And like anything else, if someone chose to waste all their money and life pursuing it? That would be crazy to me. If it's a hobby type thing, an escape from reality to think and work on the puzzle? Then that's cool! I like looking at it and reading about it. So, I do really kind of see all sides of it. If I found out he was a total fraud tomorrow? It would not effect my life one bit. People waste their whole checks on the Lottery and it is pushed daily through our tv's in advertising!!! I think that is actually worse than FF(if fake), Because our own gov. is pushing hope to the poor( that's the biggest spender in lotto). Trying to get the last dollar out of them. So, I think the same way Crispin does in that sense. Even though they made their own choice, people do look up to there officials for support. I feel those "officials" push false hope for profit! Who is worse? FF is just a minor player in that game, if a fake.

I'm leaning toward he did hide it though...With everything I've seen and read, I think it was his cost for the attention. But who Knows?

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