The exact same thing on vehicle repossessions. We re-po cars/trucks that they have lived out of for months. Some have never seen or used any trash can, as every McDonalds or other fast food bag is still in the floorboards. But, on the bright side, they also leave all their electronics, video game players, DVD's CD's, and jewelry. They get a registered letter sent to the address on the lien or the latest one on the re-po order, and after 45 days if they dont come and claim it, it is disposed of. One engagement ring was valued at over $12K, and we kept it for about 30 days when we got a call from the ex-wife. asking if we had sent the car to auction yet. Car was still on lot but the ring was in a safe in office. She described it and we returned it. But, that is not the usual! Lots of rings, ear rings, watches, bracelets, etc., under seats. One car, which had been in police impound for 18 months, had all the guys suits, shirts, pants, etc., fresh out of the cleaners, and he was headed to death row for murder. We gave all that to Goodwill, like all the other clothes we get. Anything not permanently attached to the vehicle is 'personal property'. Several times we have called police as there were lots of drugs in the car, from pills, to pot, to hard stuff.