? For you vets


Jul 9, 2012
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All Treasure Hunting
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You do realize banks are not obligated to support your hobby.....You meet resistance move on to a different bank....

By the way please don't attack a member when they offer their advice, your the one who asked for advice to begin with....

BTW, just because someone is new to CRH, doesn't mean that they are new to dealing with banks in numerous capacities. So you might prefer to get banking advice from someone who has actually dealt with banks.

Hey I have an idea... let's all just get along! Why don't we take all this energy and focus it on celebrating Rush's upcoming induction into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in 2013??? About damn time!

sack0silver said:
There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas.

Where is rushfan on this???

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Where is rushfan on this???

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I "liked" it...! Greatest post ever...! Well, maybe tied with Dark's "Hey guys, I need advice. OMFG NOOB I DIDNT MEAN YOUR ADVICE"... that was a good one. Baddbluff, it is about time.... but, the RRHOF is kind of a joke in some respects...

BTW, skunk box today. 2 more to pick up after work...

Lame Owl... OUT...!

Apparently now your join date and number of posts is automatically your experience level. I joined less than a year ago but have crh'ed since some of you were whelping. Only recently started bragging about it on the Inter-web


By the way please don't attack a member when they offer their advice, your the one who asked for advice to begin with....

Oh do you need some ice for that burn?!

Easy said:
Lmao. I know I'm a relatively new Crh but did the guy who started Crh last month give me advice?

I don't know where you get " hostile" from my thread but rest assured I am all smiles ,please and thank you In the bank..... Even when explaining to the teller how when I'm offered other hunters boxs I decline saying I don't want to take anyone else order but obviously the other hunter doesn't want to extend the same Courtesy I kept it light hearted and playful.

Okay, I'll say it. As one of the "oldtimers" I think you need to watch how you respond to other members before you end up banned. Number of posts and time on the forum has nothing to do with experience. I've seen others given a short vacation from the forum for saying less than you have said in this post

A few gems from Easy in the last week or so....
"Everyone on here must be a kid because you all are immature."
"I didn't want to let them off the hook. If you think I'm going away because you "forgot" my box's you are mistaken. Dimes it is then. Now go fetch my box's ! "
"Dude they hide behind all these wack titles like asst Vice President and crap .... What the hell is that?"
"No disrespect to the few older members still frequenting the site but this place is garbage lately...... I'm about done."

Sorry I got the impression that you sounded a bit hostile. My misatake, obviously. I'm certain no one else got that impression. I gave you sage advice, almost worthy of a sticky (lol). If it did not apply in your situation, fine. Yes, I am slightly newer to this game than you. Guess that just shows my knowledge of CRH fundamentals.
While you were complaining about "forgotten" orders and how to complain to upper management, I was chatting at my dump bank and picking up my boxes with a cheery smile from the vault teller at my pick up bank. Evidently, you are "that guy" to your bank, despite being a loveable teddy bear.

Meanwhile, back to CRH'ing... 2 boxes of halves, 1 40%... at least it was early in the first box... lol. 2 more boxes today, dreams of Walker enders and a great haul as always... HH...!

The ignore button is your friend :thumbsup:

Easy said:
In a typical bank branch. Where does the power/authority lie? Is it behind the teller windows, or is it behind the desks in the back of the lobby?
Reason being I'm getting a little problems at the teller windows. Is it best to go to the "personal bankers" or the so called "manager" behind the teller window?

PM me I can give you all of the answers...

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