? for Sandman, Max, and other Excal users.


Full Member
Apr 21, 2007
Oakland Tennessee
Detector(s) used
Minelab Explorer SE Pro / Minelab Excalibur II
I finaly did it, I have the Excal2 10" on the way. I just found out a few days ago that I am heading back to Destin again this year, and wanted to be "properly" equipped. I have read CJC's books, "Advanced Methods... " being my favorite. I am about 12 HOURS from salt water, but have a test garden of pennies through quarters from 2" to 12" in 2" incriments, that has been buried for about 4 years now. It also has my old wedding ring ( we won't go into that ) a womans class ring, dime next to nail etc. The ? is can I learn the tones here before I go, ( I have a month ) or am I pretty much going to get dropped into the salt for a week without a clue? How different is it on land, VS its operating charicteristics in the salty wet stuff? I realize I will have to deal with salt water flowing over the coil which will be different, ( occasionaly falsed my Tiger Shark ) but if that is the only real difference I won't sweat it, I preferred hunting around waist or a little deeper anyway. Thank you for your help, and Sandman, you were right about the TS being an awesome fresh water machine, I can't wait to see if the Excal lives up to all the hype!! BTW, I am planning to hip mount the controls, will secure the coil wire up the shaft properly, and will safety the coil wire per CJC's book... HH Joe

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The only thing I can say is dig everything when you are out there in the water....unless you know it will be a beer cap, which makes the popping noise, or that distinctive aluminum can sound...

Last week I dug a target that gave a coin sound, I expected it to be clad and out popped an emerald 10k ring. I know I don't know my machine very well and that I am still learning.

Have a great time with the new excal 2. Maybe after a few more rings I will buy one :thumbsup:

Good luck on your trip...post your finds to give us all inspiration.


JP is correct, and the best way to learn the Excal is to dig everything, with the Excal if it doesn't null, and you get a signal N to S and E to W DIG, if you don't you could be walking way from a nice gold diamond ring.

JP, leave some of the nice jewelry for the rest of us to find. :wink: :thumbsup:

Sorry Treasure_Hunter. I will try ;D

I learned from the best. I read your posts, and just about everybody else's who posts here. All of you gave me confidence, ideas, and the knowledge to get out there and do it.

Joe you shouldn't have a problem out there at the beach. You have one of the best machines.


Joe, the best way to rig {that I know of] an Excal, is a chest mount. I got the idea from Sandman and Gravedigger Max. I also have a staight shaft. I dig most all targets,the lowtones can be gold. :thumbsup: Mike.

Thank you all! I will dig everything repeatable, I was just wondering if an object sounds off with a low tone on dry land, will that same object sound off the same way in salt water? Knowing this, I could at least try and learn the tones, and what sound goes with ring vs can before I get there... HH Joe

Sounds for a paticular target are pretty much the same land or water, but the sounds for gold and silver do differ to a degree because of the different composite metals used with the gold, silver and so on, as well as the size and shape of the target. Same with poptops, cans and so on.

Dig every target, although gold can give you that low tone which becomes very recognizable... different alloys in gold will cause higher more aluminum-like tones. Happy Huntin.

Thank you all! So this machine is sensitive enough to tone differently on different alloys of the same base metal? This IS going to be interesting! HH Joe


pull tabs, nickels, gold rings, some foil and sinkers will sound very much alike.............u carry some nickels with u and toss them in the sand...................that is the sound u will come to love

pennies will be high like quarters...............dimes will come in little lower,but not as low as gold or nickels or pull tabs

some of the newer bottle caps are a real pain

some of the old rusty bottle caps are a real pain, u may get the hang of them after a few thousand or so

the excal does likem..................wathces and cameras and some cell phones.............u will find out..................i can not tell u everything, if i did, i would have to kill u...................as the old saying goes.

good luck..............keep us posted


Sandman is finally here.

Everyone gave excellent advice that there is not much I can add. As was said, if it makes a sound you should dig it as different alloys in gold make different tones so it can become confusing to listen for just one type of sound. The Excal makes the same sounds on dry land as in the water with the addition of smaller pops and crackels on black sand sometimes. Don't worry about those sounds as they are different than deep targets which are the same tone, only less volume.

There isn't much that beats practice and experience so keep at it and good luck. :thumbsup:

Thank you all!! It arrives today, 17 hours later the fun begins!! I cant wait to start working with it!! Thank you Max and Sandman! HH Joe

Don't forget a good pair of polarized sunglasses. early in the morning when the water is at its clearest you can eyeball gold as your detecting. i find at least 10 to 15 pieces a year that way . good luck with the excalibur

Hey, got me some polarized *prescription* sun glasses, and a lot of sunscreen, along with a hat and suitable footwear. It arrived!!! All I have been able to do so far is bench test it, it is AWESOME! I had no idea there were so MANY different tones, penny VS dime for example, close, but NOT the same thing. It sounds like 100 violins just slightly out of tune with each other... I have tried various gold along with nails etc. It nulls and returns like it should, and you are right (as usual) Sandman, slightly different pitches with the different alloys of gold. Can't stand it anymore, going to the back yard test plot, I have coins, coins next to nails, gold, silver etc that I buried about 3 years ago. Thank you all!! HH Joe

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