Im a bit confused here. How did they question you, if you dont know what the questions were about? Did you leave out something? What kind of questions did they ask? Maybe it was about someone else in the forum?
Im sure there is software to pick some things out of all these forums, but what they can do with it and how long will it take, is a different matter. They still need personal to go through everything. How many thousands of different forums are there, and how many thousands of post are in each of these forums? If someone is monitoring all these forums, I would guess that its for something serious. And since there is no law against telling tall tails, (which all of us are doing here) then they would still need to prove you did something
Thanks for replying maipenrai. Im a little reluctant to tell the whole story because it may be an ongoing investigation. But I will try to answer your questions,
Two federal law enforcement officers came by where I work and asked if I was the person interested in archaeology and was posting on an online forum going back several years. The officer admitted to me that he himmself hadnt read it but they have someone that reads these type of forums and they apparently were sent to question me.
Because this is the only forum I use related to "archaeology" I know it must be Treasurenet. I know in my heart I committed no crime so I confessed that yes it was most likely my posts that the enforcement officer was reading. The first 2 officers did not ask many questions specifically and they didnt think it was me.. They seemed to think that a man that worked before me was the person they were concerned about. But I think it was me.
The second visit was from a different law enforcement officer in a bullet proof vest. He got more specific with the line of questioning. He said he will read something online that often leads him to something else. Mixed in with casual small talk, he enquired about some old bottles I had on the shelf and deer horns and asked "where did I find that stuff?" I replyed "on my private property" and told him I am a liscensed deer hunter in the state of Florida. He asked more questions about where I had been specifically that matched with a thread I was writing. and I answered the best I could. This same officer was to return a few days later.
The Miccosuki Police also stopped by and asked if I was bigcypresshunter. He said he was reading my Swamp Gold thread.
Is there a law against telling tall tales? Well yes I think there is. I think it falls under Conspiracy. My guess would be that they were not concerned about what I found on the beach. My guess they are concerned that TN members may be treasure hunting in either the Everglades National Park or the Big Cypress National Preserve. Myself I have done neither but its possible that I may have told some tall tales. Well my avatar name is Bigcypresshunter lol.
Am I worried? No I am not because in my heart I am law abiding and I support law enforcement. They were just doing their job but it was a bit unnerving and a wake up call for sure. Sould I be telling this story online? Probably not. Could they be concerned about someone else? Yes I am sure they are concerned and monitoring what is being written by someone else. I have heard this comment several times. "They will brag about it on facebook," In others words if someone commits a crime relating to a trophy whether it be a deer, a bottle or an artifact, they are sure to brag about it online.
Most of Florida, specifically South Florida is protected and off limits to any treasure hunting or artifact collection. The beach is the only place I feel safe but for how long? MDing in Florida is about over and yes TN is monitered.