Florida County Park Rules (against detecting?)

snooksion2, you hit the nail on the head. In a lot of cases, no one really cares, till you ask.

The reason why sooo many people in our hobby feel compelled to ask though (like your analogy of asking if you can jaywalk), is that they've no doubt read scary stories of bootings and such. I bet if you were to go back 30 yrs. ago, such stories would be few and far between (as this was looked at, in most places, as an oddity or innocent innocuous type thing). But all it took was for someone to get booted, make a stink, form an organization to "fight such things", and then you know what happens: Others read this (albeit perhaps isolated at the time), and think "oh no, I wonder if it's illegal where I'm at?? Guess I better check!!". And then the self-fulfilling psychology took over: More and more "no's" were handed out to match those inquiries, thus leading to more and more bootings (because afterall, you've now made your hobby somehow something to be "on the lookout for" by authorities who have just been made to answer your "pressing question") As more and more bootings occur, then more and more scary stories circulate, thus leading to more and more people asking. And thus, the vicious circle.

I saw it evolve like this, first hand. Sheesk, we can be our own worst enemies. Hopefully people in un-restricted (or shall we say, un-enforced areas) wake up, and stop this silly grovelling stuff. If no one cares, just go! Why ask if you can jay-walk, or pick your nose, when reality says: no one cares?

I know this is eons old but please, 'godisnum1' stay out of Sarasota County and PLEASE don't email anyone else. I had to say it. Even though it's a year and a half late.

ToddD said:
I know this is eons old but please, 'godisnum1' stay out of Sarasota County and PLEASE don't email anyone else. I had to say it. Even though it's a year and a half late.

Yeah, way to bring up an old topic from two years ago...
Why would I care about Sarasota anyway? And I guess you somehow feel that I'm a detriment to your detecting in a whole entire county... please just detect, do your thing, and not concern yourself with others. Especially some random guy on a forum whom you've never met or talked with.


Treasure_Hunter said:
I hunt county parks all the time. If there isn't a sign posted saying "no metal detecting" I detect.
Preach it brother and amen

wow, old thread :) Hey Bran, I don't think Todd meant any ill-will or snub to you. I think he just generally means that he hopes that others (not just you, anyone, ... just using this thread as an example) doesn't go "asking" in his locale. I can sympathize with that myself, for my own locale: I can think of places that we're "just fine" detecting (ie.: go unbothered, and no one cares). But yet .... sure .... if someone were to go writing letters/emails to certain desk-bound bureaucrats, the same results could occur, that you got. So a part of us locals hopes things get left ...... just the way they are. Like our state of CA beaches, for example, there is actually cultural heritage verbage that if someone in Sacramento thought long enough, and hard enough about (via a "pressing question" he must address), he might certainly say "no metal detecting on state of CA owned beaches". Yet right now, that is not the case (simply because I guess..... no one has asked! ::) )

So I think that's all Todd is saying. So let's all let this be a lesson for other locales. Just don't be a big red X target, looking for a "no".

Tom_in_CA said:
wow, old thread :) Hey Bran, I don't think Todd meant any ill-will or snub to you. I think he just generally means that he hopes that others (not just you, anyone, ... just using this thread as an example) doesn't go "asking" in his locale. I can sympathize with that myself, for my own locale: I can think of places that we're "just fine" detecting (ie.: go unbothered, and no one cares). But yet .... sure .... if someone were to go writing letters/emails to certain desk-bound bureaucrats, the same results could occur, that you got. So a part of us locals hopes things get left ...... just the way they are. Like our state of CA beaches, for example, there is actually cultural heritage verbage that if someone in Sacramento thought long enough, and hard enough about (via a "pressing question" he must address), he might certainly say "no metal detecting on state of CA owned beaches". Yet right now, that is not the case (simply because I guess..... no one has asked! ::) )

So I think that's all Todd is saying. So let's all let this be a lesson for other locales. Just don't be a big red X target, looking for a "no".

Thanks for clearing that up Tom :)

My main issue is that IF someone were to read this, they will be able to tell that I don't typically go ask for permission wherever I hunt... unless it's private property of course... except in THIS particular situation, I only asked due to two people detecting & getting kicked out of a park that I previously hunted the day before and found a nice silver dime at. Because of this, and the fact that I "wanted" to go back there, I decided it might be better to try and gain permission rather than get asked to leave. But honestly, after two years passing, I highly doubt that if I went back there, that I would be asked to leave. That's typically due to the fact that I detect away from anyone else and keep to myself. Anyhow, thanks again for trying to clear the air.

Bran <><

Once i enter the county park and the sign says no alcohol, no metal detecting, pets on lease, no liter, etc i certainly obey these posted restrictions..I never however see NO METAL DETECTING on the sign, so i assume they don't mind and discreetly detect and cover my small holes. Usually pick up a pouch full of pull tabs, bottle caps, rusty nails, wire, etc along the way so i feel like i'm cleaning up the environment and doing a public service. Hope to be paid one day for this service to the community!

I think you all need to stop jerking the city chain before they stop MDing on all county property.It's like waken a sleeping Bear,you really don't want to do that!!!!!!!!!!

I am gonna keep this to city/county parks only. Unless there is a sign, then I go about my business. I get stopped all the time on the east and west coast of Florida. Even though they stop me, lots of times they just want to proclaim where and where not I can detect on the particular property. This is very IMPORTANT: lots of employees will tell you that you can't detect, WHEN that happens, I go straight to the man in charge. And that is when the tables turn. Most of the time I get the OK from who is in charge.
Example: Orange County, Fl. I carry a permit that looks like a credit card. It is free and it is called a: Metal Detecting Permit, and I am authorized at certain parks in Orange County.
Note: I end up talking to who is in charge. They will actually tell me where the old spots are versus the new dumped land. In my experience, the ranger/head of park is very interested in finding "old things." What I do is give them the old stuff I find that I have no interest in, and they love it. They work there everyday and tend to wonder what is in the ground. The valuable stuff I keep, but the cool stuff lost in time, I give to who is in charge.
I only detect in parks that have a long history. At one park I go a few times a year, the ranger has my collection of gifts on his desk.
Go to the person on top, the employees don't know ****. Hopefully this helps. We are all humans, just talk to them.

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