Jr. Member
Oct 31, 2013
Detector(s) used
FISHER AQUAMANTA / Pulsepower Goldscan 5c - goldquest ssv3 / Vista Gold / Nexus
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

I am back ;)

some news from the next Fisher Aquamanta

for those who have not followed the story
Alexandre who has developed manta technology
was bought back and hired by the Fisher First Texas group

are on the program
at first the Fisher Aquamanta
a pulse with extraordinary sensitivity to gold
calibrate to 7us // 16 volts
and able to cut iron under certain conditions

he can take an alliance 18k of 1/3 gr under iron nails
and above all he is able to cross the volcanic sand to take the gold

a video that dates a little / but shows the possibility of the machine
which has evolved a lot since

in French :-*

it will be followed by a special Terramanta nugget

then / two others using Bipolar technology
which consists of alternating positive and negative pulses

easy to say on paper / but nobody had ever succeeded before Alexandre ...
the positive pulse magnetizes the ground and lightning the target
the negative pulse demagnetizes the ground = and removes the effect of ground !!!

and much more is planned later

I test the latest Aquamanta Fisher electronic map
and I've never had anything so deep and sensitive about gold

not : the box on the video and the photos
just there / to test the cards
the final product will have a modern / lightweight design and well balance...

pre-series launch / if all goes well /
in the next three months

better than all my pulsepowers
and I owned 9 ....

some finds on my last tides

1000     4.2 GR.JPG


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First Texas has never been famous for sky high pricing - they believe in volume - selling boatloads of detectors at attractive prices. Having said that, I doubt they will decide on a price point until they have a really good idea of the real production cost to them of the machine, including components for which they have to buy in large lots, labor hours (coil can make a big difference here) and production yields (again coils are a big factor).

The introduction by Whites of the TDI at $1299 is an interesting data point.

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Well they get one shot at it...... aint going to be no computer updates on this one. As far as the Nox big coil..... any beach machine with that big of a coil could have some using a swingy thingy..... why break your back. But in the water if its a good bit deeper ill swing it out there. BUT...... anyone thinking of getting it in the water should replace the shaft AND cuff.... because you are going to any way. Ive got that dive suit ready Rick...... but i hardly doubt im going to get to see one let alone test it...... and by then i believe ill be out of the suit. Love to get my hands on one for a couple of days...... id like to test that what you said about it being twice as deep as the Nox..... because i think thats a pipe dream here in Fl. For the most part ..... many of the guys are just recent drop hunting here thats why they take a break during the winter when you have to really grind for those missed targets thats moved. IM STILL looking for a small gold machine to give me that EDGE out there.

Keep in mind - it’s no Tesoro Compadre - set your discrim - dig whatever beeps.

It will be a powerful PI detector. Probably very high gain receiver - EMI may well be an issue as it is with all high power PI’s.

The iron ID capability is not true discrimination - it just gives a way to sort high from low conductors - using the logic that you are looking for gold jewelry of less than 22Kt or so. Everything which is a high conductor is on the “iron” slide of whatever level of ID you choose. And all of it is sort of probalistic - not cut and dried.

Buy one of you want gold - lots of it - and think this will get it for you. It’s not really designed for anything else, although it can likely do other things as we figure out all its wrinkles.

Go for the Gold - or stay home.

My guess, next spring for sure..(April/May?)...1299.oo to 1499.oo.

Any more then that I will just have to work harder to find the Gold with the Excalibur.

I think...:laughing7:

The more I learn about this machine, the more I realize how razor sharp the focus is on finding gold in the salt.

Minelab doesn’t blush at charging $5k or so for a GPZ - a machine with which most buyers will never find more than a few ounces of nuggets.

Thanks to Alexandre’s diligence and years of development - and Carl Moreland’s “nose” for a real opportunity, Fisher will (someday) bring us a machine designed to yield many ounces of lovely beach gold - to those who learn its ways and persist.

Either LE JAG and the rest are delusional (which I doubt) or a new thing is about to “arise”. An ancient Spanish toast, by the way was, supposedly, “May no new thing arise”!

But just to repeat - vacationers who are happy to find 3 quarters, a couple of dimes, ten zincons and a Dinky toy - will be happier probably with a detector they can use the rest of the year for clad stabbing, tear down hunting, tot lots, etc.

This probably goes a way to explain why First Texas is being so deliberate and careful in the development and launch of this machine. It’s a razor - not a Swiss Army Knife. A razor has to be really sharp or it’s of no use.

All this enthusiasm is wonderful. The device fully justifies it. Just one thing...right now it’s a “device”. The time and $$$ between a device and a product can be surprisingly large.

Say you have this prototype sitting on your lab bench. Now you call in the mechanical department, purchasing, marketing. They look at it. They start figuring out everyday stuff like - how much is this going to cost to build per unit - assuming what sales rate? How much do we charge for it? Too much and we restrict sales - too little and the boss fires us and hires competent people in our place.

It ain’t easy. It ain’t quick and very few of us have been through the process.

If they could sell thousands of unit per year for many years, it could sell for less than if they can only sell a few hundred units a year. The beach detector market is a niche in detectorland. Serious gold hunting at the beach is a niche within a niche. This is not a general purpose detector. It is like the Excalibur, CZ21, and the beach PI detectors. None of these are exactly “hot sellers”. That tends to keep the prices up due to low volume.

I don’t think this will be a cheap detector. When Eric Foster was building his beach machines, they sold for a bundle. His most powerful machine was the Aquastar. It sold for $1700 in the year 2000 - that’s $2500 in 2018 dollars. Clive Clynick sold his used Aquastar for $1800 back in 2005. Folks who have used both, say the Manta is deeper and quieter than the Aquastar.


LE JAG sold his Manta prototype (back before First Texas was in the picture) in 2016 for $2000


More gold with Aquastar
Terry in Hawaii
Date: July 10, 2000 05:14PM

This morning I went to a very heavy hunted local beach and reached a goal that I had set for my self. It was easy to tell that it had been hunted last night since there was very few coins to be found. However I ran my tight pattern and I got three 14K gold rings and a 14K gold heart pendulum. The smallest ring weights 0.7 grams. This bring me up to 27 gold items in the time period from June 10th to July 10th. As many of you know that I only found 27 gold items from the first of the year until the middle of May. My goal was to equal this amount of gold finds in a month with my Aquastar. Saturday I had found several gold teeth but I don't count them since they are not jewelry.
Terry in Hawaii

You can bet there is a lot of head scratching going on in El Paso these days. Hard work turning a wonderful device into a profitable product. It takes more time than you might think.


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It's been a few years since I heard this but excalibur sales in 20 plus years has been around 26 plus thousand.
I'm sure pricing will be the deciding factor for many. Being the TDI is 1299.00, I'm hoping will keep things to a minimal.

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Minelab showed the world years ago that you could charge about 6 ounces of gold for a gold detector (Gold $1230 - GPZ -$7900). The Aquamanta in 2000 was also 6 ounces of gold (year 2000 prices - gold $272/ounce - Aquastar price $1600).

So FT could charge $8000 for the Manta - it will definitely find much more gold per year than the average amateur GPZ user.

Of course that would be crazy - or would it?

How about comparison with a CTX - introduced at $3249 or thereabouts - now selling for $2499 with an extra coil (guess the Nox dented sales).

here are a couple of clips to consider. First a CTX and A Manta on iron mails, a gold ring and bags of black volcanic sand - full of magnetite. This is a 5 minute clip from the 20 minute one I posted previously.

The second is a comparison of the Manta to a Sovereign XS (similar depth to a CTX I believe) - on a 2 euro coin - Manta 15.75" - Sovereign 11.02"


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Unless this machine digs the gold out for me, Ill stick with my CZ. For me, it's not only about the finds, it's also about being outside, enjoying nature, and getting exercise. If I "miss" a few pieces of gold that are masked or out of reach, so be it. But, that's just me...

It would open up a whole new beach of treasure. I go to 4 or 5 different beaches regularly that get hunted pretty hard so finds become slim. You have to get there early after a long wknd or in the rain when most don’t go. So any upper hand I could get I would be interested in a machine like this that can find some older gold and silver. If I have to work harder and dig deeper for the chance at some deep gold that my other machines aren’t hearing I’m all in.

It would open up a whole new beach of treasure. I go to 4 or 5 different beaches regularly that get hunted pretty hard so finds become slim. You have to get there early after a long wknd or in the rain when most don’t go. So any upper hand I could get I would be interested in a machine like this that can find some older gold and silver. If I have to work harder and dig deeper for the chance at some deep gold that my other machines aren’t hearing I’m all in.

yes, 80% of my jewels are old losses
and I very rarely seek / recent losses = too much area to cover

I prefer to leave the sea / to sort for me
and concentrated on the bearing areas
or the heavy arises

often more profitable / especially with the manta AQ :))

I want to see some smaller gold ....... which i havent yet. I mean 7uS in the wet sand should be producing something besides rings? Im all in for digging too..... IF im not blinded to the fact yes i got a gold ring at 20+ inches...... but just how much more did i need to dig...... and is digging worthless targets giving me false hope. To me the machine has to be productive ...... time vs outcome. Thats always been a reason most choose a PI not depth or even sensitivity. If the machine can reduce at least half the trash which allows me to cover move water...... and find gold that i might have MISSED.... then its worth the purchase.

I want to see some smaller gold ....... which i havent yet. I mean 7uS in the wet sand should be producing something besides rings? Im all in for digging too..... IF im not blinded to the fact yes i got a gold ring at 20+ inches...... but just how much more did i need to dig...... and is digging worthless targets giving me false hope. To me the machine has to be productive ...... time vs outcome. Thats always been a reason most choose a PI not depth or even sensitivity. If the machine can reduce at least half the trash which allows me to cover move water...... and find gold that i might have MISSED.... then its worth the purchase.

the 7 us is more sensitive / on any type of targets
rings and other forms of jewelry

and as already said, it's not just depth
at the current depth of your rings of 20 gr
you will detect 5/10 gr

so: you are not deeper
but you will have more gold ...

for waste / inevitably there will be more
lead / copper / brass..............

It is a choice to make
if you think you find enough gold now
you do not need Fisher AQ

but, we can never find enough gold :))
(exit 3 gold rings this weekend)

Folks not finding larger gold - perhaps wonder if the solution is finding smaller gold?

Reasonable question, but perhaps the solution is to find MORE gold.


Is the New Fisher Pi in testing now? Thru the grape vine I heard it has started.

No info available as far as I know. They will likely keep very quiet about the progress of this.


Is the New Fisher Pi in testing now? Thru the grape vine I heard it has started.

there are several machines in tests, everywhere
the first returns are very good ... ((a guy from your home, made a gold ring, on his first outing))

I also saw a test (in the air)
between the Fisher AQ and the TDI beach hunter
the Fisher is definitely better
it's not really a surpprise
TDI is 12 volts // AQ 16 volts
we have a lower delay

but the biggest difference is about the silence
the Fischer is the quietest of all the pi
each micro decibel gain // turns to gold :)

The best waterproof beach detector to me is the one that is available and in my hand, for the past 4 weeks that have been the TDI Beach Hunter powered by a battery pack of 4 x 18650 Li-ion cells.

If and when something better become available over here in our tropical location, then it's just a simple matter of getting one.


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