For the first 8 years (when we moved here) I took the boat out EVERY single day ,(rain/snow it didn't matter) sometimes twice a day.Over the years I've broken all kinds of tackle on Big fish.One monster,hit so fast & hard he yanked a brand new rod & reel out of my hands (no lie)

One day, fishing in 12 ft. of water a Monster catfish swam under the bow that scared the crap out of me.Broken all kinds of line on big fish.Until I finally went to 90 pound braided .I know at least 1/2 of the lake bottom better than I know the road system.Yet,if I get one on over 40-45 pounds something WILL break .Snapped a pole in half one day

Caught a hand full of something with teeth (walleye ,Muskie) dunno.Had a 6 point buck swim next to my boat once......LOVE IT