Yesterday was absolutely beautiful for this time of the year. We actually had to shed some layers for a spell. We caught over 20 fish. I reeled in most of them again, trying to get me on the board. There were only 3 trash fish, a big white bass and 2 sheep heads. I was fortunate to not reel in one of the sheep head. I hate those things! The one I did reel in, I knew it was. Starting to learn how they feel. Absolute dead weight and the one I caught was a 10 pounder. I thought my arms were going to fall off! MR Wd had us fishing fast and furious because the conditions were so good and we had the right bite. He said he was only getting pics of the big ones. There were 3 12-pound class weighed in yesterday! We put in the effort but I didn’t get the big one. Too sporty for me today and it’s supposed to blow for a couple days. Then my son and grandsons are supposed to come this weekend so I may not get another chance. The kids division is up in the 11 pound class. It is getting intense. We had 3 of the right bites in a row that didn’t stick and MR Wd was swearing big time. So here’s my big ones I caught:
Right off the bat I got this 8 pounder and we knew we were in the right area. It took the whole lure and ended up bleeding out in the live well. We had to keep it. Then I. Also got one that was n the 10 pound class. We released it.
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View attachment 1655303 LOL now I have to change my avatar again!
View attachment 1655304 Thank you, Mr WD!