Platinum Member
I love catching crappie
Well, dude, where's your pics? You haven't posted one, not nary a one! Lol.
I'd ask you where you go fishing for crappie at, but I don't think you would tell me. (At least not the truth)
I love catching crappie
Local legend fishing guide Joe Mellow holding a be-yute-a-full Steelhead!! Coquille River Oregon.
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Well, the big Spring Break trip to Lake Cumberland is a bust! We were supposed to get a big snow storm and then my one grandson has a track meet this week. He's still staying with us though. The other one wanted to hang out with his friends this week. So, my focus is on the oldest and what happens at grandma's, stays at grandma's.
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While I was baking, he caught this huge bluegill!
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Hey wrightdigger, I love the pics of the trawling operation !! Thats my type of fishing. Thanks for posting those !! I finally made it home. We caught 109 sharks!! It took 3 days to pull them all in. We are only allowed 45 on the boat per trip, so its a lot of back and forth to the dock. Im having problems loading pics.View attachment 1569423 heres a big tiger I hand leaderd for 20 minutes. It took 4 shots to kill him it was hand to hand combat and he almost got the best of me. I have to take my boy to school , ill explain more after I get back.
Those are sweet eating slabs.
That thing hanging out of his mouth is his stomach !! These battles are fought to the last ounce of energy. Often times they will throw up the contents of there stomach in an all out effort to break free !! This was the first tigershark I ever saw breach, he was 8 feet in the air. The second time he started to breach I hit him with 000 buck shot right under the chin at about 20 yards and he started to slow. But it still took 3 more shots and another 10 minutes to land him !!Hey wrightdigger, I love the pics of the trawling operation !! Thats my type of fishing. Thanks for posting those !! I finally made it home. We caught 109 sharks!! It took 3 days to pull them all in. We are only allowed 45 on the boat per trip, so its a lot of back and forth to the dock. Im having problems loading pics.View attachment 1569423 heres a big tiger I hand leaderd for 20 minutes. It took 4 shots to kill him it was hand to hand combat and he almost got the best of me. I have to take my boy to school , ill explain more after I get back.