Fish pics ( everybody )

It took me quite a fight to land this one..


She beat me to it..


GOD Bless


View attachment 1515329 I also commercial lobster fish when its really good and they need help or when someone no shows. It gets old and boring to me quick even though I can do it in my sleep. The same thing over and over for months. This is a great day with 1500 pounds of live spiney lobster. The price was at one of its highest that day and we got 21$ a pound. They were all shipped live all the way to china by air. Big catch big dollar day. As a treasure hunter I call it orange gold !!

Dang! Those are some large crustaceans!

A couple pics of my cousins catches.

Black Drum



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Is that a crappie?
Hmmmm....where's your mug? :protest:

Thats a grade a black crappie, in the south we scale em , then head em and gut em, clip the fins and pan fry. Mmmmmmmm !!! Im in osprey territory, with a few eagles once in awhile.

A couple pics of my cousins catches.

Black Grouper

View attachment 1515406

View attachment 1515407

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My lord thats a huge black drum not a grouper !! Thats a monster at the upper end of the size range. Never caught one near that size !! Nice tarpon too. They call them the silver king. A bucket list game fish for many. Im guessing central Florida , indian river ??

Ive been fishing this kid since he was 13, hes an 18 year old fishing and diving machine now !! He can fish off shore or inshore, I taught him how to snorkel, free dive , shell dive, scuba dive, Spearfish and he became my right hand man. Now hes off to college and his 11 year old cousin is my new student !! This one likes treasure hunting too !! I love my job !! Thats a 40 pound sailfish in that pic.

My lord thats a huge black drum not a grouper !! Thats a monster at the upper end of the size range. Never caught one near that size !! Nice tarpon too. They call them the silver king. A bucket list game fish for many. Im guessing central Florida , indian river ??
Your right on the grouper, it is a drum, I had picture of grouper, but it wouldn't upload for some reason so I screwed up the post.

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Here in Michigan, we get a great run of Chinook or King Salmon that enter the rivers from Lake Michigan in the fall to spawn.

Lot of fun on a flyrod...


Steelhead live in Lake Michigan too and they spawn in the Spring...


Hey SD51 wich of the 2 would be better table fare ? I sure do like salmon. But I dot remember ever having steelhead. So im not sure. Always wanted to do the riverboat thing ? You would like the flats down here for the fly.

Hey SD51 wich of the 2 would be better table fare ? I sure do like salmon. But I dot remember ever having steelhead. So im not sure. Always wanted to do the riverboat thing ? You would like the flats down here for the fly.

Hey Blak bart, the salmon would be a better choice. I haven't been to the keys yet, but it's on my bucket list. You live in a great area and continued good luck finding treasure from those sunken ships from the 1700's!

Whats the big one in the boat ? I see a crappie, perch, and I think a rainbow trout ?? Nice work. Congrats. Ive had the rainbow once it was very white, light, and flaky.

Whats the big one in the boat ? I see a crappie, perch, and I think a rainbow trout ?? Nice work. Congrats. Ive had the rainbow once it was very white, light, and flaky.

The one in the boat is a lake trout or Mackinaw (Char species, not really a trout) and the other you are referring to is a cutthroat trout

I wish I took more pictures over the years, could fill this thread with fish porn. LOL From Maine to Alaska fresh and salt water fishing has been my main passion.

That cutthroat is beautiful.

The trout here in Utah are awesome and beautiful...Tiger trout, cutts, rainbows, cutt bows and many more cross breads.

Another great fish is the wiper (white bass and stripped bass cross) and it is to the best fighting fish pound for pound that I have ever caught.


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