First silver quarter... Sort of.


Jr. Member
Aug 9, 2015
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All Treasure Hunting
And it's an SLQ! Looks like someone shot it though, I was happy and disappointed at the same time when I found this haha. Who would shoot a quarter back in the day? Oh well still my first and it's older than a Washington! I also found a handful of wheaties and some trash as usual.


Upvote 17
Congrats on your first! I think it's pretty awesome, got a great story behind it.

another impact coin:


THE LEGEND: For over a century, an oral tradition-a legend-was passed down involving Lt. George Dixon, who commanded the Civil War submarine "Hunley"

Hunley on its final assignment, which turned out to be one of the most important missions in naval history. According to the legend, Dixon was in love with a beautiful young woman from Mobile, Alabama, named Queenie Bennett.

To keep her sweetheart safe from harm, Queenie gave George Dixon a gold coin, as a good luck charm. Again, according to the legend, George kept the coin with him always, in his pocket, rubbing it with his thumb while he dreamed of the day when he and Queenie would be reunited.

During the Battle of Shiloh, George was shot point blank. A bullet ripped into the pocket of his trousers and struck the center of the gold coin. The impact was said to have left the gold piece bent, with the bullet embedded in it. Queenie's good luck gift had saved his life.

Many such legends were created during the war. Was this one true? For 137 years, no one knew whether the story was true or merely a romantic tale from long ago.

During the excavation of the H.L. Hunley, the gold coin was discovered next to the remains of Lt. George Dixon. It was deeply indented from the impact of a bullet and traces of lead were discovered on the coin. The coin, a $20 dollar gold piece, was minted in 1860. One side bears an image of Lady Liberty. The other side, which has a federal shield-and-eagle symbol, had been sanded and inscribed by hand. It clearly bears four lines of cursive script with the following words:

April 6, 1862
My life Preserver
G. E. D.

Maria Jacobsen, Senior Archaeologist on the Hunley project and the one who actually first found the coin, said shortly after her amazing discovery, "Some people may think this is a stroke of luck, but perhaps it's something else. They tell me that Lt. Dixon was a lady's man, perhaps he winked at us yesterday to remind us that he still is."

Who would shoot a quarter back in the day?! A very wealthy person with excellent marksmanship - that's who! That's something that probably belonged to someone with money to spare and a great eye! Annie Oakley was still alive in 1925, maybe it belonged to her or someone who was trying to copy her awesome skills. :D :thumbsup: Very cool find!

Looks like a nice old silver coin to me. The bullet hole makes it even cooler imo.
Nice find.

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