First silver in a while


Silver Member
May 15, 2007
Southeast Missouri
Detector(s) used
E-trac, Explorer II, Xterra30, Whites Prizm IV
Baldingboy and I finally got out and hunted for a short time. He has been busy lately with his French Manicures and his perms, a phase I thought we were long over with. Last time I asked him to go hunting he said something about a Brazillian wax, I do NOT even want to try and picture that! :o

We tried to hunt Wednesday but got rained out within 30 mins of starting so we made plans to meet up and hunt for a couple of hours in a new location. We show up and before we can even get our detectors out of the cars, 30 mph winds start blowing and the rumbling of thunder can be heard.

Not to be denied we went ahead and hunted. It was some pretty iffy weather to be hunting in. In my opinion when you see a streak of lightning and you hear it on your headphones, you are too close and you need to go inside. But BB is an avid outdoorsman and he swore we were perfectly safe. I believed him because he is my friend, or least I think he is........ ::)

Anyway, the location we were hunting has obviously been hunted before because all we were really finding was lots of junk, pulltabs, occasional pennies and then I got lucky and hit an area with 9 wheats. The area was about 30 feet in diamter and right smack in the middle of this area I dug up a 45 Merc, in pretty decent shape.

A few swings later got the 2nd Battalion, 31st Field Artillery Pin, that dates from 1960 to present according to my searches.

A hose bib, a big piece of iron and a small decorative piece that may have gone on a belt buckle was pretty much it for the rest of the night.

Not a great hunt but not to bad either.

Thanks for looking. Oh do you think it means anything that I found a copy of my life insurance policy in BB's hunting bag??? I wonder how that got there? :icon_scratch:


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Nice digs... any day with some silver is a good day :icon_thumleft:

Tin did you read my response on his post? That is really what happened. Or is it....... :dontknow: :icon_scratch: ::)

I always think it is a good idea to carry a copy of your life insurance policy Mastereagle. I support your motto or be prepared....or is it "If it doesn't stink you can eat it". :icon_scratch:

I think the reason I hunt with you is because of your active imagination. I neither endorse nor participate in French Manicures or perms to my hair. Maybe you should explain to your fellow T-Netters your passion for detecting while wearing hair rollers and bobby pins. Most of the time you look like my grandmother. I never have understood that.

If anyone wants a true account of this hunt, check out my post titled "The Eagles Been Flying Low".

You will thank me later. :thumbsup:


Great Job Larry. Larry see if you can get Tom talked into coming over to Illinois and detecting with us sometime. I came over to hunt with you two, now it's time for you two to hunt with us. Take Care. Camb1

I would LOVE to come hunt with you, sadly I am the babysitter every weekend here. I cannot bring along the 5 year old. Young people today do not seem to want to watch kids on the weekends...... :(

But BB has NO excuse, except maybe he's lazy....... :tongue3: ::)

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