Jr. Member
Hello, it was a balmy 43 degrees here this morning so I decided to go out on my first hunt of the year with my new At Pro. Went down to a park here in town that I hit hard last year with my GTI 1500. Last year with my GTI 1500 at this park I found 1 silver Quarter a 1946 Washington, 18 silver dimes which where mercury and Roosevelt dimes and 21 wheat pennies. Boy was I pleased with the performance of the GTI 1500. Going down this morning I was sceptable about my performance for the day but boy was I surprised I dug 3 clad quarters, 8 clad dimes, 1 nickel, and 5 memorial pennies. And to my surprise a 1936 mercury dime and a 1962 Roosevelt dime. Boy was I stoked, and surprised at the depth the At Pro gets. Both dimes rang up on the VDI bouncing between 91 to 93 but with a real strong signal at 8 Inches. Learned quit a bit from the At Pro today to. I hunted in Pro mode even though the manual says to use Standard mode first but I said to my self there's only one way to get to know the Pro mode and that is to use it. Clad quarters rang in between 84 to 86 on the VDI, clad dimes rang in between 81 to 83 on the VDI and Copper Pennies Rang In between 80 to 82 on the VDI, and zincoln's rang in between 74 and 76 on the VDI which also can slaw rang up at. I dug some VDI's that rang up in the 40's and dug a chewing gum wrapper at 5 inches and the older pull tabs. The newer pull tabs and nickels rang up around 53 to 62 on the VDI. I'm sure as I go I will be able to tell the suttle differences in the sounds of nickels and pull tabs. Sorry for rambling on and Good Luck And Happy Hunting!!!