Hi all, forum newbie here with my second post. Great site, great information.
I was told of a cache in a small town nearby. A friend of mine, since passed on, told me of a friend of his that would cash his retirement and social security checks and only use a small portion of it each month. The rest of his money he placed in pvc tubes and would bury them in the backyard, he did this for many years.
I knew the location of the house, across the street from a grade school, but would never think of digging while he lived. About a year or so later a story broke in the local news about some school kids giving lots of money to friends on the school grounds. Investigations showed that the kids had seen this man burying something in the yard and dug it up along with several more containers.
Long story short, officials found a total of $10,000 in their lockers at school.
My friend said the guy got smart after that and unburied the loot and put it in the bank, he died not long after this happened.