Its nice when a detectorist can reunite a lost item with its owner.The owner tells friends and family and our image is just a little better.In your case everything is multiplyed old ring long lost the subject of a sermon at a local church.It cast metal detecting in a good light in front of a large group of people all at the same time.Lets face it threre will be many rings that locating the owner is just not possible doesnt hurt to give back the ones we can find owners.
I couldn't agree more. It's funny because I am referred to as "The guy that is always metal detecting" and now they get to put a name with my face. Makes it a little more personal, which I like. Thanks for the kind words.
You should ask your neighbor if her Church records their sermons (mine does). If so, ask her to obtain a copy of that week's sermon for you. It'd be interesting to hear how your story was portrayed to the congregation.
That's an interesting thought, seek. My wife says that she's not sure if the catholic religion does that but i am going to ask because, i agree with you and I would like to see how my story was relayed to the congregation.
Thank you for that idea.