First finds!

I love my AT Pro. It has a learning curve, but it is my first one. I figured it was a great machine to learn on and as I advance I can use more and more of the advanced features to increase my finds.
With that said, there are a lot of people who will tell you that an experienced locator who knows his machine will always find stuff. And I'm sure that there are a few guys on here that could take your detector and walk the dog on me with mine. Eventually I want an Infintum. And my goal is to make the AT pay for it.

Well I did break down and buy a Pro. This weekend was my first attempt with it and it was considerably harder for this rookie to operate. (I can hear the I told you so's from here) I was running it in pro mode because I want to understand all of its capabilities as soon as possible. In trashy areas this thing doesn't shut up. I played with the ground balance and sensitivity but still had constant chatter. Do those of you with Pro's rely more on sound or visual ID when hunting an area like this? Or both? Learning curve indeed. I did find $3 in change so it wasn't a total bust. Although the wife can't understand why I'm out digging up pocket change. Ha!

Well I did break down and buy a Pro. This weekend was my first attempt with it and it was considerably harder for this rookie to operate. (I can hear the I told you so's from here) I was running it in pro mode because I want to understand all of its capabilities as soon as possible. In trashy areas this thing doesn't shut up. I played with the ground balance and sensitivity but still had constant chatter. Do those of you with Pro's rely more on sound or visual ID when hunting an area like this? Or both? Learning curve indeed. I did find $3 in change so it wasn't a total bust. Although the wife can't understand why I'm out digging up pocket change. Ha!

I got bored with std mode, but keep going back and forth. Watch the videos from garrett on youtube too. When it hits in pro it hits hard and is unmistakable. But yeah, it chatters in trashy areas. I rely on the sound, and then check vdi for confirmation. But the more I use it and learn the more I rely on sound alone. I'm saving all the stuff I dig but didn't want for my test garden. And so far that has taught me a lot. My biggest question is a big corroded piece that hit hard and clear with a vdi of 99. And I'm still not sure what it is.

302guy said:
I got bored with std mode, but keep going back and forth. Watch the videos from garrett on youtube too. When it hits in pro it hits hard and is unmistakable. But yeah, it chatters in trashy areas. I rely on the sound, and then check vdi for confirmation. But the more I use it and learn the more I rely on sound alone. I'm saving all the stuff I dig but didn't want for my test garden. And so far that has taught me a lot. My biggest question is a big corroded piece that hit hard and clear with a vdi of 99. And I'm still not sure what it is.

Yep, I'm on top of the YouTube vids by Garrett. Also, I hunted an old home place (no longer standing) surrounded by an electric fence. The owner had goats. It didn't take long to figure out this location was going to be impossible. Severe interference.

You are unable to clean up your corroded piece enough to tell what it is made of? Good luck with that.


I'd bet it's steel or iron. It seems anything that I got that hit 99 so far was bigger pieces of that stuff. It's so sharp and crisp and high up. You're thinking "gotta be something good" right. Then you dig 12-18" and boom. Broken cast iron or even once a buried pipe that was for clean out. It rang solid 90s and had that high low high signal. Thought had to be a nice ring or bracelet. Dug and dug till I found a circular looking corroded piece of pipe end looking at me. Dug further and found the line going toward septic and house. I should've known since I used to do house design. Lol.


I'd bet it's steel or iron. It seems anything that I got that hit 99 so far was bigger pieces of that stuff. It's so sharp and crisp and high up. You're thinking "gotta be something good" right. Then you dig 12-18" and boom. Broken cast iron or even once a buried pipe that was for clean out. It rang solid 90s and had that high low high signal. Thought had to be a nice ring or bracelet. Dug and dug till I found a circular looking corroded piece of pipe end looking at me. Dug further and found the line going toward septic and house. I should've known since I used to do house design. Lol.

It's definitely not worth much...just wish I could tell what it is made of. But the area it came from has a history during the civil war, and it is definitely old. So at least it's old. I just wish it was that Silver Dollar I'm looking for. I'm gonna blast it with some sand and talc to see what it looks like. I'm still learning the sounds, but I believe in the dig it if it is there philosophy of finding stuff. A nickel could be that gold coin, that chunk of ?? could just as easily have been that silver dollar.

I'm still looking for my first piece. But I'm hoping my daughter finds one before me. That'll keep her interested, and give her that drive to keep going for more. I've done a lot of research and found a lot of of old 1800's homesites in our area to search. So once this crazy weather breaks hopefully we can find some interesting stuff.

im with ya all the way, I have an ace 250 as well that i just got and iv been thinking about upgradeing as well,however im gonna invest in different coil sizes first it will be upgradeing the ace 250 to the max!!!! i have the standard coil now but im going to get the 10x14 elliptical coil first, not only will it add about 4 to 5 inches in depth but when u upgrade to a garrett pro if thats where u are heading with your upgrade, the 10x14 will work on the garrett pro as well, might as well get top performasnce out of the 250 first cause let me tell ya u get the bigger coils for it its like a new machine,just a thought my friend good luck and good hunting

zag said:
im with ya all the way, I have an ace 250 as well that i just got and iv been thinking about upgradeing as well,however im gonna invest in different coil sizes first it will be upgradeing the ace 250 to the max!!!! i have the standard coil now but im going to get the 10x14 elliptical coil first, not only will it add about 4 to 5 inches in depth but when u upgrade to a garrett pro if thats where u are heading with your upgrade, the 10x14 will work on the garrett pro as well, might as well get top performasnce out of the 250 first cause let me tell ya u get the bigger coils for it its like a new machine,just a thought my friend good luck and good hunting

Sounds like a smart thing to do. I probably should have considered that route myself but at least now I've got an extra if a buddy wants to tag along. Good luck to you.

It's always good to have an extra. I got one along with mine as kind of a bonus package. Was thinking for kids. Plus I could experiment with it. It was a BH Pro 505. Great for coins and such. Really no learning curve for anybody who grabs it. Next I'm getting another gold hunter. Still don't know which. Depends on how much can save. I got my 65 year old mom hooked. Plus I've taken her places in the state she hasn't been yet. Surprisingly since she was an outdoor type girl.

but when u upgrade to a garrett pro if thats where u are heading with your upgrade, the 10x14 will work on the garrett pro as well...

Zag... Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the coil connectors on the Ace 250 and the AT Pro are different and the coils are not interchangable. I do believe Garrett may offer a coil of similar size, but they're not inchangable because the AT Pro's connector is waterproof.

Your doin' fine, :icon_thumleft: just keep swinging the coil, and listen to what it's telling you. I'll turn back and get my Garrett's pin pointer if I forgot it, even if it's 50 miles, otherwise it's like driving on wheels without tires. Also, look up "gleaner1" here on tnet and read every thing he says about MD'ing and the ATPro, and this:

I don't use my pinpointer that much. I'll use my carbon scoop and run it over the coil. Then when it registers that its in the scoop, I shuffle the dirt into a free hand, until I find it.
I don't have the Garrett pinpointer. I'm sure it'd help speed up the find. I however try not to base my hunting skills on another item that might not work (technical issues), that of course hoping my detector is working as well.

Have the 350 and now the AT Gold, what a big difference! love it! pulled a ring and more clad out
of my well detected yard.

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