First Field Test Hunt with the Deteknix Quest Pro

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It has happened to me in the past and didn't published anything. Same with the Quest, I didn't want to publish anything has I didn't had proper working units. Knowing guys from Deteknix since the company founding, Jason is not a native English speaker, confusion may arrive.

Now to come back to MDG case, I think many brands will think twice before sending him something. it's a shame because he has some good videos.

You are making some pretty big assumptions! If MDG were a beta tester, there would have been contracts and non-disclosure agreements. That didn't happen, so the only thing we can do is take MDG at his word (or are you calling him a liar?) that Teng sent him the detector to publicly review because he liked MDGs review of the DEUS (which was stated by Teng).

Don't try to insult my intelligence Silver Fiend. Others can go here and read your responses of Deteknix stealing T2 technology (which is not fact based). Such language.


It has happened to me in the past and didn't published anything. Same with the Quest, I didn't want to publish anything has I didn't had proper working units. Knowing guys from Deteknix since the company founding, Jason is not a native English speaker, confusion may arrive.

Now to come back to MDG case, I think many brands will think twice before sending him something. it's a shame because he has some good videos.

HaHa....This could not be further than the truth... I am actually blowing up with work because of this. However I am now lacking time to do reviews because of such.

After watching a video where his detector was being beaten on. Teng said he sent it to him "free". This is a beta test between MDG and Deteknix and should not have reached the public, IMO. When you beta test software for games (which I have done) you don't tell the public the problems. That is what beta testing is. Looking for issues before it hits the sales floor.

Teng Jason asks MDG why he hit the machine for the "review". There's the problem. MDG "REVIEWED" it rather than "BETA TESTING" it. Communications. If it was sent free, MDG should have known it was a Beta Test though. But maybe Teng Jason asked him to review it. Who knows?

An exact phrase from initial email " sampling some of our products and doing Youtube Reviews or unboxing videos for them"

I did exactly what I do and as I was requested. I received no monetary compensation. I have received lots of items to review not just in metal detecting and was never ever a beta tester. To be honest the only thing I have beta tested was Gmail back in the day and the new Ebay Seller hub. I do not care to test products as that is not my field of expertise. I am a Motion Effects Artist/Video Editor/Graphic Designer/Programmer/Marketing Director. All products I have ever received were under the same notion of unboxing/reviews and I make that clear to any company that contacts me. The proof I have in writing of the statements I make is why Deteknix has stopped threatening me. I know the laws and I know the internet is forever and I know not to make statements I can not provide proof of.

Unboxing/Reviewing and metal detecting are all just a hobby of mine. Sometimes I get work that stems from my hobby but for the most part it is just a hobby to share what I can with the Detecting world whether it be showing products or creating a video that expresses my feel for the particular hunt. The same applies to my reviews and first initial hunts with a product. Now I never said the Quest actually sucks but I expressed my frustration with a malfunctioning unit through my video and I felt like doing much more to the quest then punching it for wasting my time.

Other people seem to have a working unit, that is great and I am very happy for them, but I do not. So, if I choose to make more videos like ones I have already filmed sitting in que, those videos will be on the machine that I have in my possession. The more hate mail I get the closer I get to releasing the videos lol.

Believe me I had to ponder a lot about these videos before releasing them as I never had a product to review that acted as terrible as this quest. However try to understand my point...I spend 20 hours of my own time working on a video before I even turned it on and then I see all sorts of issues, which yesy I informed Jason of. So I took a few days off of it and conversed with some professional detectorists and multiple dealers who assured me I need to do the right thing and provide the truth as it is what I do and was requested of me, not to mention it will force Deteknix to fix the problems, which it seems it has. So I did. That is also when I went back and added in about the manual as well.

Now for all the people hating on me, that is fine I don't really care, I do not consider myself a professional detectorist but a hobbyist who likes to find things even if it's trash, but I helped this product and company by doing what I do in my field of study and that is marketing which is still working with all the negativity associated with. If you purchase this product and it is in great working condition then you can thank me. You can look around the internet and still see the hype and excitement over this product you just have to look past all the MDG American guy bashing haha.

I feel I can help rectify this product as I don't care about free gear. However it is apparent Deteknix does not realize this and to be honest I do not want to do it anymore either, if it was a paying job and I took them on as a client....I still don't think I would want to do it. There are lots of apologies that need to be said in order for that to happen.

I should not even be responding anymore because it just helps promote them every time I do as it will set more people off to prove me wrong. I am neither right nor wrong, I am both.

There is one thing I can assure you though....the internet holds a wide variety of public information on everything and I encourage everyone to do their due diligence before speculating on certain aspects of things.

"To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge." ---Socrates

Tengs response on youtube over a week ago:

Hi Mike. That's the way you testing products? We sent you free units for testing. You called me you opened the control box by yourself and something wrong. Why not telling everybody about this? It's not a fair review at all.

Again, test? Review? Two separate things. The test failed. Testers don't open boxes. Testers don't fix problems. They give results of a test.

Seeing the bigger picture, if it was me, I'd remove the video or at least define it as a failed test of a free product in the preproduction stage.

On a side note the inside of the control box is fine, minus the pinched wire which I left alone being I don't think repairing it would make any difference. The issue lies within the coil. duct tape helped. ;)

On a side note the inside of the control box is fine, minus the pinched wire which I left alone being I don't think repairing it would make any difference. The issue lies within the coil. duct tape helped. ;)

I'm not doubting anything you say or have said. I've had my share of a bad coil making my unit unusable. But if that is the case, does that give the lynching mob a right to call the Quest a piece of sh!t?

The first XPointers had battery terminal problems. Fixed. Mines served me well for two years. This is Deteknix first design of a metal detector. And rather than rallying to help a good MD accessory company to get off to a good start of an affordable good detector, there are those who would love to see it fail. I would like to think we are better than that.

I'm not doubting anything you say or have said. I've had my share of a bad coil making my unit unusable. But if that is the case, does that give the lynching mob a right to call the Quest a piece of sh!t?

The first XPointers had battery terminal problems. Fixed. Mines served me well for two years. This is Deteknix first design of a metal detector. And rather than rallying to help a good MD accessory company to get off to a good start of an affordable good detector, there are those who would love to see it fail. I would like to think we are better than that.

It is not for me to say what the lynch mob wants to say. However I do not think I started that mob. I kinda jumped in the middle, the mob was started when TNet people were left completely in the dark. Had that not happened there might be a total different outlook on this company. All I know is my machine does not work correctly and that is all I can report. The general public can decide for themselves. I guess we will see in about a year what plays out.

I'm not doubting anything you say or have said. I've had my share of a bad coil making my unit unusable. But if that is the case, does that give the lynching mob a right to call the Quest a piece of sh!t?

The first XPointers had battery terminal problems. Fixed. Mines served me well for two years. This is Deteknix first design of a metal detector. And rather than rallying to help a good MD accessory company to get off to a good start of an affordable good detector, there are those who would love to see it fail. I would like to think we are better than that.

It makes me think to my local model club when people where coming to see the first flight of new aircraft models. in their deep unconsciousness, they where waiting for a crash.

I am amazed to see the time people can spend to summarize, over comment, play with timeline and post rhetoric with the objective of destroying a new product.

Come on guys what's wrong with you, do you have shares or have you invested your pension in competitors companies?

Oh goodness gracious nobody is trying to destroy Deteknix. There are no hidden agendas. Enough with that nonsense already.

This whole "beta test" talk in nonsense. I mean what in the hell do you guys think happens when you send a Youtuber a product? That he would suddenly switch to writing books and they would have 4 months to fix it before print?

Here is the deal with Youtubers that are not getting monetary compensation...they should not be sent beta products. EVER. Youtube is a place with no mercy for "beta" products.

Send that product to your company Youtube shill you pay $$$ to so he can give it 5 stars. If not...prepare for reality.

If Deteknix sent it to him to "only show the good stuff" they should have compensated him...made him sign an agreement...or sent him a unit that actually had some good stuff to show.

Many of the most popular Youtube reviewers for cell etc...get finalized products for review a few weeks before launch. They get ZERO compensation...are 100% allowed to show the pros and cons....and get so many free products they literally cannot review them all.

Don't send a crap product to a Youtuber....internet 101....but apparently not business 101.

It makes me think to my local model club when people where coming to see the first flight of new aircraft models. in their deep unconsciousness, they where waiting for a crash.

I am amazed to see the time people can spend to summarize, over comment, play with timeline and post rhetoric with the objective of destroying a new product.

Come on guys what's wrong with you, do you have shares or have you invested your pension in competitors companies?

I myself was excited about this machine and was not wanting it to crash....It just did. Why are you recently so invested in this machine and thread? If you want to send me your working coil. I will use it and report back my honest opinion on this machine and pull my original video. But until I have a working machine, what choice do I have?

AHHH I came in late to the game. Just hope the Company does the right thing then.

If you have followed the drama since day would know that is exactly how it played out.

MDG showed the issues to Deteknix (Jason).....before the Youtube video was ever up.....
Deteknix (Jason) tells MDG he is full of crap....
MDG posts video on Youtube...even briefly taking it he felt badly about it....

It was after we (the community) told MDG that he did absolutely nothing place the video back up on Youtube...that he did so.

So if anybody is to blame it is us (the community) that told him to place it back up and keep on trucking. Hell....blame me personally, I was pretty vocal in his defense. I'll take all his threats and whatever just to give the guy a damn break.

He did not try to take a company down...he has given rave reviews of their Diamond Digger...seems to me he would trash that as well if he had it in for Deteknix as a company. Logic and all....

Don't try to insult my intelligence Silver Fiend. Others can go here and read your responses of Deteknix stealing T2 technology (which is not fact based). Such language.

Read Teng's repsonse. He ADMITS his detector is a "clone".

Lets move on already, iyiyi. It's actually starting to make me feel sick singling out individuals and poking the beehive. Lets put it behind us, let Deteknix work on improving their product and for god's sake lets let MDG get back to making excellent reviews. This isn't healthy, it's done already.

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