First babies of 2024


Gold Member
Dec 9, 2012
Concrete, WA
Detector(s) used
Nokta FoRs Gold, a Gold Cube, 2 Keene Sluices and Lord only knows how many pans....not to mention a load of other gear my wife still doesn't know about!
Primary Interest:
One of the mama 'coons showed up this afternoon with the first babies of the year. Looks like she's got three little ones. I'm planning on picking up a small kiddie pool for them to play in.

071124 (10)-2.jpg

Encourage at your own risk. Their population can get way out of control way fast.

In some environments, I have no doubt they could become an issue. Been dealing with them here for over 15 years now, and come November about 90% of 'em will move on, elsewhere, and only a couple of the females will continue to hang around til the next year.

I toss out some dry dog food as a snack, and in return they keep the bug population down, especially slugs and carpenter ants, which they eat like popcorn.

They are 100% wild, and I choose to keep it that way. There's only one of them I socialize with, and she's been around nearly 10 years now. Blind in one eye, lame in one foot, and she still has a litter of 2-3 every year. Never touched her, but she will gently take a marshmallow out of my hand.

I gotta get me a camera again or learn how to use this stupid IPhone I had to go to. I got turkeys and deer everyday here in my front yard. Many times their here all at once and run from corn pile to corn pile. 2 weeks ago we had a doe show up with a stick sticking out of her chest just above her front left leg. Couple days later she showed up and had a softball size lump sticking out of her chest. Then a couple days later the lump with 4 times that size and stuck way out of her chest and leg. Obviously badly infected. She was feeding alone and relaxed. I told my girlfriend I was going to put a bullet into the middle of that horrible abscess and let it drain. I went to get my .22 target rifle and when I came back she was walking off into the woods. She returned the next day and the abscess had popped and drained all over her chest and leg but the stick still remained embedded. But she sure the hell had to feel better..... Wish I could help her out more....?

Great picture! They sure are little cuties! We have a few of those critters in my area, but I don't see as many of them as I used to.

What camera are you using Mike?

Nikon D90. Haven't used it much in the last few years, and can see that I need to go back and review the operators manual.

I'm not sure how you'd manage that short of a tranquilizer dart. :dontknow:
Yea I know robertk.... but my original idea of putting a bullet thru it which I could do easily (without harming her) seems like it may have drained even better. Maybe it would have traumatized her some but I'd guess "better" for her. Guess we'll just stay tuned and see's what happens. No sight of her today. But have had 8 other deer and 5 turkeys eating away. Gotta get another 200 lbs of corn tomorrow morning after breakfast out.

But I wish I did have that "tranquilizer dart" though buddy....?

But I wish I did have that "tranquilizer dart" though buddy....?
Maybe a local large animal veterinarian would have one? Don't know if they'd help though.

Maybe a local large animal veterinarian would have one? Don't know if they'd help though.
Howdy robertk: I did think about that sir but it's probably like a dog chasing its tail. That huge abscess did break open but the original problem was still there. Hopefully her body just grows a hard cyst around it and it doesn't continue to abscess like it was. If it swells back up like I saw I'm gonna try hard to "open" it up. I couldn't imagine having a 3/8" stick driven into my chest and living with it...!!!!!

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