First Amendment under assault

I have already asked to please stop using characters, spaces etc to by pass censor.

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I see that you've typed here, but I can't read it because your actions obfuscate the text you wrote.

I thought you were anti bullying?

Chad,you have to apply the bass ackwards reasoning thingy here,attack,accuse then cry victim.Reverse everything you can.

Its hard to believe they can invite drag queens to give a show and hardly anybody says a thing, if it was strippers(real girls) the whole country would be up in arms and would have been considered totally unacceptable. I just don't see how its ok for these special groups of people, its like they can do no wrong. Its really a sad thing they seem to wield an awful lot of power for such a small group of people, it would be nice if everyone would go along with us metal detectorist and prospectors like they do these small groups of people. Its really sad when I go detecting at the park and get more grief over detecting and they say nothing to the pervs parked backed in across from the playground.

No one believed reports of what Hitler was up to until it was too late too......No one believed there were death camps either.....

If your waiting until you hear it on MSNBC or CNN by then it will be too late....

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Not true. We fully realized that Hitler was a threat. At the time our foreign policy was basically everybody chose the form of government that suits themself and everybody fend for themselves.

Where we got caught offguard, to an extent was with Japan. We knew they were pissed off at us, China, and Korea. We just didn't think they would do what they did.

We have to remember that the world was a much bigger place in those times. There was no global economy and there certainly were no transcontinental threats. Thus we stayed out of the war in Europe for as long as we could. It was their fight, not ours. It is because we came into the fight in Europe in the third inning so to speak, that many believe we got caught offguard by Hitler. As Hitler was building power there was absolutely nothing we could do to stop it. WE came in after it became evident if we didn't Hitler would be on our doorstep next.

To the context of the post - Posting things like my friends, relatives etc saw it or experienced it does not make it a systemic event. Not to take away from what friends or relatives may have experienced, that they experienced it is evidence of nothing more than a one time local event.

There is a big problem in this country with hot pizza. Two of my friends burned their mouths while eatting pizza. And now i just saw a story on FOX news about a woman who sued Domino's because she burned her mouth on hot pizza. We should outlaw Pizza!

Sounds ridiculous right?

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Not true. We fully realized that Hitler was a threat. At the time our foreign policy was basically everybody chose the form of government that suits themself and everybody fend for themselves.

Where we got caught offguard, to an extent was with Japan. We knew they were pissed off at us, China, and Korea. We just didn't think they would do what they did.

We have to remember that the world was a much bigger place in those times. There was no global economy and there certainly were no transcontinental threats. Thus we stayed out of the war in Europe for as long as we could. It was their fight, not ours. It is because we came into the fight in Europe in the third inning so to speak, that many believe we got caught offguard by Hitler. As Hitler was building power there was absolutely nothing we could do to stop it. WE came in after it became evident if we didn't Hitler would be on our doorstep next.

A threat to Europe yes to America no this is evident by the poor condition our Military was in.... if we had entered war a year later we would have lost.

Citizens in Germany had no clue the threat he was to them and their freedoms just like many here today...

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Grow up, dude.

If anyone should be highly offended it should be me.

How am I supposed to take his comment that he will pray extra hard for me? As if there is something wrong with me that needs to be cured or prayed away. F-that. Not now, not ever. Thanks and have a great day.

Am I anti-Christian? Most certainly not. But I am anti-bigotry, anti-intolerance, anti-homophobe, anti-racist, etc the list goes on.

JB - You need to take a good long look at intolerance. You support the most intolerant people in the world today. The Dem's/Left/Lib's attack the conservatives constantly. Every chance they get and they are nasty, mean,vile and disgusting. Just wish I could get through to you. BTW, Yes, you need a TON of prayer, and so do I!!!!!!

Austin, you may or may not be old enough to remember, but when they taught politics at my highschool, what we call liberal today was called Radical back then.

A liberal in the 60's was someone who would try things that were not the status quo. If they didn't work out, the liberal would go back to tried and true.

Radicals would follow a path regardless of the consequences. Kinda like the Manson gang. Now they want to be called liberals or progressives. So where does that leave a true liberal? The folks who used to be radicals that now want to be called liberals and progressives consider a real liberal to be a conservative.

You can call yourself whatever you wish, in my experience you tend to be too middle of the road to ever be a liberal in the modern sense of the word.

The radicals have hijacked the name and mis-applied it to everything they do.

Chad i'm having a hard time going with your explanation of what Liberals, radicals and conservatives are today because you've misidentified what they were in the sixties. You use the Manson gang as an example of a radical 60s group. Yet, manson and his group of rag tag loser hangers on, were not radicals. Mostly they were , well losers. manson held a cult like sway over them and got them to committ mostly petty crimes for him in return for sex and drugs. Well until manson decided to go bigtime and start committing Murders.

Examples of sixites radical groups are the Weather underground, The Black Panthers, Students for a Democratic Society, and Youth International Movement ( Yippies) These were truely radical groups.

That you couldn't tell the difference between a murderous gang and radicals then makes me suspect of your definitions now.

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A threat to Europe yes to America no this is evident by the poor condition our Military was in.... if we had entered war a year later we would have losy.

Citizens in Germany had no clue the threat he was to them and their freedoms just like many here today...

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

There is zero correlation between Nazi Germany and the United States today. As he built power Hitler was a threat to Germans who were members of ethnic minorities. He promoted ethnic purity. The chosen superior race adored him and agreed with his superior race philosophy. A philosophy propogated by falsehood and outright lies. Only later was fear and terror used.

And going back to the roots of his power his party was about making Germans. who were very down trodden after WW1, feel good about themselves. His group was about instilling a national pride. And again, only later was that perverted.

If you want to come close to this in today's United States name groups that support racism and racial purity. There are several. But none of our national leaders are among them.

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Chad,you have to apply the bass ackwards reasoning thingy here,attack,accuse then cry victim.Reverse everything you can.

Red there is nothing backwards about it. in context Ring's 'I'll pray for you' comment is clearly meant as an insult. A common tactic coming form some Christian groups who claim the high ground. Ben has it exactly right.

Maybe the Christians on the board should get together and have a discussion about Christian Ethics. Using the Bible to club someone - not very Christ like!

There is zero correlation between Nazi Germany and the United States today. Hitler was a theat to germans who were members of ethnic minorities. He promoted ethnic purity. The chosen superior race adored him and agreed with his superior race philosophy. A philosophy propogated by falsehood and outright lies. Only later was fear and terror used.

A philosophy propogated by falsehood and outright lies. Only later was fear and terror used.

The above statement is concerning as the way things are happening in America today. See "IRS" scandle for fear and intimidation..........

Red there is nothing backwards about it. in context Ring's 'I'll pray for you' comment is clearly meant as an insult. A common tactic coming form some Christian groups who claim the high ground. Ben has it exactly right.

Maybe the Christians on the board should get together and have a discussion about Christian Ethics. Using the Bible to club someone - not very Christ like!

You are TOTALLY wrong Native, I'll pray for you is a good thing and will only help - Now I'll pray for you too!!!:hello2:

A philosophy propogated by falsehood and outright lies. Only later was fear and terror used.

The above statement is concerning as the way things are happening in America today. See "IRS" scandle for fear and intimidation..........

The IRS scandal is blown way out of proportion. To pic that scab, groups were targeted, no doubt. But there is no conspiracy and the groups were not damaged by the IRS targeting. Though, no doubt many of those groups failed because their leadership were just not the sharpest tools in the box. But hey, why look yourself in the mirror and take responsibility for your own failure when you've got a big Govt agency that's hit the fan bigtime! blame the IRS and make it into a big conspricacy!!!!!

Xright grabbed this one and ran with it to create the very hysteria you speak of here. IRS, the agency everybody loves to hate - an easy target to blow this one from some misguided employees doing something stupid to the Executive branch trying to get rid of the competition. it's a non starter but could be the basis for a good book! Fiction!!!

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The IRS scandal is blown way out of proportion. To pic that scab, groups were targeted, no doubt. But there is no conspiracy and the groups were not damaged by the IRS targeting. Though, no doubt many of those groups failed because their leadership were just not the sharpest tools in the box. But hey, why look yourself in the mirror and take responsibility for your own failure when you've got a big Govt agency that's hit the fan bigtime! blame the IRS and make it into a big conspricacy!!!!!

Xright grabbed this one and ran with it to create the very hysteria you speak of here. IRS, the agency everybody loves to hate - an easy target to blow this one from some misguided employees doing something stupid to the Executive branch trying to get rid of the competition. it's a non starter but could be the basis for a good book! Fiction!!!

Truth/Right - "The committee has been contacted by Ms. Lerner's lawyer who stated that his client intended to invoke her Fifth Amendment right and refuse to answer questions," said oversight spokesman Ali Ahmad. Ahmad said Lerner, the head of the IRS's tax-exempt organizations division, would still be required to appear before the committee, which means she will have to plead the Fifth in person and on camera. -Wake up and smell the coffee brother!!!

Fantasy/Left - The IRS scandal is blown way out of proportion. To pic that scab, groups were targeted, no doubt. But there is no conspiracy and the groups were not damaged by the IRS targeting. Though, no doubt many of those groups failed because their leadership were just not the sharpest tools in the box

You are TOTALLY wrong Native, I'll pray for you is a good thing and will only help - Now I'll pray for you too!!!:hello2:

I want to apologize for my comments earlier starting with "please dont" and then my tirade after that. It was wrong of me to lash out like that so I am sorry. In the future I will simply ignore such a comment because I do disagree with the premise, but I realize now that speaking about such a thing is rude of me.

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