First Amendment under assault


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Jul 27, 2006
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Not sure why some do not see that there is a war already going on with in our country against the very pillars of our foundation and constitution.

First Amendment under assault


There appears to be a full on assault on the first amendment, Christians and conservatives within the military.

Todd Starnes from*FOX News reports:

Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

A soldier who attended the Oct. 17th briefing told me the counter-intelligence agent in charge of the meeting spent nearly a half hour discussing how evangelical Christians and groups like the American Family Association were “tearing the country apart.”

In my opinion the Obama administration is determined to transform the Armed Forces into a liberal/progressive institution by chasing out those opposed to their policy goals.

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1. The article you posted is already distorting the facts of the original story posted here: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat? | Fox News
2. The whole premise of the FN article is based on an anonymous source that is 100% hearsay and is not backed up by anything other than what 1 soldier told a reporter.
3. I can tell you from personal experience dealing with the Dept of the Army for 3 years that I was required to attend dozens of trainings and briefings. Many of these included lectures given by speakers who did not try to hide their "right bias" or Christian beliefs. Not once did I ever hear a lecturer say anything anti Christian or even make any political statements. Just saying, this article is just the opposite of my own personal encounters.

1. The article you posted is already distorting the facts of the original story posted here: Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat? | Fox News
2. The whole premise of the FN article is based on an anonymous source that is 100% hearsay and is not backed up by anything other than what 1 soldier told a reporter.
3. I can tell you from personal experience dealing with the Dept of the Army for 3 years that I was required to attend dozens of trainings and briefings. Many of these included lectures given by speakers who did not try to hide their "right bias" or Christian beliefs. Not once did I ever hear a lecturer say anything anti Christian or even make any political statements. Just saying, this article is just the opposite of my own personal encounters.

Then your not aware of what is going on in military ranks since 2008. I have family in now and it is happening.

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Then your not aware of what is going on in military ranks since 2008. I have family in now and it is happening.

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TH, my point is this:

Just as I had my own personal experience with the Army, this solider had a different experience. That does not necessarily equate to some sort of attack on Christian beliefs.

Likely isolated incidents. Poeple are different everywhere you go and just because 1 person had 1 experience doesnt mean that is the way it will be encountered by every single person in the Army.

TH, my point is this:

Just as I had my own personal experience with the Army, this solider had a different experience. That does not necessarily equate to some sort of attack on Christian beliefs.

Likely isolated incidents. Poeple are different everywhere you go and just because 1 person had 1 experience doesnt mean that is the way it will be encountered by every single person in the Army.

But Ben, you miss the point.

It should not be happening at ANY location in the military.

TH just told you that it is happening with family he has that is in the military.

Remember: Guns don't kill citizens, CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS kill citizens.

The Military has a full assault against Christians - They had a training session saying the American Family Assocaition was a terrorist group. The Military was called on it and have now retracted their training on this subject - come on JB you have to see this, this stuff is happening all over the country. Drag parties at bases forcing Christians to watch, removing Christains from there posts because they believe homosexuality is a sin. They are going full tilt after Christians, I know Liberals enjoy that, but you can at least admit it is happening. I will go through the trouble of posting assault after assault if you are willing to admit you are wrong.

The Military has a full assault against Christians - They had a training session saying the American Family Assocaition was a terrorist group. The Military was called on it and have now retracted their training on this subject - come on JB you have to see this, this stuff is happening all over the country. Drag parties at bases forcing Christians to watch, removing Christains from there posts because they believe homosexuality is a sin. They are going full tilt after Christians, I know Liberals enjoy that, but you can at least admit it is happening. I will go through the trouble of posting assault after assault if you are willing to admit you are wrong.

I would love to see a shred of evidence to back up any of your claims before I admit that I am "wrong". I actually provided my first hand personal experience. TH provided zero examples. The article provided examples from an anonymous source with zero credibility. As you can see, admitting I am "wrong" based on nothing aint gonna happen, folks.

No one believed reports of what Hitler was up to until it was too late too......No one believed there were death camps either.....

If your waiting until you hear it on MSNBC or CNN by then it will be too late....

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No one believed reports of what Hitler was up to until it was too late too......No one believed there were death camps either.....

If your waiting until you hear it on MSNBC or CNN by then it will be too late....

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Yep, if you do, you'll only see the aftermath ... if they let you see it.

Scratch 'Bible' off the list (

Air Force invites drag queen to perform on base
August 13, 2013

The U.S. Air Force confirmed a well-known drag queen group was invited to perform on base during "Diversity Day" because drag is a "symbol of gay pride and unity." But the performance sparked outrage among some airmen who called the drag show "totally offensive and inappropriate."
Jewels and the Brunchettes performed to a small crowd at the Los Angeles Air Force Base on Aug. 8.
The Diversity Day event also featured a speech by Brigadier General Tammy Smith and included booths representing and honoring a number of ethnic heritages as well as an LGBT booth. Smith became the first openly gay general after the repeal of "Don’t Ask, Don't Tell."
An airman, who asked not to be identified, said it was ironic that the Air Force is cracking down on Christians being able to openly share their faith but they would allow individuals to dress in drag. "We can't even have Bibles on our desks," he said. "This base is not a platform for political agendas. It is a military installation. The (Diversity Day) display was totally inappropriate and offensive."
Last week, your AFA requested a meeting with Secretary of the Air Force Eric Fanning to discuss the Air Force's recent string of anti-Christian hostilities against chaplains, officers and enlisted men who publicly share their faith.

JB - I've got a bunch of links just like these, though I know it does'nt matter to you. You have made up your mind and I am just wasting precious time trying to show you the truth. God Bless and I'll pray extra hard for you. :thumbsup:

I like Ronald Reagan's quote-

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

I like Ronald Reagan's quote-

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

True, unfortunately some think they don't have to defend them, they think they will always have them......They are the real danger....

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I like Ronald Reagan's quote-

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

Thank you diggummup for that reminder :thumbsup:

Are you anti-christian perhaps?

I think all the libs in here are just plain ole anti-american just like their Fuhrer.Maybe they think its american to be anti-american:laughing7:You know,the bass ackwards thingy of theirs.

Sticks and stones may break our bones...

Believe it or not austin,I dont regard you as a lib.Matter of fact you werent even thought of as I was typing that.Youve been jumping the gun there buddy.:laughing7:

Austin, you may or may not be old enough to remember, but when they taught politics at my highschool, what we call liberal today was called Radical back then.

A liberal in the 60's was someone who would try things that were not the status quo. If they didn't work out, the liberal would go back to tried and true.

Radicals would follow a path regardless of the consequences. Kinda like the Manson gang. Now they want to be called liberals or progressives. So where does that leave a true liberal? The folks who used to be radicals that now want to be called liberals and progressives consider a real liberal to be a conservative.

You can call yourself whatever you wish, in my experience you tend to be too middle of the road to ever be a liberal in the modern sense of the word.

The radicals have hijacked the name and mis-applied it to everything they do.

Well, that was not the most gracious statement I've seen you make.

"Thank you, but is isn't necessary" would have been gracious, even if you didn't agree.

Are you anti-christian perhaps?

Grow up, dude.

If anyone should be highly offended it should be me.

How am I supposed to take his comment that he will pray extra hard for me? As if there is something wrong with me that needs to be cured or prayed away. F-that. Not now, not ever. Thanks and have a great day.

Am I anti-Christian? Most certainly not. But I am anti-bigotry, anti-intolerance, anti-homophobe, anti-racist, etc the list goes on.

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