First 14K Ring

Carolina Tom

Gold Member
Apr 4, 2014
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
XP Deus V3.2 9" & 11" Coils, AT Pro, ProPointer AT, Lesche 55, 75 & 80LT
Primary Interest:
Went to a local high school for a little clad hunt after work. The AT Pro let out an odd mid tone. I kicked away the leaves, and you could see just a little bit of gold sticking out of the dark dirt. I was sure that it was just another piece of junk. After a little cleaning, sure enough a 14K mark inside the band. It is amethyst with white side stones. I have not had the side stones tested.

For some reason, I get way more excited about a $3.00 Mercury dime, than I do about a $100.00 or more gold ring.

Thanks for looking and happy hunting.


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Upvote 10
Nice ring.

Nice ring, I know what you mean about the silver coins. It's crazy how a silver coin can make a 10 hour day and your back so sore you can't stand up straight seem like the best day ever.

That's one beautiful ring ! Congrats

Nice ring, I know what you mean about the silver coins. It's crazy how a silver coin can make a 10 hour day and your back so sore you can't stand up straight seem like the best day ever.

I found my first two silver coins last weekend. I have been looking for one for three months. Two little dimes, and I was so excited... still am. We hunted about (10) hours to find them... that's like working for $.60/Hr. digging holes no less, but I still can't convince myself that it wasn't an AWESOME good deal.

Is it is school that is still in use

Is it is school that is still in use

The high school was built in the 1960s and still is in use. The ring could not have been on the ground very long, maybe a year. It was a recent drop.

Carolina Tom I'll send you a Silver quarter you can get excited over if you send me the ring LOL then we will both be tickled pink.

Very nice ring! Congrats!

Carolina Tom I'll send you a Silver quarter you can get excited over if you send me the ring LOL then we will both be tickled pink.

I am not very smart....I just might take you up on that.

Nice find Tom. Glad to see there are still some rings out there.

Ummm, :icon_scratch:

Yeah, you got yourself a little more than a $100 ring... :laughing7: 14k gold so likely real stones, i'm going to say over $1k - $1500 minimum (Retail)

Keep @ It and HH !! :hello2:

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