Finished Fan's Roman Site - Roman Silver & GOLD HAMMERED!


Emerald Member
May 25, 2007
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XP Deus II v0.6 with 11" Coil
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All Treasure Hunting
First picture with the 6 buttons & 6 scrappies was Cru'Dad's hunt from yesterday confirming a new Roman Site on a new farm. Only a small deal, not a great site but will need further investigation.

Now onto today, what can I say.:wav:

Started the morning with my first run, first dig being a stunning Roman Silver, first from Fan's Site. Thought that was our kiss of death. But I got 2 more debased ones as well.
For completeness we gridded the very edge in an area where no Roman Coins come out & Cru'Dad makes his funny noises that I can only take to be a Gold Coin. Running back, as I'm always in the lead, I'm shouting 'Celtic Gold'....'No' he says. Well I'm thinking not a Roman Gold (never had one) so shout that out....'No'....I can't guess anymore because Hammered Gold is so far from my mind in this area (we get next to no Medieval) I just gave up.:notworthy: So he now evens the score with 2 Gold Hammereds each.

16 Scrappies
Nice Roman Fibula (1st C AD)
Part of a Roman Bracelet
Late Medieval Leather Mount
Mystery Roman Hollow thing
3 Roman Silver - Sep Sev, Gallienus, & Vespasian AD68-69 8-)
Gold Quarter Noble 1413-22 of Henry V.:headbang:


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Upvote 54
I absolutely love this stuff. What is prettier than OLD gold? Nothing! Just curious, how much stuff of this quality/rarity shows up from other guys on the U.K. forums? I don't know that many of us go on those forums so we wouldn't have any idea. Is it as rare as we think it to be? If it is, and I think I speak for many of us, to what do you owe your success? I know there is some skill involved, but a good signal is a good signal and not every coin in a field is 12" deep. Is it all research or do you and your dad have pretty exclusive access to some of the best sites? That doesn't make sense to me either, because over 2,000 years there were several occupations in different areas so it couldn't be concentrated in one region. So....why does it seem you do 5x better than anyone else? Or is it that there aren't many U.K. guys on here so we don't see the other finds like this?

I absolutely love this stuff. What is prettier than OLD gold? Nothing! Just curious, how much stuff of this quality/rarity shows up from other guys on the U.K. forums? I don't know that many of us go on those forums so we wouldn't have any idea. Is it as rare as we think it to be? If it is, and I think I speak for many of us, to what do you owe your success? I know there is some skill involved, but a good signal is a good signal and not every coin in a field is 12" deep. Is it all research or do you and your dad have pretty exclusive access to some of the best sites? That doesn't make sense to me either, because over 2,000 years there were several occupations in different areas so it couldn't be concentrated in one region. So....why does it seem you do 5x better than anyone else? Or is it that there aren't many U.K. guys on here so we don't see the other finds like this?

I'll let Cru answer your question, but I'm under the impression that hammered gold is extremely rare to dig. When you have a pile Celtic gold coins and yet only very few hammered gold- I'd say it's rare!

That's it. I'm going to buy some land in England, lol
Congrats to the "Cru crew" on an outstanding job

I am still rubbing my eyes [emoji3]. Great find. Congrats to all your team Cru.

I absolutely love this stuff. What is prettier than OLD gold? Nothing! Just curious, how much stuff of this quality/rarity shows up from other guys on the U.K. forums? I don't know that many of us go on those forums so we wouldn't have any idea. Is it as rare as we think it to be? If it is, and I think I speak for many of us, to what do you owe your success? I know there is some skill involved, but a good signal is a good signal and not every coin in a field is 12" deep. Is it all research or do you and your dad have pretty exclusive access to some of the best sites? That doesn't make sense to me either, because over 2,000 years there were several occupations in different areas so it couldn't be concentrated in one region. So....why does it seem you do 5x better than anyone else? Or is it that there aren't many U.K. guys on here so we don't see the other finds like this?

Firstly as a 'class' of Gold coins Hammered Gold can only be beat with a Roman Gold or a Saxon Gold. Both are in my Top Five Wish List. Most UK Detectorist will never find one, those that get them its a once in a life-time event. (We are on 2 each, make your own judgement)
To answer your next bit about is this the norm on other UK Forums - Don't know, I'm not a member, but if there are loads of members, probability will show that someone will do it pretty regular. The hard bit is it has to be consistently you.
To be consistent, here are the keys to success;
Honesty & following the Law.
With honesty comes more land - We are growing our 30,000+ acres every year. Much more than most big Clubs.
Over 80% of the 30,000 acres are useless, so yes research is the key. We have multiple tools. We call it TARGETTED research.
TIME - Must put in the hours in the right places at the right time in the cropping cycles - takes masses of planning; average of 100 days a year - 500 hours each year (1000 man hours detecting)
PLANNING - Cru'dad keeps data of over 700 fields & there crop rotation, what crops in, when its being harvested, whats the next crop, are they direct drilling or doing a deep plough after the rape... etc
A system - GRIDDING it all & more importantly digging it all. You mention good signals but you don't get good signals under Iron. Lost count of how many great items I have dug with iron.
With digging it all come SPEED.(very important to my success) You must be able to BEEP/DIG/PUT IN POUCH in 30 seconds or less.
Networking with academics - Book writers, Archaeologists, Collectors etc...
Data collection, recording & analysing - A rare commodity in this hobby. Cru'dad clocks up 1000 hours a years mapping & researching our GPSed data. We have the largest privately own database of UK finds in Britain. Those that don't do it will never know the benefit.
A good team plays to its strengths. Cru'dad; Roman Coin IDing, data collection/analysing, & GPSing, me; IDing everything else whilst in the field plus 'a jack' of everything else. Land-Mag; Researching, networking, pottery, field walking. We draw in other players from outside the team, specialist in their subjects.
Sharing valuable information with the right people & Museums builds credibility.

I might have forgot a few things, but hopefully you get the picture?

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Well said it doesn't matter where a detectorist is located time and effort over time will help you make the good finds.

Like Edison once said genius is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration...:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Regards + HH



Well said it doesn't matter where a detectorist is located time and effort over time will help you make the good finds.

Like Edison once said genius is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration...:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Regards + HH


Well sort of, there is massive variations with the volume of recorded items dependant on location. Norfolk accounts for 70% of all finds in Britain, so imagine if we lived there & took our operating model with us? We would make this look small fry.

Don't bother pressing the button, it was a non-members find, so doesn't count - cheers.

Ahh, read that and missed it. Still, give him our Congrats!

Absolutely incredible Cru!!! A gold hammered has always been at the very top of my most-wanted list, but the chances of finding one of those babies over here are less than zilch. Another outstanding banner find!

Fantastic hunt! I always enjoy viewing your old coin recoveries! :notworthy:

Those are amazing recoveries!!!! Gold hammered is beautiful, and those Roman coins are amazing. I'll be detecting in the U.K. For a week starting Oct15, hope I find some cool stuff. Congrats and HH

Those are amazing recoveries!!!! Gold hammered is beautiful, and those Roman coins are amazing. I'll be detecting in the U.K. For a week starting Oct15, hope I find some cool stuff. Congrats and HH

If you have the right Guide your find some good stuff.

Awesome Coin Recovery.
Being gold it should be easy (most malleable of all metals) to straighten out, not that that matters much, but it would look a "little" better.

Wow big congrats

Something your used to though. Your gonna have a museum yourself lol when it's all said and done

HH Jer

Awesome Coin Recovery.
Being gold it should be easy (most malleable of all metals) to straighten out, not that that matters much, but it would look a "little" better.

Very easy to straighten, its close to 23ct. I found a much larger Qrter Noble & straighten that myself, but this small one I will save for an expert to do in the future. No hurry it will be save in its velvet lined coin tray.:thumbsup:

Oh my! That's stellar!! Wow, how much does it cost to have one professionally straightened?

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