Patriot Relics
Silver Member
Hey guys,
While this hobby certainly has its highs and lows, perseverance always seems to pay off. A little over a year ago I got my first Safari and like most my initial finds began modest (lots of iron nails and aluminum pull tabs). Then after months swinging the machine something amazing happened- I found my first British pewter buttons from the Revolutionary War. Matching 3rd and 19th Regiment of Foot pewter buttons. My research proved that the British had landed at the site and with Gheenoe's recent discovery of a 23rd Regiment of Foot button, we can confirm occupation by the 3rd, 19th, and 23rd...tasked with capturing Francis Marion, the famed "Swamp Fox". While the British were unsuccessful in Marion's capture, the British ambush did result in the capture of 67 Continentals.
From this point forward I was hooked on detecting and the history of the Revolutionary War. Tons of research later, multiple remote explorations with Gheenoe78, and a new CTX 3030 proved to make the difference today. My find of a lifetime- an ultra-rare SOUTH CAROLINA DRAGOONS pewter coat button! Given that the site was exclusively occupied by the British, it is possible that this button may have belonged to a continental POW! I also managed an unknown pewter cuff that I suspect to be British. Props to Vino for some excellent programming advice and Gheenoe78 for the ID. I will certainly remember this day for a long while!

Thanks for looking
UPDATE: Given the provenance of the site as a British staging camp, Troiani's updated classification as a loyalist button, and Robert Silverstein's research on the SC light mounted cavalry, it appears the button MAY in fact be attributed to the SC Loyalists. In the interest of full disclosure, significant mystery still surrounds this particular pewter, and ones like it, however I have yet to see another example with a flag aft of the rider. Still my favorite and most rare find to date! Here's a link to learn more from Silverstein's research For Don Troiani's take, reference the "Loyalist" section in his book Insignia of Independence.
While this hobby certainly has its highs and lows, perseverance always seems to pay off. A little over a year ago I got my first Safari and like most my initial finds began modest (lots of iron nails and aluminum pull tabs). Then after months swinging the machine something amazing happened- I found my first British pewter buttons from the Revolutionary War. Matching 3rd and 19th Regiment of Foot pewter buttons. My research proved that the British had landed at the site and with Gheenoe's recent discovery of a 23rd Regiment of Foot button, we can confirm occupation by the 3rd, 19th, and 23rd...tasked with capturing Francis Marion, the famed "Swamp Fox". While the British were unsuccessful in Marion's capture, the British ambush did result in the capture of 67 Continentals.

From this point forward I was hooked on detecting and the history of the Revolutionary War. Tons of research later, multiple remote explorations with Gheenoe78, and a new CTX 3030 proved to make the difference today. My find of a lifetime- an ultra-rare SOUTH CAROLINA DRAGOONS pewter coat button! Given that the site was exclusively occupied by the British, it is possible that this button may have belonged to a continental POW! I also managed an unknown pewter cuff that I suspect to be British. Props to Vino for some excellent programming advice and Gheenoe78 for the ID. I will certainly remember this day for a long while!

Thanks for looking
UPDATE: Given the provenance of the site as a British staging camp, Troiani's updated classification as a loyalist button, and Robert Silverstein's research on the SC light mounted cavalry, it appears the button MAY in fact be attributed to the SC Loyalists. In the interest of full disclosure, significant mystery still surrounds this particular pewter, and ones like it, however I have yet to see another example with a flag aft of the rider. Still my favorite and most rare find to date! Here's a link to learn more from Silverstein's research For Don Troiani's take, reference the "Loyalist" section in his book Insignia of Independence.
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