Finally closure on one of my strangest finds


Bronze Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Golden Thread
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
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duh...duh... DFX
Some of you might remember a strange bronze delta-shaped pendant I dug up about 4 years ago. It was last discussed in this thread:,245169.0.html

I wasn't planning on updating this, but Bob (Mirage) my hunting buddy, convinced me that some of you might be interested in what happened since I posted that thread when the pendant was featured in a magazine article.
I don't feel comfortable revealing too many details (based upon some of the expected "it CAN'T be of Minoan origin if you found it in Ohio" responses I got here) but to make a long story short, the pendant has recently been the subject of a 5 page thesis by a well-known Dutch researcher in ancient petroglyphs.
The Dutch reasearcher was able to date the item to 1690 BC.

Let's just say that I no longer own the pendant but I do have $1000.00 :icon_thumright:

Remember, an item, no matter how rare, is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I am satisfied that the pendant will be in the hands of someone that appreciates it, and I will make good use of the extra funds.

As you were.

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I have received notification that the pc. has been authenticated and will be on display in a museum. How it was authenticated I can only guess was some sort of material/age testing. As the pendant no longer belongs to me, I'm cool with whatever they do to it!

Now they want me to write something up for the museum display concerning finding it!

At 3600 yrs old it sure beats my next-oldest three thousand and a few years lol :laughing9:

Do you have any threads to the writing that others have found concerning the Minoans in Europe? Can you remember if the writings ever discussed and other inhabitants that they ran into on their excursians?
Very interesting.
BTW, to the person who mentioned ".....the Christopher Columbus crap.......". Wasn't crap. Just the best info that was to be had at that time. Now, it has been built on, superceded, whatever words you might want to say. Just read this last week in an archeological magazine that the notion of the pyramids being built completely by slave labor is not true. Recently records have been found that state plainly that at least some of the workers were paid, and even had places in the tombs where they were buried. Many of the world's most famous, noted archeologists have thought that hundreds of thousands of slaves were used to construct the documentation showing that to be false have been found. The other wasn't "crap," but was just the best info/idea that was to be had at a previous time.

hikeinmts said:
Do you have any threads to the writing that others have found concerning the Minoans in Europe?

check out this link:

That is the magazine that first interviewed me for the article about the pendant. It was that article that the Dutch researcher read and then contacted the Editor to find out how to contact me.

They have a lot of this type of "paradigm-shift" thinking concerning N. America's history.

Funny how something like this obeject would never be considered for the banner here. I guess it has to be an object that is from a "known" source.

I just found your thread and I do remember it well ; I had a feeling that it would predate the fiction that is spooned fed to us

by various Historians with hidden agendas. Our best time line to date is that European man arrived about 17,500 years ago

following the ice bridge that was across the Atlantic from what is know Newfoundland to the prehistoric coast of France; who

says that others have not made that journey as well. :read2:

Hardy said:
I just found your thread and I do remember it well ; I had a feeling that it would predate the fiction that is spooned fed to us

by various Historians with hidden agendas. Our best time line to date is that European man arrived about 17,500 years ago

following the ice bridge that was across the Atlantic from what is know Newfoundland to the prehistoric coast of France; who

says that others have not made that journey as well. :read2:

No ice bridge needed here.....just a fleet of large ships!

So now that this find has been authenticated.. and will be displayed in a museum.. Has it made banner yet? If not, i vote BANNER!

the fact that real "forbidden" history was found out and set straight --is far more important than the mere money --but getting $1000.00 dollars for a find never hurts -- the item being of such historical importance was gotten "dirt cheap" of course but in the name of furthering science it was "handed over" for study ---- all I can say is :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: way to go .

as I have said before --theres lots of "history" not in our modern day history books.

history is a constantly changing book----congrats Dan.
always enjoyed reading Your posts!

I do not want to comment on the authenticity of the object, it is very difficult to know just authenticity looking at a photograph :dontknow: ,I am not a professional archaeologist or Minoan culture expert, just metal detector, nothing more ... but is very pretty and reminds me of the murals Gnosos Palace in Crete (island of Greece) ::) but ......

1 This object could have been a 19th century archaeologist from Greece to North America and lost on the floor.

2 Roman coins have been found in the U.S. that were part of old collections which were lost in the 19th and 20th century and nobody claims that the Romans trod USA

3 º The prehistoric inhabitants of America could have visited Europe and brought the Minoan Pendant to America, this demonstrated that the Chimu (Peru) and Bahia (Ecuador) knew the boats capable of crossing the Atlantic.

4 Can not do a doctoral thesis based on a single object found without accompanying ceramic or other archaeological remains found in the same level of sediments.

5 Why insist that we show not American Indians themselves who developed their civilizations?

Adena, 1000 BC to 200 BC, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, and parts of
Hopewell, 200 BC - 500 AD, Southeastern Canada and eastern United States
Mississipians, 800 AD - 1500 AD, Midwestern, Eastern, Southeastern and United.

You have some interesting ancient cultures n, which improved in 1492 after mixing with people all over the world ...... Spanish, English, French, Chinese, African ... etc
Congratulations on the find .... is very interesting and makes me think! :headbang:

People have always had 2 feet and nothing but time to use them anything is possible .Great find :icon_thumleft: Dd60

Very cool find Dan.Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:

Just wanted to update this old thread.
I bought a motorcycle with the $$ made from selling this pendant a long while back
Just recently sold that motorcycle.....get this...with 237,000 miles on it!

Am currently cashing in all my stuff, and am leaving June 2018 for a 18 month motorcycle trip from Ohio to Argentina and back.

Good luck on your ride! Keep the rubber side down brother!

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